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Matzusaka officially given permission...

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The Orioles shouldn't even take the time to send an e-mail. :)

From what I've read the posting fee could be $25-30m. From what I've read his contract has to be at least the same as or more than the posting fee. On the high end that is $20m a year for a guy who looks like a sure thing. However Irabu looked like a sure thing and we all know how that turned out.

Will he be able to withstand the rigors of pitching with only 4 days rest instead of the 6 he's used to? Will the outings of 140+ pitches he's endured come back to haunt him over the next couple of years?

I do think he'll be real good and likely will be a Yankee or Mariner. But he better be better than real good to justify what he'll cost.

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If the Orioles don't at least try to win the post, I won't be upset if they make a competitive offer and lose to insane offer although I won't mind the Orioles making an insane offer either, my normally optimistic outlook on life could take a serious turn for the worse.

At least a sign of being a competent organization is all I ask.

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Yeah, well I was joking that there are 30 teams and the Yankees will be the one to get him. I haven't heard of any serious competition from anyone but Seattle and even they aren't given a really good chance.

Texas, Mets, Dodgers, Red Sox and maybe the Cubs or White Sox are all thought to get into the bidding.

Hell, even the Royals have sent scouts to look at him and may try for him(that is funny, isn't it?)

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Texas, Mets, Dodgers, Red Sox and maybe the Cubs or White Sox are all thought to get into the bidding.

Hell, even the Royals have sent scouts to look at him and may try for him(that is funny, isn't it?)

What's really funny is that if KC bids on him, they will be bidding against Steinbrenner with his own money.. :D

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What's really funny is that if KC bids on him, they will be bidding against Steinbrenner with his own money.. :D

That would be awesome! Revenue sharing doing its job. If they have the cash why wouldn't they bid on him? It doesn't cost them a dime if they lose the bid nor if they fail to sign him.

Note, these are the same reasons the orioles should also bid on him.

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Well, I'll admit that they only thing I read on it was on some Japanese guy's blog and he seemed to think it was Seattle & the Yanks. Hadn't seen anything about the other teams. Can you really see anyone outbidding the Yankees?

No but you said there won't be any other serious competition for him....I think there will be.

The question is, are the Yanks willing to do what it takes to get him or do they have a limit?

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Well, I'll admit that they only thing I read on it was on some Japanese guy's blog and he seemed to think it was Seattle & the Yanks. Hadn't seen anything about the other teams. Can you really see anyone outbidding the Yankees?

That Matsuzaka blog makes me think most Japanese fans are to MLB as American Soccer fans are to Premiership in England. Japanese fans basicly know the Yankees and Mariners and have heard of the Dodgers faintly, just like American's know Chelsea and ManU and have heard of Liverpool maybe once or twice.

It is a silent bid, no reason not to try.

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I'd make a bid of about $20M.

This is the premiere guy on the market and the beauty is that he HAS to come here if we win the posting. Theres not even the possibility of him going elsewhere if we have the best offer.

It makes so much sense. Too bad the Orioles are too gunshy to make a move that isn't viewed as 100% safe (even though he's more likely to have more success over the rest of his career than any other FA pitcher, including Zito IMO).

Show us you've got a pair, FO. Make a bold and smart move.

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I know that this guy performed well in the WBC and everything, but so did Daniel Cabrera. I haven't really seen enough of this guy to know if he is worth that much money, when we could fill other holes with that cash. What is it about him that makes everyone so certain that he will be an ace in the mlb? Just wondering, because I honestly haven't really seen enough of him to know. Thanks.

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