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Baltimore and Maryland Sports Fandom

Greg Pappas

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Huge Baltimore Colts and Baltimore Ravens fan, and season ticket holder for the latter for the 24th year in a row (split a plan with others so I go to 3-5 games per year).

I will root for Maryland Terps in any sport as long as they are not playing VIrginia Tech.   I follow their basketball team fairly closely, watch most of their games and like to see them win.   (But I don't refer to them as "we" like a certain other Hokie alumni poster /traitor on this message board).    Really loved them when I was a kid (Buck WIlliams / Albert King era).   Football I'll root for them if I am watching the game but I can't name more than 4 or 5 guys on their team (and they have two transfers from VT) so I can't claim true fandom.

I got into the Blast in the great heyday of the mid 80s (Cooper as coach, Stamenkovic, Stankovic, etc), but haven't watched or attended a game in more than a decade.   I haven't been able to generate any interest for the Brigade.   As much of a football fan as I am, the Arena game just doesn't hold my interest.

Went to some Skippers/Clipjack games as a kid, if we got a hockey team I'd probabaly follow it and go to a few games.

The one team that plays in the state of Maryland that I can't abide at all and actively dislike is the Landover Redskins.

I enjoyed the hell out of UMBC, which is about 3.5 miles from my house, beating UVa in the NCAA tournament.

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8 hours ago, Going Underground said:

Orioles,Ravens,New York Giants,Caps, Michigan.

Go Blue! I want to believe all the good chatter I’m seeing about Patterson in camp but it makes me think of “baseballs coming out of hands well” in spring training. I think this is the year to get the Big Ten again finally.

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O's and Ravens here. 

I was a Vikings fan for years since they were my team before the Ravens came into town. I always rooted for the Ravens, but took until the post-Favre era before I officially switched.

I've occasionally rooted for the Wizards/Bullets, but they've never been my favorite. I tried getting into both Terps b-ball and Caps, but I'm just not into college sports or hockey. Nothing against them, they just never stuck for me.

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O's and Redskins.  

To me, most Ravens fans are just butthurt ex Redskins fans that hate Snyder.  Which is funny, cause they root for a team owned by Angelos.  Some are diehard old Colts fans, that's understandable.  That said, I like the Ravens and root for them if I come across them on TV.  Root for them when they make the playoffs.  M&T is a fantastic stadium, I've thoroughly enjoyed it every time I've been.  

Terps football fans have always been funny.  I don't know of a single fanbase around here that tries so hard to think their team is relevant.  Even Skins fans can't do it as good as Terps fans.

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