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Camden Yards reached 121 decibels


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Awesome game! Was there both nights and I fel like it was louder last night, but more constant on Sunday. I even had a group on annoying Yankee fans get the boot in the 2nd inning. If they stayed, it woulda gone down....but the staties gotem!!!

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Amazing game. My wife and I took our daugher (5) and son (8) - left the parking garage at 1 AM. Keeping my fingers crossed that they stay awake at school and that my son stays out of the principal's office! We're either horrible parents or the best parents ever. I don't think that they will ever forget being there. I know I won't. That was the best sporting event I have ever attended. Maybe we can top it in a couple weeks.

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Amazing game. My wife and I took our daugher (5) and son (8) - left the parking garage at 1 AM. Keeping my fingers crossed that they stay awake at school and that my son stays out of the principal's office! We're either horrible parents or the best parents ever. I don't think that they will ever forget being there. I know I won't. That was the best sporting event I have ever attended. Maybe we can top it in a couple weeks.

We will see you all back there next week.

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3 quick observations on the game & crowd:

1. I agree with the person who said that we've learned to cheer from time at Ravens' games. It felt like a football game. People seemed to have pent up emotion that they've been waiting awhile to let out.

2. I loved the fact that Yankee fans were hard to find. There was 1 obnoxious guy right behind me; I still can't figure out how you can be that annoying when you're the only one, but I guess it's a Yankee thing.

3. The best moment of the whole night for me was when the crowd erupted as Jim Johnson ran in from the bullpen to start the top of the 9th. It was part anticipation of closing out the game, but I think it was more - Hey Johnson, we love you; we believe in you - finish em off. My tear ducts moistened up a bit.

Unbelievable night!

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I don't think that they will ever forget being there.

They won't forget. My dad took me as a 5 year old to a Redskins NFC Championship game and I still remember it as the loudest noise I've ever heard, even louder than last night. It made me a Redskins fan for life. You made your kids Orioles fans for life!

when the crowd erupted as Jim Johnson ran in from the bullpen to start the top of the 9th. It was part anticipation of closing out the game, but I think it was more - Hey Johnson, we love you; we believe in you - finish em off. My tear ducts moistened up a bit.

People definitely went out of their way to cheer as loud as they could for him, to buck him up! Great to see. And it worked!

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And I'm still reading comments from jackhole Yankee fans saying stupid stuff like "oh, where were these fans a couple years ago." You know, because when the Yankees had their (admittedly short) down period, Yankee Stadium attendance didn't go down. That's a fan base that really needs a 15 year dry spell from winning seasons just to gain some perspective. Red Sox fans have the same problem, but they're more self deluded about that stuff. Yankee fans are just spoiled.

Leaving the stadium, I walked by the Convention Center light rail stop and was about to cross over Pratt Street. About 4 or 5 female Yankee fans were walking that way also and were just screaming their heads off about how the Orioles fans are bandwagon fans, true fans are "always loyal", and so on. They seemed relatively young, but I am admittedly horrible with ages. I am not sure who specifically they were directly their anger towards, though I am sure there was some build up to this unless they just randomly decided to go off. A few people were jawing with them and pointing out they were just bitter. I only caught a glimpse of all this, but it speaks to your point above. The bottom line is Yankee fans, of all people, have no right to speak about bandwagon fans, loyalty, or any of that other nonsense. They simply live in a different universe and have no grasp on the reality of these things.

The best moment of the whole night for me was when the crowd erupted as Jim Johnson ran in from the bullpen to start the top of the 9th. It was part anticipation of closing out the game, but I think it was more - Hey Johnson, we love you; we believe in you - finish em off. My tear ducts moistened up a bit.

This was great. I am sure people were nervous about Johnson closing out a one run game after Sunday (you could feel the relief when Jeter grounded out on the very first pitch) but everyone seemed to brush aside any anxiety they might have had and gave Johnson a hero's welcome when he ran out. It was great to hear and see.

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3 quick observations on the game & crowd:

3. The best moment of the whole night for me was when the crowd erupted as Jim Johnson ran in from the bullpen to start the top of the 9th. It was part anticipation of closing out the game, but I think it was more - Hey Johnson, we love you; we believe in you - finish em off. My tear ducts moistened up a bit.

Unbelievable night!

Agree 100%. What a great show of support for Jim Johnson!

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And I'm still reading comments from jackhole Yankee fans saying stupid stuff like "oh, where were these fans a couple years ago." You know, because when the Yankees had their (admittedly short) down period, Yankee Stadium attendance didn't go down. That's a fan base that really needs a 15 year dry spell from winning seasons just to gain some perspective. Red Sox fans have the same problem, but they're more self deluded about that stuff. Yankee fans are just spoiled.

Let them talk. That's all they have to talk about today. :D

It doesn't matter if the crowd wasn't there earlier in the year. What's important is that our crowd goes to 11.

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Craig Sager showed a digital SPL meter (Sound Pressure Level) reaching 121 decibels. He compared it to the puny 109 db he recorded indoors at the Chesapeake Energy Arena where the OKC Thunder played in the NBA Finals this past June. For comparisons sake, the Seahawks stadium (renown for their ridiculously loud atmospheres) is posted at 112. (there are rumors of louder but I didn't find any real evidence despite what Wikipedia might want you to believe ;)).

Closer to baseball, the famed Metrodome in the 1991 World Series reached 125db

I knew Camden Yards got loud, I participated in it myself in September, but 121db is crazy loud. We knew Baltimore fans were awesome and just needed a good team to root for. Now the whole world knows just how awesome Camden Yards can be.

Huge hand for those who went to the game that night. You made us all proud. :clap3:

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Not too bad. There must have been few female tennis players in that crowd!

From: http://tennisnoise.wordpress.com/tag/monica-seles-scream/

Here?s a quick list of the 4 worst screamers in tennis:

Venus and Serena Williams have hit 90 decibels

Monica Seles? screech was measured at 93 decibels at Wimbledon in 1992.

Maria Sharapova occasionally topping 100 decibels.

Michelle Larcher de Brito ? 109 decibels ? a level slightly lower than a jet taking off

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