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Santander Speculation

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2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

Obviously. You think an article is going to come out this year where Elias tells us who he does and doesn’t want to trade?

Not directly, but an interview of Elias or something, while he wouldn't provide his direct plans, would at least show some insight.

This is just some rando spitballing.

That said, I think you have the wrong idea about the way Elias goes about his business.  I don't think he has guys he "wants" and others he "doesn't want" to trade.  He's not going to go into this offseason thinking he has to move specific guys for specific reasons; ie salary, or logjam.  He makes moves considering the entirety of the organization.  

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I think Santander is gone. I don't see the O's going to FA with players. I think they have to flip anyone with value to sustain the "pipeline". I think that it their strategy. In a vacuum, I'd like to keep Santander but, there are prospects waiting and I don't see them gambling on him turning down the QO and getting a draft pick.

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1 minute ago, Pickles said:

Well, more so than this.  This is some rando blogger just spitballing.

I guess we all know this, but I felt like saying it aloud.  LOL.

I don’t regard his spitballing to be on a lower level than some MLB writer or someone from The Athletic.   It’s pretty good spitballing although I’m not sure the Marlins are the logical destination.

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2 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Not directly, but an interview of Elias or something, while he wouldn't provide his direct plans, would at least show some insight.

This is just some rando spitballing.

That said, I think you have the wrong idea about the way Elias goes about his business.  I don't think he has guys he "wants" and others he "doesn't want" to trade.  He's not going to go into this offseason thinking he has to move specific guys for specific reasons; ie salary, or logjam.  He makes moves considering the entirety of the organization.  

I disagree. I think pending FA absolutely enters into his thinking. It has to, he can't just think one year at a time. 

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2 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

I don’t regard his spitballing to be on a lower level than some MLB writer or someone from The Athletic.   It’s pretty good spitballing although I’m not sure the Marlins are the logical destination.

I think there's more to most of the posters here spitballing than this randos.

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Just now, MCO'sFan said:

I disagree. I think pending FA absolutely enters into his thinking. It has to, he can't just think one year at a time. 

Sure, there are considerations, but he's not going into this offseason with the mentality he HAS to trade Santander, or whomever, because of outside forces.

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8 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Not directly, but an interview of Elias or something, while he wouldn't provide his direct plans, would at least show some insight.

This is just some rando spitballing.

That said, I think you have the wrong idea about the way Elias goes about his business.  I don't think he has guys he "wants" and others he "doesn't want" to trade.  He's not going to go into this offseason thinking he has to move specific guys for specific reasons; ie salary, or logjam.  He makes moves considering the entirety of the organization.  

I think everything that is coming out this time of year is "rando spitballing." 

Elias is certainly not going to show his cards either. It's fine to speculate and discuss, but there is nothing solid coming out this time of year.

Saying that, IF, and that is a very big if, IF Santander can bring back a top reliever and a solid young controllable starting pitcher than I think it's fine to move him, but it's not like they are going to give him away. if they do "give him away" because of salary, then we have bigger issues.

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2 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Sure, there are considerations, but he's not going into this offseason with the mentality he HAS to trade Santander, or whomever, because of outside forces.

I don’t think Elias feels he has to trade Santander but there are a lot of logical reasons why he would and money is always a consideration.  Free up 12M, open a spot for a prospect (Kjerstad?) and get something of value back.  

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