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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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I think it also depends on the offer. The Yanks typically blow away the competition with their offers, the Sox do not. You can't take the Damon instance and use it as a blanket for all future Boras negotiations.

No you can't use it as a blanket. Nor can you say that Boras never accepts a "take it or leave it," offer...agreed?

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AM did say there was some room to move in his offer. So if we add another year, that's 8/172 that's only about a 7% difference. It then depends on how much wiggle room the O's have on the $$$ side and how much desire I have to choose the O's over the Sox. My feeling is that there is enough room in that initial offer to make it very close, if not equal. So, to answer your question, it depends! :)

Really Bandy ....If the WOW offer is not 8/$200 the Orioles really are not serious IMO.

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Get the math right..it is not even close to the same ratio. Do you see a significant difference between 21 cents and 24 cents? That's the more accurate comparison. Can it buy you a lot more candy???

Well I think even though your ratio is correct you are taking it to the opposite extreme. $21K vs. $24K, big difference.

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Sorry, I can not buy a 21 + million dollar year as a low ball offer. That is a serious openning offer. I have said the Orioles have not closed a major deal in a long time and I do not like the way they are always reactive instead of pro-active but lets not call a 7/150 a low ball offer.

I think you're missing his point; I believe he's trying to state that 7/150 is a lowball offer in context of the situation. And when everybody else is offer 2-3 million more a year, it is a lowball offer. Keep in mind 2-3 million is roughly 10%. So its equal context would be if somebody offered you 50,000 a year, and everybody else offered 55,000-56,000 a year.. wouldn't you think the 50k a year offer is lowballing you?

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Get the math right..it is not even close to the same ratio. Do you see a significant difference between 21 cents and 24 cents? That's the more accurate comparison. Can it buy you a lot more candy???

Of course it's not the same ratio. Do you think I'm going to spend my time calculating some ratio to prove that the offer is not a joke? Come on.

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One can only hope the Sux won't offer what Boras is looking for and leave defeated...

The WBZ report gives me hope as the Sux and Tex seems far apart on the money end of the deal. And I don't see Boras accepting less than 10 years for Tex unless Tex really wants to play for Boston.

It wouldn't surprise me if they are trying to get him to take less money to "play for a winner."

And they'll bring all the little Red Sox stuffed bears and hats and shirts and I'm sure will try to sell Mark's wife on living in MA...

Hopefully Tex tells them after all that - "Thanks for coming fellas, I'll get back to you." and then call up MacPhail and say "let's get this done."

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No you can't use it as a blanket. Nor can you say that Boras never accepts a "take it or leave it," offer...agreed?


If he took a take it or leave it in this situation it would mean one of two things...1) Teix only wants to play for the Sox 2) Boras handled this negotiation poorly.

From what the media is reporting the Sox are not outpacing the rest of the field enough and there is no indication that the rest of the field won't match, so for him to fold at this point would show a lack of negotiating skill.

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It sucks but I think its over :( (though I am holding out hope that Boras brings Andy the final offer to beat).... I wonder: whats the record time for going from hometown hero to hometown villan? Cause I think Tex just beat it.

Whats curious to me is why AM expects Boras to bring him a final offer to beat??

I would think its best for the Orioles to be proactive & make their own best offer & their own case!

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