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Cashner Wants to Stay in Baltimore


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46 minutes ago, MurphDogg said:


Just like with Adam Jones last season, exercising his contractual rights ........ sometimes fans forget that baseball players are people too, and not just cogs in a machine.




The sentiment of wanting to remain with the Orioles while they are a bad team is also reminiscent of Melvin Mora's situation in the latter portion of his tenure with the team ........ Mora, for his own reasons, truly liked playing for the Orioles ........ no matter how bad the team was. The Orioles' front office never even bothered to try to trade him when his value was high because he had a no-trade clause, and they KNEW that he would have exorcised that clause if they tried to. From everything that I can remember, Mora made it known that he would have done so, even if the trade proposal was to a 1st-place team. Indeed, just the fact that he insisted that a no-trade clause be inserted into his contract in the first place while playing for a team that was so bad during his tenure with them would tend to attest to that.


Mora had his reasons for wanting to stay with the Orioles, Adam Jones had his, and now Cashner has his. 

Any player that insists on staying an Oriole ........ for whatever reason(s) ........  is fine with me.



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12 minutes ago, OFFNY said:



The sentiment of wanting to remain with the Orioles while they are a bad team is also reminiscent of Melvin Mora's situation in the latter portion of his tenure with the team ........ Mora, for his own reasons, truly liked playing for the Orioles ........ no matter how bad the team was. The Orioles' front office never even bothered to try to trade him when his value was high because he had a no-trade clause, and they KNEW that he would have exorcised that clause if they tried to. From everything that I can remember, Mora made it known that he would have done so, even if the trade proposal was to a 1st-place team. Indeed, just the fact that he insisted that a no-trade clause be inserted into his contract in the first place while playing for a team that was so bad during his tenure with them would tend to attest to that.


Mora had his reasons for wanting to stay with the Orioles, Adam Jones had his, and now Cashner has his. 

Any player that insists on staying an Oriole ........ for whatever reason(s) ........  is fine with me.



Melvin Mora was one of the few bright spots on many of the years he played with the club. I am glad he didn't want to be traded. 

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6 minutes ago, interloper said:

This is nice to hear from him, but... dude, go win a ring. You don't have many more shots. In fact, it's in all likelihood your last shot. 

Not too many players are motivated by World Series ring or nothing mentality that some show on here. 

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7 minutes ago, OFFNY said:



The sentiment of wanting to remain with the Orioles while they are a bad team is also reminiscent of Melvin Mora's situation in the latter portion of his tenure with the team ........ Mora, for his own reasons, truly liked playing for the Orioles ........ no matter how bad the team was. The Orioles' front office never even bothered to try to trade him when his value was high because he had a no-trade clause, and they KNEW that he would have exorcised that clause if they tried to. From everything that I can remember, Mora made it known that he would have done so, even if the trade proposal was to a 1st-place team. Indeed, just the fact that he insisted that a no-trade clause be inserted into his contract in the first place while playing for a team that was so bad during his tenure with them would tend to attest to that.


Mora had his reasons for wanting to stay with the Orioles, Adam Jones had his, and now Cashner has his. 

Any player that insists on staying an Oriole ........ for whatever reason(s) ........  is fine with me.



Mora was raising him family in Harford County and still lives there.I know Cashner likes Brocali when he was also with the Rangers.I guess Brocali will be back next year but no guarantee. 

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6 minutes ago, atomic said:

Not too many players are motivated by World Series ring or nothing mentality that some show on here. 

That's totally fair. I get it. When you enjoy your workplace, sometimes you just want to stay. 

I just worry that some of these players, being the competitive athletes they are, think they have more time left in the game than they really do. The end comes at you fast, and what regrets would you have when it's all over? 

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1 minute ago, interloper said:

That's totally fair. I get it. When you enjoy your workplace, sometimes you just want to stay. 

I just worry that some of these players, being the competitive athletes they are, think they have more time left in the game than they really do. The end comes at you fast, and what regrets would you have when it's all over? 

They can do the Scrooge McDuck into all their millions.

Unless you're a guy who can walk away like Mussina...cause after all, money isn't everything.

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1 minute ago, interloper said:

That's totally fair. I get it. When you enjoy your workplace, sometimes you just want to stay. 

I just worry that some of these players, being the competitive athletes they are, think they have more time left in the game than they really do. The end comes at you fast, and what regrets would you have when it's all over? 

Players almost always think they have more left in the tank even when it's clear they are close to done professionally.

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4 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

They can do the Scrooge McDuck into all their millions.

Unless you're a guy who can walk away like Mussina...cause after all, money isn't everything.

I guess I'm just surprised that legacy doesn't mean more to these guys. And that's commendable! As a fan, though, I want Jones to get that ring because he deserves it. Etc.

Anyway, good for Cashner. And it's good that we seem to have a nice workplace here. 

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3 minutes ago, interloper said:

I guess I'm just surprised that legacy doesn't mean more to these guys. And that's commendable! As a fan, though, I want Jones to get that ring because he deserves it. Etc.

Anyway, good for Cashner. And it's good that we seem to have a nice workplace here. 

Legacy might mean more to someone who's an all time great and has a chance to be Cooperstown bound.  I think for a guy like Jones, he quickly realized that the market for him this past summer wasn't going to be as good as he thought it was going to be and decided playing a season or two more was more important than chasing a ring.

Can't always get what you want.

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43 minutes ago, Ohfan67 said:

People who sign incredibly lucrative contracts and get treated like royalty. This is not Adam Jones abiding by his contract. This is a player saying he may break his contract. 

Isn't he saying that if he was traded away from a situation he likes into a situation he doesn't he would at least consider retiring and forgoing the payment associated with the rest of his contract?  It's not ideal for the team, obviously trades are a possibility when you sign a MLB contract.  But it's not like he's planning on not performing and still getting paid.

I think we should remember this thread the next time we talk about players needing to have a little loyalty.  Remember how Manny should have taken a team-friendly deal?  Or how Mussina is still a traitor for not taking $10M less to sign with the O's?  Here we have a guy who's thinking about retiring and giving up as much as a quarter of his career earnings than leave the Orioles.  Maybe a little nuts, but you have to have some kind of grudging admiration for anyone who wants to be here, now.

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19 minutes ago, atomic said:

Not too many players are motivated by World Series ring or nothing mentality that some show on here. 

I think they realize that it's a 1-in-30 shot in any year, and a lot of them would rather stay in a sitution they like and a home they've established rather than dragging themselves and their family all over the continent in pursuit of something that probably won't happen anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

Legacy might mean more to someone who's an all time great and has a chance to be Cooperstown bound. 

Legacy means different things to different folks.  It means different things for fans and players.  Fans often say that a guy should retire before he messes up his legacy.  The players often just want to keep playing as long as they can.  It's the only job most of them have ever had, and to many of them being on the field is the best feeling in the world.  Running out to the outfield another season is far more important than worrying about a below-average year or two supposedly ruining what people you'll never meet think of you.

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Just now, DrungoHazewood said:

Legacy means different things to different folks.  It means different things for fans and players.  Fans often say that a guy should retire before he messes up his legacy.  The players often just want to keep playing as long as they can.  It's the only job most of them have ever had, and to many of them being on the field is the best feeling in the world.  Running out to the outfield another season is far more important than worrying about a below-average year or two supposedly ruining what people you'll never meet think of you.

Yep.  For Jones, a lot of his legacy is the community work he did in Baltimore.

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