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3 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

I hope Buck gets it and gets his WS ring there.  I don't really care about the Mets one way or another but I want to see Buck have a better ending to his managerial career than the 2018 Orioles.  

I don't.

I think he played a significant role in the Orioles' collapse.

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I always liked Buck, and though it's hard to know what a manager is adding (or subtracting) I thought he was a big part of the Orioles' success in the previous decade. (Seems much longer ago.) I thought that right up until October 4, 2016. Since then, I've had a difficult time evaluating Buck. I became suspicious about pretty much every in-game decision he made. I was much more critical when I read about his loopy ideas for player evaluation, disfavoring freckles, young guys with thick beards, and players light eyes, and I wondered whether any of that stuff had hurt the Orioles by affecting decisions about retaining, acquiring and using players. When the Orioles made some really bad personnel decisions, harming the future of the team, I wondered whether Buck had a role in those as others asserted confidently that he did. I have a lot of pleasant memories of Buck (as well as "Buckle up" and "I like our guys" T-shirts), but my good will towards him was pretty much used up when he was dismissed.

I hope whoever manages the Mets is wildly successfully. For the Mets to improve dramatically would, from my perspective, help in a couple of ways. It would provide a good test as to whether you can build a winning team by out-spending other teams and bringing in decent management. (I think you can, as long as you combine the dollars with good -- or at least not-terrible -- decisions, and some decent luck.) Second, by attaining and sustaining on-field success for five years or so, the Mets would be likely to provide more competition for the NYYs in terms of New York media attention. Since MLB is not subject to the antitrust laws, teams are permitted to exclude competition from the outside. Only the Mets (and to a very minor degree the RS and Phillies) can compete with the NYYs for the big dollars that are out there in the gigantic NYC metro market. They've done that effectively before (especially in the 1980s). With Cohen's money and some smart baseball guys, maybe they can do it again.



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1 hour ago, Moose Milligan said:

I hope Buck gets it and gets his WS ring there.  I don't really care about the Mets one way or another but I want to see Buck have a better ending to his managerial career than the 2018 Orioles.  

I’ve always hated the Mets, but if Buck were their manager I’d have to root for him to succeed.   He had his flaws (just ask Duquette), but in the clubhouse and in the games, he was excellent.   The city really took to his personality.   It’s a real shame that things ended so poorly.   

I have to say though, the fact that a highly paid player “has let it be known” that he’d like Buck to be the manager sounds like early trouble for Billy Eppler as GM.

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