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What a bunch of sad-sack losers


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I can't contain myself anymore. The disgraceful performance of this team in Yankee Stadium this weekend, and the pathetic display they have put on for the last five weeks (not to mention the pathetic performance in 6 of the last 7 years from mid-August on) just makes me nauseous.

Where the hell is the life and pride in this team? I'm embarassed to root for them.

When the pitching was getting shelled every day, frankly that was easier to take. But our offense has been maudlin this month. They really look like they can't wait for the season to end.

I had expected a lot more from this team. Remember all that talk about how resilient this group was earlier in the year? How resilient are they looking now?

There is no other team in baseballl that lays down every September like this. Not the Royals, not the Pirates, not the Nationals. Not one team.

So go ahead and tell yourselves that this is actually a good thing because we are getting a higher draft pick. In my opinion, it sucks.

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I can't contain myself anymore. The disgraceful performance of this team in Yankee Stadium this weekend, and the pathetic display they have put on for the last five weeks (not to mention the pathetic performance in 6 of the last 7 years from mid-August on) just makes me nauseous.

Where the hell is the life and pride in this team? I'm embarassed to root for them.

When the pitching was getting shelled every day, frankly that was easier to take. But our offense has been maudlin this month. They really look like they can't wait for the season to end.

I had expected a lot more from this team. Remember all that talk about how resilient this group was earlier in the year? How resilient are they looking now?

There is no other team in baseballl that lays down every September like this. Not the Royals, not the Pirates, not the Nationals. Not one team.

So go ahead and tell yourselves that this is actually a good thing because we are getting a higher draft pick. In my opinion, it sucks.

Frobby, the best thing you can do is detach yourself from this team in September, because they've already detached themselves...

Maybe if they had something to play for instead of pride, then they'd be a little more resilient...

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I can't contain myself anymore. The disgraceful performance of this team in Yankee Stadium this weekend, and the pathetic display they have put on for the last five weeks (not to mention the pathetic performance in 6 of the last 7 years from mid-August on) just makes me nauseous.

Where the hell is the life and pride in this team? I'm embarassed to root for them.

When the pitching was getting shelled every day, frankly that was easier to take. But our offense has been maudlin this month. They really look like they can't wait for the season to end.

I had expected a lot more from this team. Remember all that talk about how resilient this group was earlier in the year? How resilient are they looking now?

There is no other team in baseballl that lays down every September like this. Not the Royals, not the Pirates, not the Nationals. Not one team.

So go ahead and tell yourselves that this is actually a good thing because we are getting a higher draft pick. In my opinion, it sucks.

I look at it this way. When the O's are competitive again, probably 2010 0r 2011, most of these guys will be bagging groceries somewhere.

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Frobby, the best thing you can do is detach yourself from this team in September, because they've already detached themselves...

Maybe if they had something to play for instead of pride, then they'd be a little more resilient...

ITA that having more to play for would help these guys a lot. It has to suck to play for pride at the end of every season. But not all teams who are out of the race are playing badly right now (i.e. the Reds who have somehow come alive in this last part of the year winning five series in a row against several contending teams) so I kind of wish they could get out there and fight a little more just to end the year on a high note. :(

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This team is lucky that its not deep in the red when it comes to finances. Basically any fan that shows up to watch this team is a gift, they haven't earned any of it. If things keep going they way they are going, the only positive thing might be that Angelos starts losing money somehow. I could see baseball at the point refusing to let him relocate as payback for his threat of a lawsuit, thus forcing him to sell at a lesser price.

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But not all teams who are out of the race are playing badly right now (i.e. the Reds who have somehow come alive in this last part of the year winning five series in a row against several contending teams) so I kind of wish they could get out there and fight a little more just to end the year on a high note. :(

Not me, that's how we lost out on Mark Teixeira and Jay Bruce...

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This team is lucky that its not deep in the red when it comes to finances. Basically any fan that shows up to watch this team is a gift, they haven't earned any of it. If things keep going they way they are going, the only positive thing might be that Angelos starts losing money somehow. I could see baseball at the point refusing to let him relocate as payback for his threat of a lawsuit, thus forcing him to sell at a lesser price.

And this is why the Orioles can't afford to blow everything up. They have to make a splash this offseason because everyone in the division is competitive except them. Otherwise they'll lose the entire fanbase. MacPhail is not going to be able to sell "stay the course" to this fanbase anymore...

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Whoa............!!! A little over-reaction here. The O's were VERY competitive in 2 of the 3 games. Losing 3-2 and 1-0 is being competitive. Understand the frustration because of another losing season, but not for these 3 games.

Losing those games by close scores doesn't mollify me at all. Against mediocre pitching we did virtually nothing in those games, and I just saw no life in the players at all. And you are right, it's not those two games by themselves. We are 7-25 in the last 32 and that is a disgrace.

The fact that we have had 11 losing seasons in a row does not bother me nearly as much as the way this team just seems to give up in mid-August every season. No other team, no matter how bad, has done this as consistently as the Oroles. I'm absolutely sick of it.

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People expect too much and, frankly, I think management is more to blame than the players.

If management is going to send out Waters, Castro, Payton, we're just giving too much away right there. That's a re-tread SP and two awful hitters in a lineup of 9. You are going to lose 3 out of 10 times IMO.

I do not believe AM is doing all that is in his power to win games.

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ITA that having more to play for would help these guys a lot. It has to suck to play for pride at the end of every season. But not all teams who are out of the race are playing badly right now (i.e. the Reds who have somehow come alive in this last part of the year winning five series in a row against several contending teams) so I kind of wish they could get out there and fight a little more just to end the year on a high note. :(

This is exactly my point. And if it was just this year, I could accept it much better. But its not. Over the prior 6 years, this team played .470 ball over the first 122 games of every year, and .354 ball over the last 40 games. That is pathetic and by far the worst in all of baseball. And it's even worse this year. It is a disgrace.

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