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MLB suspended, Opening Day delayed indefinitely UPDATED


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13 hours ago, atomic said:

I never said it wasn’t.  I don’t think we will have herd immunity but like the flu when people like me who get flu shots greatly decreases the odds of people like you who don’t get flu shots getting the flu as it is harder for it to spread. 

What I find interesting is 100 years ago during the Spanish Flu that people didn’t even know viruses existed but they to wear masks and do social distancing and quarantines.  Yet these days people know exactly what is causing people to die they don’t want to take any precautions as simple as wearing a mask in public.  

So, yeah - I got the flu shot.  I work in a school.  I still got sick for about a week in January - vaccines aren't 100%.

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8 hours ago, backwardsk said:

You don’t care care hat 60k+ Americans will die this month!  Sad! If 

it doesn't help that hospitals get an added kickback on Medicare just by classifying them COVID without a positive case.  So perhaps the numbers are inflated.

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5 minutes ago, orioles119 said:

So, yeah - I got the flu shot.  I work in a school.  I still got sick for about a week in January - vaccines aren't 100%.

You do know that there is a flu A and a flu B, right?  

I also had a flu shot and got the other flu this year.  I was down for about four days.  My doctor said that if I didn’t have a flu shot, I’d likely have been in the hospital.

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12 minutes ago, orioles119 said:

it doesn't help that hospitals get an added kickback on Medicare just by classifying them COVID without a positive case.  So perhaps the numbers are inflated.


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13 minutes ago, orioles119 said:

it doesn't help that hospitals get an added kickback on Medicare just by classifying them COVID without a positive case.  So perhaps the numbers are inflated.

It's probably more than offset by the many, many people who have the virus but weren't sick enough to go to hospital.  Or just weren't able to get tested.

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So, still no baseball.  Anyone catch the Athletic countdown from 100 to 1 from Joe Posnanski?  I thought it was great.  Didn't agree with everything and somehow I didn't even care.  I liked his pick for #1 even though it would not have been mine.

On the Covid19...I live in rural virginia, my location has had a whopping 5 cases.  And yet, I know personally 2 folks who have died from the Virus.  I don't see the point of arguing.  It's real, it may or may not be as bad as the flu, but I don't know anyone who has died of the flu...ever.  But that is just me.  

I do think it will pass and I do think the damage to the economy will far surpass the human cost.  Honestly it is too soon to try to weigh the costs or determine errors.  All sides would be better served working forward.  It aint over.  

Not preppers here, but we grow most of our own food and have the space to store large quantities of supplies for medium term outages.  Man I miss baseball.

My one observation on all of this is that it is amazing how much we as a nation are against stuff...politically and socially and how loud we can be in shouting down that which we are against...I think we were a better group of people when we advocated for ideas instead of against them.  It's a subtle difference, and yet stark.

Say Hey Kid!


On 4/10/2020 at 3:38 PM, Dipper9 said:

Um, what has this thread become?  I came on here to rant about my $400 bucks that the Orioles won't refund "yet" for Opening Day and I see such a odd range of posts that I don't even know where to begin?  Is this bazzaro world?

I don't know about bizzaro, but it damn sure aint Iowa! 


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21 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

It's probably more than offset by the many, many people who have the virus but weren't sick enough to go to hospital.  Or just weren't able to get tested.

They say most people can recover at home from COVID-19.

Which is what happened to be, after getting admitted to the hospital, with what I thought was a heart attack.

They did a chest xray and 15 minute swap and confirmed it was COVID.

Gave me the hydrochlororquine drug and pushed antibiotics and I was back around in than 4 hours.

The next day, they sent me home to rest and recover for 14 days.


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11 minutes ago, backwardsk said:

As far as the numbers plateauing, there were over 50K confirmed US cases yesterday.  The highest single day total.

They said in early April, MD would not plateau until the end of April and every state is different and they got the virus at different times.

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4 minutes ago, Redskins Rick said:

They say most people can recover at home from COVID-19.

Which is what happened to be, after getting admitted to the hospital, with what I thought was a heart attack.

They did a chest xray and 15 minute swap and confirmed it was COVID.

Gave me the hydrochlororquine drug and pushed antibiotics and I was back around in than 4 hours.

The next day, they sent me home to rest and recover for 14 days.


Damn man.  Hope you are feeling better.  Scary stuff.

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27 minutes ago, foxfield said:

My one observation on all of this is that it is amazing how much we as a nation are against stuff...politically and socially and how loud we can be in shouting down that which we are against...I think we were a better group of people when we advocated for ideas instead of against them.  It's a subtle difference, and yet stark

The United States was founded by people who were unhappy with their lot in life.  Instead of trying to work things out they decided to get the heck out and completely start over.  Often going to areas with no infrastructure or government to speak of, and in many cases a population that didn't speak their language.  I think those traits will take eons to wash out if it ever does.  We may always have a higher than normal percentage of the population whose first reaction to anything is to tell the world to go (bleep) themselves.  That can be both a useful and a damaging thing.

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16 hours ago, PaulFolk said:

You sure are mischaracterizing a lot of things in this thread.

To be clear, Cinemark says it hopes to reopen in July. It is not at all a done deal, and it will depend on the recommendations of health officials, etc., as the date gets closer. The same will be true of MLB, I'm sure.


Here's a link to the reopening guidelines released by the White House. Ultimately, governors will make their own decisions for their states - but this is at least a good source of information of how things might look: https://www.whitehouse.gov/openingamerica/

Phase One would occur after 14 straight days of a downward trajectory in cases and robust testing in place. Phase One still encourages people to telework if possible and avoid groups of more than 10 people. It mentions that sporting venues can operate again, but under strict physical distancing protocols. I don't see how a pro stadium can open at this point, even to limited crowds. Weird Arizona quarantine spring training - maybe.

Phase Two would be another 14 days after that, at best. Non-essential travel can resume, and sporting venues can operate with moderate physical distancing protocols. 

Then, Phase Three encourages people to go back to work and allows sporting venues to operate under limited physical distancing protocols.

No one knows anything, because this is unprecedented. But, if you take May 1 as the peak, and assume that a downward trajectory holds without anything going wrong - that would make around May 15 as Phase One. Then, if nothing goes wrong again, you're looking at June 1 for Phase Two. I think that is when Arizona/Florida Spring Training with no crowds could start up again.

By the time that happens, and things go inevitably wrong - I could totally see baseball happening with minimal crowds 4th of July weekend. I do think we'll see baseball at some point this summer, but who knows.

I think it's important to remember that COVID-19 isn't going anywhere. This is something that the world is going to be dealing with for years to come. A vaccine isn't going to magically solve it. It's here to stay, there's no waiting this thing out.


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