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Stick a fork in us


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This year started with a ton of optimism and potential. It’s been flushed away with underperforming and injuries. Everyone better buckle up cause I think it’s going to be a huge collapse. 

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21 minutes ago, milbest77 said:

This series has 2005 White Sox series feels. That was in late July and the Os had been sliding for a few months. Two out of the four games were on national TV. Four game finished us off and led to manager firing. I know everyone will argue how this year’s team and the 05 team were soooo different, but were they really?

And Palmeroid tested positive - or it was announced right before the last game. We fell below .500 there and can't here. A reason to be optimistic!

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15 minutes ago, Gurgi said:

What will be our chicken and beer controversy?  They should fire Hyde and bring up Buck Britton.  

I like this. I don’t dislike Hyde and I think he’s gotten quite better at managing this year. But that ain’t saying much. Replace him now

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I hate these reactionary threads as much as anyone, but this team seems pretty lifeless.

it easy to blame the pitching injuries for the skid, but the narrative all year has been all this team does is hit home runs and that’s proven pretty accurate. The approach is just awful.

Our current leadoff hitter is a league leader is strikeouts this year and added another 3 this evening. That just won’t work unless you’re Gunnar. 

they should consider betting O’Hearn first. He’s right now the only player in the lineup that has shown a pretty good batters eye this year and his walks and strikeouts are almost even. 

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We’re still going to make the playoffs and anything can happen. This has been a weird season in the MLB. We’ve been shit for almost 3 months and we’ve lost almost no ground to anyone. There may not be a team that wins 93 games in the AL (or the MLB). That being said, we probably need to blow up the entire pitching staff but I’m not sure I trust Elias to get it right. He’s been great at building a contender through the draft, but now it’s time to build a championship team, but he still likes to rehab guys who can’t cut it on bad team. 

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1 hour ago, gtman55 said:

I said this in another thread. We're decimated with injuries and even if by some miracle we make it to the playoffs, we're not going anywhere, unfortunately.

I've been under a rock for a few weeks. Are things not going well?

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2 hours ago, DocJJ said:

I'm fresh out of optimism.  We are losing to sub .500 teams.  We've lost too many starting pitchers.  Our bullpen is lousy.  We've stopped hitting.


Tonight our best starter got shellacked for the 2nd start in a row while we are shut out by a 5-11 5.48 pitcher.


I think we are done for this season...

I totally agree. Zero optimism anymore. Very sad since I like everyone else here had such high hopes. I've been a die hard since the early 70's and I've turned off more games in the last couple of weeks than I did in the previous 400+ games.

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We are getting to the point where this 'slump' has lasted for about a third of the 162-game season. We have been killed with injuries to the starting pitching this year and guys are pressing. Also, something genuinely feels wrong with Adley. For all the talk about Burnes not pitching great tonight, how many runs did we score? Right now it feels like we are going to miss the playoffs.

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2 hours ago, GoldGlove21 said:

We are getting to the point where this 'slump' has lasted for about a third of the 162-game season. We have been killed with injuries to the starting pitching this year and guys are pressing. Also, something genuinely feels wrong with Adley. For all the talk about Burnes not pitching great tonight, how many runs did we score? Right now it feels like we are going to miss the playoffs.

The 1974 and 1982 Slumps lasted 5/6 ths of a season. Baseball is funny can be turned around both ways, I know the Texas narrative is old here, but ask Texas.

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7 hours ago, 24fps said:

Anybody else see this thread coming?

Does it make the OP wrong though?  There’s a lot reasons to say we’re done. The OP is entitled to his opinion. Sorry if that currently disagrees with group think. We all want to win. I hope. 

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8 hours ago, DocJJ said:

I'm fresh out of optimism.  We are losing to sub .500 teams.  We've lost too many starting pitchers.  Our bullpen is lousy.  We've stopped hitting.


Tonight our best starter got shellacked for the 2nd start in a row while we are shut out by a 5-11 5.48 pitcher.


I think we are done for this season...

The same people complaining about the team having no fight or fire when they aren’t playing well, have no fight or fire.   Things look bad right now.   It’s possible we could even miss the playoffs but there’s something really weak about your post.    This team could turn it around or not.     Not surprised one bit that Mr. Gloom is packing it in already.   Good riddance.

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