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I'm already over this offseason.

Moose Milligan

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Just now, owknows said:

Yes. Everything is pennies to you.

Unless it's spent on stuff you want them to spend on.

No, it’s pennies because it is.  I don’t think you quite understand the amount of money they make, especially when you consider MASN, which isn’t part of the money they talk about they make.

So yes, the money spent on your GM, in all sports, is pennies relatively speaking. 

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Just now, Sports Guy said:


Of course I want to see it.

But you clearly have no idea of finances and what these guys are bringing in if you consider that money spent to be anything for them.  It’s a drop in the bucket.

Tens of millions of dollars is not pennies.

It is not a "drop in the bucket".

It is significant money.

You'd be a little more credible without the hyperbole.

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1 minute ago, owknows said:

Tens of millions of dollars is not pennies.

It is not a "drop in the bucket".

It is significant money.

You'd be a little more credible without the hyperbole.

You don’t get it.  It’s a drop in the bucket for these guys and btw, it’s money they are likely to get back in the sale.  They know it helps enhance the value of the franchise.

They probably saved enough of Davis’ salary in 2020 to build it.  (Or at least most of it). It’s a nothing investment.  It’s why every team has it.

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3 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

No, it’s pennies because it is.  I don’t think you quite understand the amount of money they make, especially when you consider MASN, which isn’t part of the money they talk about they make.

So yes, the money spent on your GM, in all sports, is pennies relatively speaking. 

Show us the books.

You claim to know what the Orioles take in.

What their expenses are.

And that anyone who doesn't see things your way just "doesn't understand".

So...... show us the figures

Tell us what Covid level attendance did to the gate?

Tells us the impact of deferred Davis money.

In precise terms..  Give us the figures.

Put up or shut up.

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32 minutes ago, owknows said:


Sorry I was injecting a turkey.

I don’t know the precise numbers..when I worked down there, I used to see the attendance income and that was substantial but a drop in the bucket.

They get a huge amount of money in rev sharing..I believe the number was around 40M but that may be off.

This article estimated local tv revenue at 54M for the Os.


This article mentions 115M in total revenue for the Os in 2020.


The new, recent National TV deals were estimated to bring in 1.5-2B a year to the sport.

Plus you have the local radio deal, which dollar amounts aren’t known to my knowledge.

Then you get to ticket sales, concessions, etc…

Owning a pro sports franchise is a license to print money.  Some are obviously making more than others.

And let’s not forget the idea that the family bought the team for 173M and they could get close to 2 billion for it today.  They made huge amounts of revenue in the mid 2010s with the playoff appearances. 

So yea, spending 5-10M To build something and spending a few million a year on a GM is a drop in the bucket to them.

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You do not wait until the year you're ready to compete to start filling out a roster with FA. If you do that, you're at the mercy of whatever talent that FA class has to offer and you have to over pay your targets because you can't afford to lose them. If the Orioles honestly believe they can compete in 2023, they should be actively pouncing on players to begin filling out the roster now and then filling in whatever other needs they have next off-season. 

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2 hours ago, Tryptamine said:

 If the Orioles honestly believe they can compete in 2023, they should be actively pouncing on players to begin filling out the roster now and then filling in whatever other needs they have next off-season. 

So maybe they're not going to commit to that target until more of the young talent proves itself worthy. 

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We will never know the Orioles’ exact finances.   The best we have is Forbes.   They showed an operating loss in 2018 of $6.5 mm, an operating profit of $58 mm in 2019, and an operating loss of $23 mm in 2020.   We won’t have Forbes’ 2021 numbers until February or March.

SG is right that these figures don’t include MASN profits.   (They do include rights fees paid by MASN to televise the games.)  We have very good insight into MASN for the period 2012-16 thanks to the arbitration snd court case.   Under the second arbitration decision, the profits payable to the O’s were about $13 mm per year, and running pretty flat.   I think in SG’s parlance that’s “a drop in the bucket” — you could pay for one no. 3-4 starter with that money.    Details here:  https://forum.orioleshangout.com/forums/index.php?/topic/36868-masn-the-veil-finally-lifts/&tab=comments#comment-2548649

We don’t know MASN’s profits after 2016 but with all the cord cutting I doubt it is more profitable than before.   

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2 hours ago, Frobby said:

We will never know the Orioles’ exact finances.   The best we have is Forbes.   They showed an operating loss in 2018 of $6.5 mm, an operating profit of $58 mm in 2019, and an operating loss of $23 mm in 2020.   We won’t have Forbes’ 2021 numbers until February or March.

SG is right that these figures don’t include MASN profits.   (They do include rights fees paid by MASN to televise the games.)  We have very good insight into MASN for the period 2012-16 thanks to the arbitration snd court case.   Under the second arbitration decision, the profits payable to the O’s were about $13 mm per year, and running pretty flat.   I think in SG’s parlance that’s “a drop in the bucket” — you could pay for one no. 3-4 starter with that money.    Details here:  https://forum.orioleshangout.com/forums/index.php?/topic/36868-masn-the-veil-finally-lifts/&tab=comments#comment-2548649

We don’t know MASN’s profits after 2016 but with all the cord cutting I doubt it is more profitable than before.   


There have always been questions on how valid the Forbes numbers are.  They aren’t reporting everything because they can’t.

So yea, I’m good with saying the things discussed are a drop in the bucket for the franchise.   It’s all relative.



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