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What if Cal took steroids?


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All this steroid crap can't take away the joy and thrill the game gifted to me as a youth and even as a teenager. Be it listening to my handheld am/fm radio in bed, late at night, way past my bed time, hearing Chuck Thompson calling another come from behind magical O's win. Roids can't steal the innocent fun I had "pitching" a tennis ball against an imaginary plate on the masonry block wall in my folks basement, as if I were Jim Palmer, Sammie Stewart, Don Stanhouse, etc. They can't take away the innocent, simple, pure fun I enjoyed tossing a ball back and forth with my father in our yard, or even throwing a tennis ball on my own against my folks back wall, then fielding it a la Bobby Grich, Brooksie, etc. The steroid mess can't wrest away the seemingly endless joy I had hitting tennis balls from one end of my folks yard to the other end, with those that sailed over the neighbor's fence as home runs, taking up batting stances and using swings like Eddie, Don Baylor, Lee May, Brother 'Lo, etc. They can't touch the fun i had playing baseball in high school. Nope, all those memories are locked away, safe and sound, to be replayed whenever I want. Steroids can't touch them, thankfully!

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I am no expert but wouldn't using steroids increase the chance of being injured? And as for the different eras I would have to say that's a lot of bs if you consider that players today are much more physically fit than those in Gehrig's and furthermore that pitchers don't throw at guys as much as they did in Gehrig's time/\.

His argument was that in today's era, players push themselves harder and have a higher probability of their bodies breaking down. He said steroids would have helped Cal recover from injury quicker.

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All this steroid crap can't take away the joy and thrill the game gifted to me as a youth and even as a teenager. Be it listening to my handheld am/fm radio in bed, late at night, way past my bed time, hearing Chuck Thompson calling another come from behind magical O's win. Roids can't steal the innocent fun i had "pitching" a tennis ball against an imaginary plate on the masonry block wall in my folks basement, as if I were Jim Palmer, Sammie Stewart, Don Stanhouse, etc. They can't take away the innocent fun and pleasure I enjoyed tossing a ball back and forth with my father in our yard, or even throwing a tennis ball against my folks back wall and fielding it al la Bobby Grich, Brooksie, etc. The steroid mess can't wrest away the seemingly endless joy I had hitting tennis balls from one end of my folks yard to the other end, with those that sailed over the neighbor's fence as home runs, taking up batting stances and using swings like Eddie, Don Baylor, Lee May. They can't touch the fun i had playing baseball in high school. Nope, all those memories are locked away, safe and sound, to be replayed whenever I want. Steroids can't touch them. Thankfully.

And once again we are all reminded of why we love our Moscow Bird!

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Cal was my childhood hero. If he ever did do it (which I cannot believe he ever did) I would be absolutely crushed. It would forever change the way I viewed him, not only as a very good baseball player, not only as the Ironman, but also as a person and human being as well.

The thought that this is even being brought up makes me sick. (No offense to the original poster of this thread)

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If Cal came out and said he used steroids, they would just have to legalize steroids. Seriously, steroids help you recover from injury, but nor overnight. They wouldn't help Cal play the next day with an ankle sprain. A cortisone shot might and I have no doubt he had his share of those. But using steroids is completely antithetical to the reasons Cal wanted to play everyday and totally against his father's notion of the Oriole way.

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Now obviously I’m not saying he did or even implying anyone should THINK he did. But all the evidence suggests that from 1990-2005 steroids were a very prominent part of baseball.

How would you view him if it came out he took steroids? I personally think it would be the absolute worst thing to happen to baseball. Cal is one of the most revered players in the history of MLB, if he ever got dirtied I don’t know what would happen.

Before anyone kills me for bringing this up, ask yourself if you would be shocked finding out ANYONE took steroids during that era. At this point, I would believe anything.

I really don't hink the man took steroids. I don't see Cal as being a cheat. For me I will be glad when this crap is over with. I hope it iwll be some day.

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I would be devastated. Cal is one of those ballplayers that alot of people, including myself, looked to as a rolemodel not for what he did on the baseball field but for the kind of person he was on and off the field. To find out that he took steroids would really hurt. BTW, I have no doubt that he did not use steroids.

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If Cal were proven to have taken steroids, maybe that would be the straw that finally convinced people to just accept that there was a time during which baseball did not have a normal conscience regarding these things so a lot of otherwise good people made this particular mistake. Do we really need be be devastated by this every time a new star's name is revealed? They're human. They're not heroes, they're sports stars. Many of them cheat on their wives, drive drunk, smoke weed, and yes, take whatever performance-enhancing substances they can to make their job easier. It's unfortunate that the whole sport got itself collectively caught up in this. It doesn't particularly matter which individuals did or didn't.

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Cal sucked way too much at the end of his career to have done steriods.

His best year was in 91 at the age of 30 or so. He didnt have any really abnormal production spikes.

I would be amazed and horrified if he cheated. You just never know I guess.

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