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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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Looking back on this whole Tex thing, the Orioles have put themselves in this position interestingly enough by the refusal to find a 1B solution since Palmeiro left the first time.

Every time they have had the chance they have whiffed, including most recently when they could have had the next Teixeira in Justin Smoak. Instead they chose to select Brian Matusz.

Now Matusz is going to be good, but considering the Orioles could have signed AJ Burnett for 80 million and have drafted Smoak, is that better than paying 200+ million for Tex and having Brian Matusz?

It really looks more and more like a bad decision to pass on Smoak in the draft, and that's where we are today, praying Tex will let us pay him 200+ million dollars when we could have filled those two spots for 80 plus what ever we would have paid Smoak.

Two huge fallacies here IMO.

Smoak is far from the next Teixeira.

Matusz and Burnett are nowhere near equal. Paying 80M for Burnett given his history and record was ludicrous. The guy has a career ERA over 4, is only 11 games over .500, and has a litany of injury problems. In no way is he worth 5/80M in a sane world.

I'd MUCH rather have Tex and Matusz than Smoak and Burnett. Its not even close.

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I'd take those odds in Vegas. He has the Yankees at 6-1 odds. Hmm. More interesting is he thinks that New York is the closest team to the Baltimore/Washington area this is not Washington or Baltimore. A little geographically challenged he is. But I nitpick.

New York is closer than Boston and LA.....

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We don't know if Smoak is any good yet.


If Matusz and Smoak both play to their full potential, I'd take Matusz over Justin every single time.

To say passing on Smoak is looking worse and worse as time goes by is about as unfounded a statement as I've seen on OH. There is absolutely no evidence at this point that Smoak was the better pick.

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Doesn't every agent want more money? If he really thought they could get more Boras would hold out even if they got to the number he had in mind. The "if he wanted to sign in city X" argument goes out the window for every city ashe has not signed with any team. [/Quote]

Yes, but obviously they're going to reach a point where no one will go higher. Boras wants and thinks he can get more, and I would bet he still can, based on what we've heard from the more credible sources about where offers are at.

Only the Orioles FO and Boras know if the Orioles are or are not in the running. I would assume that every team that submits a bid is in the running until the player signs. It does not however make them a logical or likely destinations. AM did not say they would go higher, he said that they are flexible with their offer. This could mean that they could increase the total value of the deal. The situation tied to us being flexible is unknown.

Headline on The Sun sports page today: "MacPhail says O's bid for Teixeira could go up."

I hate when people reply to something just for the sake of trying to refute it. Your point here is moot.

Boras wouldn't rule us out, in fact I think the ESPN report was the first sign of life for us. IF Teixeira had his heart set on Baltimore, a report to ESPN could be leaked to get the Orioles nervous thus causing them to increase their offer. On the flip side, the Orioles could have leaked the information as a means of letting our fans know we are no longer in the race. Our frustration comes from a Orioles FO that has leaked very little if any information.

If you can't tell that Ravech's ESPN report from Tuesday was Boras trying to scare Boston, then I can't help you. There's a reason it came from Ravech, who isn't known for his reporting, as opposed to Olney or Gammons. It was a scare tactic, nothing more.

As far as the Orioles' FO leaking information, that doesn't make any sense. It doesn't stand to do anything good for MacPhail to tell fans we're already out of the bidding. If Tex signs elsewhere, the best case scenario for the FO is to look like they were serious about signing him, and that Teixeira alone made the choice to sign elsewhere. It does no good for the front office to tell everyone they bowed out this early, without even upping their original offer.

We know nothing, except for the fact that Teixeira/Boras are not happy with what they've been offered thus far from any team. Unless Teixeira really doesn't want to come to Baltimore, or MacPhail refuses to offer any bigger of a contract, then we're just as much in it as anyone else.

For now, all we can do is be patient.

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As well he should. Burnett is worth much, much less than Tex.

Have you seen Smoak's AFL #'s or his minor league #'s?


The kid is going to be a stud that we could have had under team control for the next 6 years. And Tex wouldn't be the neccessity that he is now.

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