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Sports Guy

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…trade Santander for Snell and eat Snell’s salary or trade for Montas or Lopez for a deal headlined by DL Hall and other prospects.

In one trade, you keep the prospects but get the more volatile and expensive pitcher and with the other trades, you get the younger, more cost controlled pitchers but also have to give up a lot more.  

I can see the case for either side and I think both deals are worth exploring but I think I lean towards Snell because of his upside and the lack of quality pieces needed to be dealt for him.

Which side of the fence are you on?

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It doesn't have to be either/or! I think I'd be inclined to the Santander one because that also unblocks Stowers, but that depends somewhat on whether we find a buyer for Mancini. I think Hall/Lopez is fair, just don't know if I would do it. We are still talking about a chance at a wild card game that we could easily lose. Just not sure it's worth giving up a potential Curt Schilling or even Pete Harnisch.

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3 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

It doesn't have to be either/or! I think I'd be inclined to the Santander one because that also unblocks Stowers, but that depends somewhat on whether we find a buyer for Mancini. I think Hall/Lopez is fair, just don't know if I would do it. We are still talking about a chance at a wild card game that we could easily lose. Just not sure it's worth giving up a potential Curt Schilling or even Pete Harnisch.

Im not making any trades with 2022 in mind.  If we win in 2022 and these guys help with that, it’s a bonus.

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My vote is Santander/Snell if these are the two choices. Gets Stowers up, potentially fills a rotation spot for next couple years. I would do everything in my power if I were Elias to do better than this trade for Santander, but I’m not sure what is realistic on that front.

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1 minute ago, IPlayGM said:

My vote is Santander/Snell if these are the two choices. Gets Stowers up, potentially fills a rotation spot for next couple years. I would do everything in my power if I were Elias to do better than this trade for Santander, but I’m not sure what is realistic on that front.

Better?  This is a great return for Santander.

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The Orioles are really not in a position to trade starting pitchers, so for me Hall would be out.  I think we are entering a window where trading current pieces or future pieces for controllable pitching is in order.  So in general I think this is what Elias is going to be looking to do.  

Your two choices do illustrate the challenge.  Snell is a relatively expensive short term asset not much unlike Lyles just with a hair more upside, though at sizable cost.  But trading for good pitching will require trading valuable assets, so that may be uncomfortable.

Under your scenario I would take the snell deal as trading Santander is trading value but value we can replace. 

Like Frobby said in another thread...this is where the job for Elias gets harder.  And for us gets more fun.

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Just now, IPlayGM said:

It is a ‘potentially’ great return for Santander.  The other side of the coin is that you trade him for essentially what Zimmermann can give you.

And?  Every trade you make has many potential outcomes.  Santander is only worth so much. As a straight talent for talent trade, he isn’t in the vicinity of Snell. But the salaries make it potentially doable. 

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1 minute ago, foxfield said:

The Orioles are really not in a position to trade starting pitchers, so for me Hall would be out.  I think we are entering a window where trading current pieces or future pieces for controllable pitching is in order.  So in general I think this is what Elias is going to be looking to do.  

Your two choices do illustrate the challenge.  Snell is a relatively expensive short term asset not much unlike Lyles just with a hair more upside, though at sizable cost.  But trading for good pitching will require trading valuable assets, so that may me uncomfortable.

Under your scenario I would take the snell deal as trading Santander is trading value but value we can replace. 

Like Frobby said in another thread...this is where the job for Elias gets harder.  And for us gets more fun.

A hair more upside than Lyles?

Im starting to think people on this site don’t know who Snell is or how talented he is.  

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2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

And?  Every trade you make has many potential outcomes.  Santander is only worth so much. As a straight talent for talent trade, he isn’t in the vicinity of Snell. But the salaries make it potentially doable. 

Yeah I understand that any trade can go different ways. My vote for this trade is more about Hall than anything else. I understand the line of thinking in trading him I guess, but when he becomes a star, which I think is quite realistic, that would hurt. Even if he doesn’t make it as a starter, he has Josh Hader written all over him.

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