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"Beliefs Bigger than Baseball"


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Am I really going to be the first one to mention that the Latin American players are very likely Catholic (very few Latin American players are not, so I'm just stating a strong percentage play here) but that they will no doubt be reading the bible in Spanish, hence why it makes sense they are not in the same bible group as the English speaking players mentioned? 

Really surprising this hasn't been mentioned...seems like the very likely and most obvious reason why they are not mentioned in the article or in the context of the group. 

I mean, maybe I'm overplaying my hand here, but it seems pretty obvious...in the end this is how these dressing rooms and clubhouses work in sport, in European football no one questions the fact that the English players will end up hanging out together and the Latin / Spanish players will end up hanging together in another group...it doesn't mean there's not a great atmosphere in the dressing room, it's just a fact about how we group as people. 

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18 hours ago, 24fps said:

While the OP and the link to the story was worthwhile, was there ever any doubt that this was where the thread would end up?

Actually, I have to say the conversation didn't stray that far. Really the only "religion" discussion was whether Catholics were Christians and even in that discussion it never got heated. 

It is a fine line we have draw here on the subject, but in the end, if this brings guys together a little bit more it's a good thing. I never got any vibes that they were not inclusive or looked down upon those who did not partake. 

That is when things get sticky with religion and religion talk. 

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3 minutes ago, Flash- bd said:

Am I really going to be the first one to mention that the Latin American players are very likely Catholic (very few Latin American players are not, so I'm just stating a strong percentage play here) but that they will no doubt be reading the bible in Spanish, hence why it makes sense they are not in the same bible group as the English speaking players mentioned? 

Really surprising this hasn't been mentioned...seems like the very likely and most obvious reason why they are not mentioned in the article or in the context of the group. 

I mean, maybe I'm overplaying my hand here, but it seems pretty obvious...in the end this is how these dressing rooms and clubhouses work in sport, in European football no one questions the fact that the English players will end up hanging out together and the Latin / Spanish players will end up hanging together in another group...it doesn't mean there's not a great atmosphere in the dressing room, it's just a fact about how we group as people. 

Most of the Latin/Spanish players speak well enough English/Spanglish to converse with their teammates. Even ones who use an interpreter in interviews tend to be able to understand and speak some English. 

Personally I think people are reading too much into this that the Latin American players were not mentioned. Maybe they don't prefer that setting? I agree with you that a lot of them are probably Catholic, who are probably more church/mass focused vs bible study session focused. 

We saw all season how much everyone got along in the dugouts and on the field. I think this is a non-issue myself.

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1 minute ago, Tony-OH said:

Most of the Latin/Spanish players speak well enough English/Spanglish to converse with their teammates. Even ones who use an interpreter in interviews tend to be able to understand and speak some English. 


I'd also expect a lot of American players to be at least conversant in Spanish.

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15 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

I agree with you that a lot of them are probably Catholic, who are probably more church/mass focused vs bible study session focused. 


That's a very good point that I didn't think about it, and another very likely explanation.

That said, regardless of the level of English of the Latin American players--which we know varies (Félix for example doesn't speak much, nor do I think does Canó? Mateo and Santander speak more, even if Santander still isn't totally comfortable giving interviews in English nor without a translator)--in the end, my point stands, that in these situations players inevitably group based on their culture and especially native language. Just as they are not going to go to a bible study in English, they are not going to go to a mass in English with the amount of options there are to attend mass in Spanish...in the end religion is a core belief thing and you are going to participate in it in your mother tongue, in what you learned it in and what you grew up with. 

13 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

I'd also expect a lot of American players to be at least conversant in Spanish.

I think Bichette Jr. at the Home Run derby is probably something that's pretty typical, or to be honest, he's probably better than the average. That level doesn't give for too much of a conversation. It's fine for joking around and having a laugh in time shared during baseball activities. But off the field it's not really going to be used to converse, and the Latin American players 9/10 will have a higher level in English than that level in Spanish, making it kind of pointless other than for getting along and having a laugh in the clubhouse and in baseball activities. 

Edited by Flash- bd
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2 hours ago, Satyr3206 said:

I will tell you a little about my experience. This was the worst year of my life. My wife left me, I was homeless for a while and numerous other things. My Faith got me through it . It works for me. 


Oh man. I am so sorry. I hope you are doing much, much, much better now. And I'm glad your faith helped you. I'm not very religious, but I understand the value of faith. 

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4 hours ago, Malike said:

I'm Catholic and I do a Saturday bible study with friends from all denominations, and it works great, it's a men's group and we all look forward to it. I've never met a Catholic who thought the Pope was higher on the list than Christ, but what do I know?

I participated in one of those years ago (I was the lone Catholic). Was a great group and a tremendous experience, to be sure. 

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1 hour ago, Ohfan67 said:

Oh man. I am so sorry. I hope you are doing much, much, much better now. And I'm glad your faith helped you. I'm not very religious, but I understand the value of faith. 

Thank you for the kind thoughts. I am doing much better. I asked the Lord to help me January 26th. Since then my life has been much better. Stable job, great place to live, and a group of wonderful friends that helped the entire time. I am so grateful for my blessings. Again, it is what worked for me. Not trying to preach. But I did become an Ordained Minister about 2 months ago.

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