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Kevin Brown absence explained?

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4 hours ago, baltfan said:

As much as I hate to say it, we need to tread carefully with Angelos.  He has a thin skin obviously. I could completely see how some sort of criticism of him could rankle him and make him claim victimhood. This, in turn, could result in him taking his ball and going to Nashville.  As much as this annoys me, it would kill me to lose this team after all the fans have lived through.  Hopefully, Angelos just realizes he went too far and moves on.  

There is no scenario where MLB allows that to happen. Besides, John doesn't own the team. 

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The professional way to handle this would be for the Orioles to release a statement saying "personnel decisions are made solely at the discretion of the producers and at no time was Kevin Brown suspended.  He remains a valuable asset to the Orioles and we look forward to working with him for many years to come." And then for Angelos to privately apologize to Brown and write him a little check for his troubles, and tell the broadcast team never to mention any of this on air.


But we all know the Orioles aren't going to do this.

Edited by Hallas
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2 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

I can promise you this is the ONLY reason, Kevin was suspended . I feel it is beyond petty and small, its possibly even legally actionable by Brown who would obviously lose his job if he took Angelos to court.One thing to also remember, as Brown is reciting the FLATTERING ORIOLE statistics, there are graphic posted, which means the production crew is liable too for producing that talking point. What is John Angelos going to do, suspend Dawn, the director and people in the truck too? hose statistics were also printed in the Oriole notes for that game night...should Angelos suspend his PR department?This is a black eye for the Orioles and is not healthy for Kevin's career even though he did absolutely;utely nothing wrong. If Kevin leaves he might consider a lawsuit. I hope it doesn't come to that. One solution to this ugly mess is for Angelos to re-instate Kevin and offer his apology ...but fat chance that will happen.

Well shot, Roy - this is not good now nor will it be for the foreseeable future - this is problem at the top 

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5 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

I can promise you this is the ONLY reason, Kevin was suspended . I feel it is beyond petty and small, its possibly even legally actionable by Brown who would obviously lose his job if he took Angelos to court.One thing to also remember, as Brown is reciting the FLATTERING ORIOLE statistics, there are graphic posted, which means the production crew is liable too for producing that talking point. What is John Angelos going to do, suspend Dawn, the director and people in the truck too? hose statistics were also printed in the Oriole notes for that game night...should Angelos suspend his PR department?This is a black eye for the Orioles and is not healthy for Kevin's career even though he did absolutely;utely nothing wrong. If Kevin leaves he might consider a lawsuit. I hope it doesn't come to that. One solution to this ugly mess is for Angelos to re-instate Kevin and offer his apology ...but fat chance that will happen.

I believe you.  It is just so hard to believe.  You are right the ONLY way out of this is to put him back on air and issue an apology that says it was an impulsive incorrect decision to take him off the air.  Just like you said though fat chance.  If Brown’s pay was effected he would certainly have an actionable event.  To sue an Major League owner may not be a smart career move however.

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9 hours ago, accinfo said:

If this is true it just makes no sense.  I just don’t see how that comment could get anyone suspended.  Kevin Brown is good and I would hate to lose him over something like this.  

I agree, and farther more than that, there was a graphic put up while he was saying it. The ENTIRE PRODUCTION TEAM presented it! So if Kevin is being suspended or censored for doing his job, than that would suggest the entire production team who put that intro on the air with those graphics would be part of the things that were disliked.

It really is senseless why anyone would be suspended or fired over something like this. There has to be something else. At the same time, all the patterns of behavior I've seen out of JA would put this in line with the other thin skinned patterns of insecure behavior where he's afraid of bad press and makes up BS (like opening the books or promise to sign the lease by All Star break) to avoid responsibility on the issue. Berating local Baltimore reporters has also been part of his pattern of insecure thin skinned behavior.

The more I see from JA, the more I'm beginning to believe the stuff Luis has said. And I had been giving JA The benefit of the doubt up until now.

But nothing about the disappearance of Kevin Brown over the production team having him talk about Tropicana field records makes any rational sense. Something else must be going on here.

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In all honesty this may make a deep playoff run more humiliating for Angelos than anything else. Imagine all the attention a playoff run brings, and there’s a really good chance everyone will still be taking shots at Angelos throughout. My guess is the team and fans, even MASN employees, will get over it pretty quickly, because of just how pathetic it is. Maybe this is just my hope, but I don’t imagine anyone involved with the Os thinks John Angelos represents anything that matters about this team.

So in the end we’d see Angelos publicly embarrassed, repeatedly, pretty much directly linked to how far the team goes for the rest of the season. Maybe I’m overly optimistic, but that actually sounds wonderful. 

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So for Mom's 90 birthday ,I got a video message from the Orioles. You can pick an Oriole broadcaster,wanted Palmer but could not get him.PIcked Brown because I thought he had the best voice. Anyhow you can put down something extra to add to the video message. I put down to say that the Orioles might win another World Series in your lifetime. Wasn't sure if he would say it but he did "Who knows maybe the Orioles may even win the World Series". This was two years ago when the Orioles were terrible. Looking back kind of ironic now.

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40 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

I can promise you this is the ONLY reason, Kevin was suspended . I feel it is beyond petty and small, its possibly even legally actionable by Brown who would obviously lose his job if he took Angelos to court.One thing to also remember, as Brown is reciting the FLATTERING ORIOLE statistics, there are graphic posted, which means the production crew is liable too for producing that talking point. What is John Angelos going to do, suspend Dawn, the director and people in the truck too? hose statistics were also printed in the Oriole notes for that game night...should Angelos suspend his PR department?This is a black eye for the Orioles and is not healthy for Kevin's career even though he did absolutely;utely nothing wrong. If Kevin leaves he might consider a lawsuit. I hope it doesn't come to that. One solution to this ugly mess is for Angelos to re-instate Kevin and offer his apology ...but fat chance that will happen.

Disagree here, Roy.  I think this is a huge boost for KB.

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1 hour ago, deward said:

There is no scenario where MLB allows that to happen. Besides, John doesn't own the team. 

"Mr. Angelos, can you explain to the other owners why you're asked for approval to move the team from Baltimore when things seemed to be going so well there and you just extorted a large payment for stadium improvements."

"Well, I suspended the TV play-by-play guy (who worked for the network controlled by the team) for pointing how much the team's record against Tampa Bay had improved this year, and then everybody was really, really mean to me. They called me names and even made fun of my height. Those seem to me like pretty good reasons to move the team." 

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1 hour ago, Pat Kelly said:

One irony on the NY criticism.  Always loved that Baltimore was the anti-NY and anti-Steinbrenner.  Can't say that anymore.  Angelos' pettiness rivals Steinbrenner.   Really had high hopes that John would would not be Peter - disappointed and concerned about the future given JA's bouts of pettiness. Such a bad look and an Orioles and Baltimore brand withdrawal vs a brand deposit. 

Meet the new Angelos, same as the old Angelos -- when he gets a chance.

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