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Connolly: Don’t see the Os going beyond 2-3 years

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2 minutes ago, Es4M11 said:

"We're not likely to win the division, so let's just punt one more season. Just one more guys, I promise..." -- Mike Elias, next week probably

It’s pathetic and embarrassing at this point for a professional billion dollar organization to be operating this way. I guess I will go back into hybernation and wait for the dark emperor Angelos’ reign to come to an end.

I almost feel like that Peter Angelos is one of the worse things to happen to Baltimore… like ever.

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This has been quite a deflating week in Orioles baseball. Elias majorly messed up talking about liftoff. Obviously, he meant liftoff like one of those foam rockets that you stomp the plastic button and it just gets stuck in a tree and the kids cry about it and you say to yourself ‘I’m not climbing that tree’ but you know damn well you’re climbing that tree.

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7 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

It’s only in modern sports where the owning company can tell its customer base “Hey we are going to not going to spend much to improve the quality of our product. But hey come and still support us anyway. Because even though we are not going to spend our money, we still want you to spend yours.” 

Imagine Apple, Google, Disney, or a top automaker saying something like this?

The Orioles refusal to spend doesn’t help us fans in any way. 

I mean honestly, I could see Nintendo doing it.

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Just now, oriole said:

This has been quite a deflating week in Orioles baseball. Elias majorly messed up talking about liftoff. Obviously, he meant liftoff like one of those foam rockets that you stomp the plastic button and it just gets stuck in a tree and the kids cry about it and you say to yourself ‘I’m not climbing that tree’ but you know damn well you’re climbing that tree.

It's not his fault we misunderstood him.

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1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

Angels might be sold before the season starts, I don't see them shedding payroll.

Not sure why folks think a team needs to be stripped to the bone to be attractive to buyers.

FA players are like buying a new car, they start out at market value and depreciate from there. You've got a depreciating asset on one side versus a liability on the other, but as the player declines all you have is the liability. 

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1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

I mean honestly, I could see Nintendo doing it.

😁 😆 😂 ... We might as well laugh. It beats the alternative.

The truth is, I'm not even really that upset. I'm moving quickly to a place of ambivalence. This has happened too many times. I should have expected it.

Well at least, I will be saving money and time this Spring and Summer.

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At the end of the day I think they will add an arm and a lefty bat. To what level is the ?


If John Angelos wants to please the fans sign Adley Rutschman to an 8 year contract extension. He will be long gone as the owner on the back end. It makes sense business wise and baseball wise. After 23 sign Gunnar to a 10 year deal. 

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As far as the original tweet goes about not going beyond 2-3 years - I have no problem with that approach. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to get stuck with a bad contract and some of them given out over the last week will inevitably be looked at as bad contracts. As most have mentioned the Astros aren't ones for giving out more than 2-3 year deals either (outside of a few exceptions) and that's where Elias learned all of this stuff so it makes sense. That being said, there's been a few 2-3 year deals that the Orioles (IMO) should have been in on and offering more. If they aren't going to give 4+ years then they should know that they'll need to overpay to get people to come him for 2 or 3 years.

The quotes today from Nathan Ruiz are pretty tough to read and not be annoyed though.

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