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Schoenfeld gives Os offseason a D+

Sports Guy

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2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

I said we need other things more than him…doesn’t mean we don’t need him. Hopefully you can understand the difference between needing someone but needing something else more.

I don’t think you understand what “need” means.

But, who in your world needs Mullins more than what we need from them?

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14 minutes ago, DirtyBird said:

I don’t think you understand what “need” means.

But, who in your world needs Mullins more than what we need from them?

Huh?  Lots of teams can use an upgrade in CF. The Marlins wanted him. Mullins for some of their pitching and us finding a replacement in CF was better for us imo. 

But there were several teams that wanted a CF upgrade this year.

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25 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

Huh?  Lots of teams can use an upgrade in CF. The Marlins wanted him. Mullins for some of their pitching and us finding a replacement in CF was better for us imo. 

But there were several teams that wanted a CF upgrade this year.

Easily replaceable for us.

Worthy of giving pitching up for for someone else.

Very logical.

Edited by DirtyBird
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I think a whole lot of this debate misses a key point.  We talk about the process or what the Orioles are unwilling to do.  We had ton's of conversation on all of this last year at this time.  Right up until the season started, many here were attacking the process and saw the Orioles as still basically tanking.  What happened was clearly above expectations.

Yes we have all been disappointed after lift off.  

I could agree with anyones grade from C to D+.  The Orioles are a better team to start this season than they were last year, but to me that is much more about depth and growth from the farm than it is about adding talent, which is what we were all hoping for when the offseason started.

As an organization there are many things to be extremely excited about.  

I fear the Angelos family may be with us for awhile, but in my mind, the most important thing going into this season, is growth.  After DD & Buck sold everything to make a 5 year run, the Orioles seem to be on track to being a perennial contender.  Maybe that starts this year and maybe there are some more growing pains to endure.

I do agree that the Orioles could be more "creative" but I really do not think that is necessary.  

Again, last year many bemoaned another year of tanking, I am hopeful that this year we will again collectively under estimate the team.

We didn't get any shiny new toys, but I think this team is deeper and better set up than last year.  And I am looking forward to seeing how it plays out....this year and in the future.

As Eddie Murray once said:  It's great to be young and a Baltimore Oriole"

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On 2/16/2023 at 9:05 AM, Sports Guy said:

There is no logical justification for that.

This is where you always lose me.  Of course, there can be a justification for that.  It's just not one that you agree with.  I don't either, but that doesn't mean that they don't have a plan and reason for that plan.  It just means that our plans might be different.

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From today’s Athletic, in which 29 MLB execs voted the Orioles the 6th least-improved team in the AL:

The disappointment in the Orioles’ quiet offseason was notable: “You’ve got to love their young core,” said one exec. “But they’re obviously not serious about competing. They had lots of chips to trade and get pitching, but they’d rather just tread water.”



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2 minutes ago, Frobby said:

From today’s Athletic, in which 29 MLB execs voted the Orioles the 6th least-improved team in the AL:

The disappointment in the Orioles’ quiet offseason was notable: “You’ve got to love their young core,” said one exec. “But they’re obviously not serious about competing. They had lots of chips to trade and get pitching, but they’d rather just tread water.”




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6 minutes ago, Frobby said:

From today’s Athletic, in which 29 MLB execs voted the Orioles the 6th least-improved team in the AL:

The disappointment in the Orioles’ quiet offseason was notable: “You’ve got to love their young core,” said one exec. “But they’re obviously not serious about competing. They had lots of chips to trade and get pitching, but they’d rather just tread water.”



Sounds like a GM who wanted to trade one of his pitchers for some of our prospects. LOL

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1 minute ago, Frobby said:

From today’s Athletic, in which 29 MLB execs voted the Orioles the 6th least-improved team in the AL:

The disappointment in the Orioles’ quiet offseason was notable: “You’ve got to love their young core,” said one exec. “But they’re obviously not serious about competing. They had lots of chips to trade and get pitching, but they’d rather just tread water.”



Playing devil's advocate, that quote almost sounds like sour grapes to me.  As in maybe this exec was trying to pry top prospects from the Orioles in exchange for middling pitchers and Elias told him no.  I don't know, but it just seems like an odd thing for the guy to say in the manner that he phrased it otherwise.

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1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

Hrrr, they are only saying bad things because they are jealous and want our players! 


This despite that the posters here pretty much agree with the assessment.

This place is crazy.

I agree they did little to improve the club from the outside.  I don’t think that needed to be done by trading 2-3 top ten prospects for a pitcher.  So I can think the quote is from a GM who wanted some of those young players and at the same time agree that they did little to improve the team.

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4 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

I agree they did little to improve the club from the outside.  I don’t think that needed to be done by trading 2-3 top ten prospects for a pitcher.  So I can think the quote is from a GM who wanted some of those young players and at the same time agree that they did little to improve the team.

Or it could have just been an expert in the field giving his unbiased opinion.

Which is what I got out of it.

The quote said nothing about trading 2-3 top prospects, it just mentions trade chips, which we are all in agreement the O's have.

Edited by Can_of_corn
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