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CNN/SI: Gibbons received shipments of steriods

The Azman

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re: debate over whether Gibbons' contract can be voided

A year ago the Yankees were looking into possibly voiding Giambi's contract over steroid use. Does anyone remember why they decided not to attempt it? In my opinion, the Orioles do have a strong misrepresentation argument against Gibbons, which would void the contract. Without looking at the specific language of the CBA, I don't know how that would affect the outcome.


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This is the second or third time someone has said this, and it still doesn't make sense to me. So what if they're friends? Since when are friends required to do exactly the same things as each other? I have a friend who's a yoga teacher and a vegetarian, but that doesn't mean I have the slightest interest in taking up either of those habits.

It's irresponsible, IMO, to be throwing Brian Roberts's name out for suspicion because of something Jay Gibbons did.

Hey, I don't think he did. Just putting that out there though.....

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This is the second or third time someone has said this, and it still doesn't make sense to me. So what if they're friends? Since when are friends required to do exactly the same things as each other? I have a friend who's a yoga teacher and a vegetarian, but that doesn't mean I have the slightest interest in taking up either of those habits.

It's irresponsible, IMO, to be throwing Brian Roberts's name out for suspicion because of something Jay Gibbons did.

I certainly agree with you that you can't condemn Roberts for what Gibbons did. Clearly it's possible to be close friends with someone and not have all the same bad habits. I have a couple of friends who drive large SUVs although for myself I'm morally opposed to the practice (and I like Brian Roberts even though he does that;) ) and I've had friends who did cocaine and other things that I would never, ever do for fear of potential health affects. You can't assume anything about Roberts.

That being said, whatever his level of involvement or knowledge, he's in a very, very difficult position right now as someone who is very close to Gibbons personally, has worked out with him and even lived with him during spring training, and was named alongside him in the LA Times story. It's pretty easy to imagine that stress over this situation could have been a contributing factor to his recent slump whether or not he personally has anything to worry about legally. You also have to wonder if other people... say, umpires, are jumping to conclusions about him the same way some fans are, which could impact his and the team's results on the field.

As long as they aren't accusing/condemning, I think it's only natural for people to speculate/worry about Roberts, simply because he means so much more to Orioles fan base than Gibbons does. It's a sad world we're living in, but to some degree I think people are just trying to make sense of something they're stressed out and disappointed about.

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This is the second or third time someone has said this, and it still doesn't make sense to me. So what if they're friends? Since when are friends required to do exactly the same things as each other? I have a friend who's a yoga teacher and a vegetarian, but that doesn't mean I have the slightest interest in taking up either of those habits.

It's irresponsible, IMO, to be throwing Brian Roberts's name out for suspicion because of something Jay Gibbons did.

I agree and I have said the same thing. I've got loads of friends who have done all sort of drugs, or this or that and I'm clean to a point its almost boring. Guilty by friendship (or any relationship) is ridiculous.

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This is the second or third time someone has said this, and it still doesn't make sense to me. So what if they're friends? Since when are friends required to do exactly the same things as each other? I have a friend who's a yoga teacher and a vegetarian, but that doesn't mean I have the slightest interest in taking up either of those habits.

It's irresponsible, IMO, to be throwing Brian Roberts's name out for suspicion because of something Jay Gibbons did.

They also work-out together. That is a big thing. I don't think its irresponsible to raise some suspicion of work-out buddies when one is getting illegal shipments of performance enhancing drugs.

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They also work-out together. That is a big thing. I don't think its irresponsible to raise some suspicion of work-out buddies when one is getting illegal shipments of performance enhancing drugs.

The other side of this is, since the two of them do work out together and have a close relationship, one might think that if they were both doing drugs they'd be pretty likely to be sharing information, getting them from the same sources and using the same level of effort (or apparent lack thereof in Gibbons' case) to preserve their privacy while ordering illegal substances. Therefore, if Roberts doesn't get outed within the next few days, I think things actually might start to look a better for him.

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Interesting timeline there. May 2005, Palmeiro (allegedly) tested positive for Winstrol/Stanozolol. Aug. 1 2005, Palmeiro was suspended for 10 games.

Also, a lot of the other guys named (not just in this case) are Orioles or former Orioles.




Hairston Jr.

Gary Matthews Jr



Also Segui.

However, to be fair. If that is the right word. Sosa was never witnessed by Canseco, named by Grimsley, failed a test or part of the Balco case. He was never "named". I'm pretty sure he did stuff besides creatine, but he really hasn't had any specific evidence against him or an first hand accusations.

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The other side of this is, since the two of them do work out together and have a close relationship, one might think that if they were both doing drugs they'd be pretty likely to be sharing information, getting them from the same sources and using the same level of effort (or apparent lack thereof in Gibbons' case) to preserve their privacy while ordering illegal substances. Therefore, if Roberts doesn't get outed within the next few days, I think things actually might start to look a better for him.

Unless he used Jerry Hairston's name to order them. If that happened, then the story is already out there.

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Unless he used Jerry Hairston's name to order them. If that happened, then the story is already out there.

Cheating at baseball is one thing, but I find it darn near impossible to believe that Brian Roberts could even be capable of doing something as devious as framing another player in the process. That's really wild, uncalled for speculation (unless you meant to use a ;) or didn't out of a moral opposition to emoticons).

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They also work-out together. That is a big thing. I don't think its irresponsible to raise some suspicion of work-out buddies when one is getting illegal shipments of performance enhancing drugs.

They work out at the same facility in Arizona. Its not like they work out alone in each other's home gyms. Additionally, Athlete's Performance places athletes from all sports in groups if I remember an article I read correctly. I'm trying to dig it up now, I'll update my post appropriately.

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They work out at the same facility in Arizona. Its not like they work out alone in each other's home gyms. Additionally, Athlete's Performance places athletes from all sports in groups if I remember an article I read correctly. I'm trying to dig it up now, I'll update my post appropriately.

That is all well and good. They can still take the performance enhancers wherever they work out.

It really doesn't matter where they go.

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I've said before and I'll say it again. MLB proper are 1000 times bigger whores than any ballplayer earning umpteen millions of dollars. At least the ballplayers provide some measure of worth/value.

Great quote. And very true. I wish I'd said it ;-)

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Not to sound callous, but the first thing I thought about when I heard this, "yeah, we've opened a spot on next year's roster." No more Gibby, right? Please tell me he doesn't survive this because we have no "proof" he actually used. Please, someone smart, tell me that!?

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