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No Lou tonight, Payton in CF.

Big Mac

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I wouldn't play GM bringing guys up to the big league level because I saw what their stat sheet said and because they were young. If Montanez knocked on everyone's door who is apart of the Hangout unless he was in uniform how many people would even know who he is?

If the Orioles play him everyday or they use him as a 4th outfielder both are fine with me. They know him, I don't. They judge him on a daily basis. Every year around here people overreact to what happens in August and September. Last year because Knott, House and Penn weren't here the place was in an uproar. All three this year are at AAA. Tonight is one game that's all. If Montanez is viewed in high esteem by the team then play him everyday, if he isn't then use him as a 4th outfielder which would be his role at the big league level anyway.

And no 50 games isn't going to change him at all. He is who he is.

Care too explain this a little more clearly. Are you saying that just because you have never heard of him, you wouldn't give him a chance and totally ignore the numbers he has put up this year.

You never know what can happen, and if ends up being the 4th OF than that would be awesome.

He is who he is? Do you predict the future or something?

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Ummm, in this post genius...You know, the same post I called you out on to begin with?(wow, did that REALLY go over your head that quickly?) I never specifically mentioned the Payton move at all.

Right now, he really is our only CFer because of poor decisions by AM.[/QUOTE]

:bs::bs: I am calling a double. Unless you have evidence that McPhail had by his decisions somehow caused Jone's injury. This is crazy talk. McPhail has us positioned with one of the best young CFer's in the game. What in the year he has been here not only was he suppose to get Jones but another backup that is top notch. Come on get real.

As to what I would do if Montenez is not a capable CFer, I would move Nick over I would think he would be atleast as good as Payton.

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Do you have a picture of me on your ceiling because you have a crazy obsession with me. Either that, or you are just a troll...Not sure which it is.

You are the only person that has ever made the claim that people are obsessed with you and/or "trolling your posts." When you're the only one making that claim, it's wishful thinking.

Doesn't it strike you as just a TAD bit off that you're hoping that men that are strangers are obsessed with you? :scratchchinhmm:

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Stop making sense with your valid points.

Payton over Montanez on August 5, 2008 is a crime, a mockery, a disgrace...and it's got SG in a tizzy.

Ah, but what if Montanex replaces Markakis in his first game? More people than SG would lose it. And remember Markakiis hasn't been rested since forever--defined as I can't remember when.

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Do you have a picture of me on your ceiling because you have a crazy obsession with me. Either that, or you are just a troll...Not sure which it is.

No obsession here. You just pop up in all the threads that interest me and more times than not you are mixing your GM skills with insults at other posters. I am just making conversation.... honest! I didn't realize that you were so sensitive - sorry! ;)

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Ummm, in this post genius...You know, the same post I called you out on to begin with?(wow, did that REALLY go over your head that quickly?) I never specifically mentioned the Payton move at all.

Right now, he really is our only CFer because of poor decisions by AM.[/QUOTE]

:bs::bs: I am calling a double. Unless you have evidence that McPhail had by his decisions somehow caused Jone's injury. This is crazy talk. McPhail has us positioned with one of the best young CFer's in the game. What in the year he has been here not only was he suppose to get Jones but another backup that is top notch. Come on get real.

As to what I would do if Montenez is not a capable CFer, I would move Nick over I would think he would be atleast as good as Payton.

Nick would be ten times better than Payton.

He has some range but he has a terrible arm.

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Guest Sailor Jerry

All this handwringing about a guy who is 26 and never hit for crap above AA? Montanez is a fallback option, insurance if you would, for the next two weeks. He's not a part of the future. Not even a little bit.

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All this handwringing about a guy who is 26 and never hit for crap above AA? Montanez is a fallback option, insurance if you would, for the next two weeks. He's not a part of the future. Not even a little bit.

But the whole point is that you never know.

Montanez has a better chance to help this team over the next few years than Payton does. It's not hard to figure out.

Even if it's as a 4th outfielder role.

No one's saying he's the next Roberto Clemente or something.

And maybe he's a late bloomer...you never know.

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Sure. I agree with you. A.

Now if we can just find a place to dump Payton, Hernandez, Millar, and Mora. Oh. It's not that easy? You mean we can't just send all these guys to the bench and start the young guys because you'll have a friggin mutiny on your hands in the clubhouse? Darn.

LOL...More nonsense.

First of all, i have very little doubt they could trade Hernandez and Payton..if they are willing to eat money.

Secondly, those guys can just go to the bench. You do know about the bench, don't you?

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Care too explain this a little more clearly. Are you saying that just because you have never heard of him, you wouldn't give him a chance and totally ignore the numbers he has put up this year.

You never know what can happen, and if ends up being the 4th OF than that would be awesome.

He is who he is? Do you predict the future or something?

The Orioles know him that's my point. When are people going to start trusting the organization. I have nothing against the guy. What players have we not brought up in recent years that have amounted to a hill of beans. Every player they have been hesistant about has come to fruition. Liz, Olson, Hoey etc.

I certainly can't predict the future. Calling up a player because he is 26 years old doesn't accomplish anything if he can't play. Double A isn't the big leagues. What matters is who is here Opening Day 2009.

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Ummm, in this post genius...You know, the same post I called you out on to begin with?(wow, did that REALLY go over your head that quickly?) I never specifically mentioned the Payton move at all.

Right now, he really is our only CFer because of poor decisions by AM.[/QUOTE]

:bs::bs: I am calling a double. Unless you have evidence that McPhail had by his decisions somehow caused Jone's injury. This is crazy talk. McPhail has us positioned with one of the best young CFer's in the game. What in the year he has been here not only was he suppose to get Jones but another backup that is top notch. Come on get real.

As to what I would do if Montenez is not a capable CFer, I would move Nick over I would think he would be atleast as good as Payton.

Reimold in CF is what I have said...I also agree about Nick in CF.

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Group A:

Reimold in CF

Wieters C

Montanez in LF

Scott at DH

Penn or Bergesen starting

Huff at first or third

Millar or Mora off the bench(wherever you choose to put Huff)


Group B:

Payton in CF

Scott in LF

Waters starting

Hernandez C

Huff DH

Millar 1st

Mora 3rd

Which group would you rather see and which group has a better chance at helping us long term?

Anyone else care to answer this? I mean, you are all crying and whining that I want to see guys for the future and asked who am I talking about...Well, here is your answer.

So, who would you rather see tonight(and for the rest of the season)...Group A or Group B?

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Guest Sailor Jerry

Reimold's athleticism isn't going to be enough to overcome the fact that his baseball instincts are bad. Do you really want to see doubles dropping in because he got a bad break or read the ball off the bat wrong? Reimold is in the minor leagues for a reason. You don't go to to the big leagues to learn how to play the game.

There's a difference between going there to take your lumps and get better, and learning how to even play the game. That's why Reimold is back in AA.

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Anyone else care to answer this? I mean, you are all crying and whining that I want to see guys for the future and asked who am I talking about...Well, here is your answer.

So, who would you rather see tonight(and for the rest of the season)...Group A or Group B?

Have you ever seen Reimold play centerfield? Me neither... think he could handle it?

I'd rather see group A just to see some fresh faces if for no other reason... but while they would be more fun to watch offensively, I would expect pretty abysmal defense.

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So, where was this thinking a while ago, then? I'm with you on Hernandez and Payton, since I think we universally agree on that...

But seriously? You want Millar, Huff, Scott, Roberts, and Mora gone?

It's just kinda convenient that these arguments come up when the team's struggling. Or when Jay Payton's forced to start due to injury.

Just because I haven't posted my frustrations on the orioles hangout doesn't mean that I didn't think that there were upgrades that should be made with the roster. I don't see how there's any argument that we cannot improve a few spots on our roster by moving Huff to 1st/3rd and moving Millar or Mora to the bench. Additionally this would allow moving Scott to DH and Montanez or Reimold the opportunity to play everyday. This couldve been done before we were struggling and before Payton was forced to start due to injury - not just simply for convenience.

And there is no reason that Waters should be here starting in place of Penn or Bergesen. I could be wrong, but I think it's safe to say that Waters is probably just a short-term stop gap until they bring up those two later in the year so why not just get them up here now?

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