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Kevin Brown absence explained?

Sports Guy

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2 minutes ago, HakunaSakata said:

So this is all "fake news" huh? And from where I'm sitting we're in first place in spite of John Angelos, not because of him. This isn't an isolated incident. It's a continued pattern of petty douchebaggery. 

Exactly Hakuna.  I've been saying it all season.  The Orioles are in first place in spite of JA, not because of him.  They are in first because of the incredible job of Hyde and his awesome coaching staff and players.  And Elias. 

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20 minutes ago, Uli2001 said:

How stupid must John Angelos be to do something like this and assume that there wouldn't be any repercussions?

It's dumbfounding. It must be the product of a life of wealth and privilege.


I don’t know about the wealth and privilege part, but it does speak to a poor sense of self-awareness and extreme insecurity. It also for me confirms how awfully incompetent he is at being at the head of a billion-dollar+ corporation. 

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13 minutes ago, 2001OriolesFan said:

The story was "broke" by the Awful Announcing site.  Did you ever hear of them before?

You need to give this up.  I was dubious at first but now there's a LOT more smoke.  It sucks but there is some version of this that is real, and its not that far off (if at all) from what's being reported.  But its not exactly a newsflash that we have a terrible owner. 

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1 minute ago, Yardball85 said:

What about laying the blame at John Angelos' feet for giving the fans something to "bitch" about when the team is in first place.  This is entirely, 100% a mess of ownership's own making. 

Jackpot. Everybody was pretty happy until yesterday. Then we were collectively baffled by the ridiculous actions of our petty team ownership. I am still elated by the performance of the team and proud of what they have done. But I am annoyed and embarrassed by the actions of ownership. 

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2 minutes ago, lovetoaster said:

Jackpot. Everybody was pretty happy until yesterday. Then we were collectively baffled by the ridiculous actions of our petty team ownership. I am still elated by the performance of the team and proud of what they have done. But I am annoyed and embarrassed by the actions of ownership. 

Every word of this is correct and spot on. 

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20 minutes ago, 2001OriolesFan said:

How sad.  The team is in first place and "fans" want to find something to bitch about.


We don’t want to find anything. This dipsh!t owner of ours is giving us plenty of ammo because he’s a certifiable lunatic who is in over his head.

He is the embodiment of a spoiled rich kid. He is the embodiment of why you don’t hand over things to someone if they don’t earn/work for it because he doesn’t know how to handle it.

This is literally the #1 topic in the sport right now. It’s being covered by every major sports network. It’s being commented on in basically every game, every national radio show, etc…it was a #1 topic on Twitter.  It was literally one of the biggest stories in the news cycle yesterday and it’s all because the owner is so inept and so get removed from reality that he is willing to suspend a good broadcaster over NOTHING.  You think it’s getting all this attention and people aren’t sure that this is real?  Are you this naive in real life or are you just playing a character here?  Like, you can’t be a real person.

HE is causing this, not us. HE is the problem, not us. And if you can’t see that or figure that out, you are as inept as he is.

Edited by Sports Guy
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1 minute ago, Yardball85 said:

Exactly Hakuna.  I've been saying it all season.  The Orioles are in first place in spite of JA, not because of him.  They are in first because of the incredible job of Hyde and his awesome coaching staff and players.  And Elias. 

Well, JA did hire Elias and likely approve the hiring of Hyde.  And it appears he has mostly stayed out of Elias's way and let him and Sig do their thing.  He also (and long overdue) authorized us to have a presence in Latin America, which should pay huge dividends in the next few years.   So while this KB story is certainly ridiculous and makes him look like a petulant child, it's not as if he hasn't done numerous good things during his brief tenure.  

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18 minutes ago, crawjo said:

I'm still having a hard time believing that everything was fine with Brown until this incident and then he was indefinitely suspended. The reason I have a hard time believing it is because, if true, then the owner of this team is not just petty, not just tone-deaf, not just (to borrow another poster's term) a scumbag. No, if this story is true exactly as reported, then the owner of the team is *insane*, stupid on a level that goes well beyond baseball or anything that you could say about 100 other owners who have been bad at their jobs. 

If this incident is the entire reason they suspended their lead broadcaster in the heat of a pennant race, then there is nothing left for anyone to say. The team is being run by an imbecile. I'm talking Marge Schott minus six. If that's who we are dealing with here, then there's no point in arguing about it or telling the Orioles what they should do or anything else. No one should even reply to this thread anymore, because if the owner happens to come across it, either he will be incapable of reading it, or will respond by building a new stadium made out of graham crackers. If this story is true, then if I was Angelos's doctor I would get him in for a court-ordered psychological assessment immediately.  

I know you don’t want to believe/accept it. But pretty much everything in your first paragraph is true. This is who John Angelos is and this is who he has always been.

The Orioles have been able to hide a lot of incompetence under the cover of obscurity for a long time because the team was so bad and they control so much of the messaging through the local media. But now that the team has national interest/attention because of success on the field, some of the things that were always going on in the dark have begun to get exposed.

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