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If we were fortunate enough to make the World Series, how would you feel about playing the Nats?


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I thoroughly hate the Nats and MLB for moving a team into our market in a way that restricts the growth of ours in any meaningful way.

Make no mistake, the Orioles and Nats are in a long-term death struggle for this market. One team is going to survive and the other will move in most of our lifetimes. The Orioles have twice before won that struggle, but are forced (insanely) to fight the battle a 3rd time.

Absolutely anything positive that happens to that franchise is a dagger to ours and they are a much bigger threat long term than any success the Yankees or Red Sox may have with their larger payrolls.

So simply put, no ****ing way on the Nats in the WS.

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I Really do not think we will have to worry about it. Haven't the Nats had one of the easiest schedules in the sport?

Honestly I cannot stand the Nats for a couple reasons. One is their

Obnoxious announcers, with FP topping the list. Second, a large part of my family jumped ship as soon as the Nats came into the area. Lofe long Orioles fans gone in an instant.

Yea a World series like this would be great for the media, but I cannot root for the enemy to make it there.

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Put it all on the line. The team that wins the world series gets 100% ownership of MASN. The losing team will receive $20 million in rights fees each year. This deal will remain in effect until the next time the two teams meet in the World Series.

This is when the Orioles' secret weapon will become a major factor...

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I Really do not think we will have to worry about it. Haven't the Nats had one of the easiest schedules in the sport?

Honestly I cannot stand the Nats for a couple reasons. One is their

Obnoxious announcers, with FP topping the list. Second, a large part of my family jumped ship as soon as the Nats came into the area. Lofe long Orioles fans gone in an instant.

Yea a World series like this would be great for the media, but I cannot root for the enemy to make it there.

I recently saw a picture of my best friend in a Nats shirt. He is still an O's fan. I have nothing against the Nats but I just don't get it.

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Personally, I'd prefer the Nats get swept out of the first round of the playoffs. I hate everything about them.

Yep, this is how I feel. Like GMU Orioles Fan, I am also originally from Northern Virginia, and I have gotten a lot of grief from Nats "fans" because I did not jump ship with them. Sorry, I have been passionate about the Orioles for way too long to just let that go. Orange and black runs through my veins, and I just could not turn my back on the team I grew up with through some good times as well as a lot of bad times. :)

There are just a few things that annoy me about that team. Their generally smug fans that talk a lot of trash about the Orioles even though most of them were fans of the team a few short years ago. Bob Carpenter and F.P. Santangelo. Bryce Harper. But for me, its mostly their fans. The ones I know have a superiority complex, and I am not quite sure why.

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Of course I am not quite ready to assume we'll make the playoffs, much less make it to the World Series. But in that scenario, how would you feel about playing the Nats? Would that be extra exciting for you? Would it add to the already-high stakes? Or are you indifferent? Personally, I think it would be extra awesome to have that element.

For me it doesn't matter.

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As a Canadian I still see the Nationals to some extent as having been stolen from Montreal (not that Montreal was blameless of course - lots of blame to go around in that sad saga) - and not only did they leave Canada - but they moved into the territory of my team - the Orioles- at a time when the Orioles could ill afford the competition for fan support.

Montreal was the closest city for me to be able to go to an MLB game - about 10 hours drive (Boston's roughly the same but involves border-crossings and usually unfavroable exchange rates) - so I'd make the pilgrimage to Montreal occasionally - and that option was taken away from me.

All of which to say - I don't like the Nationals and would prefer not to see good things happen to them - so I don't want them in the World Series. If the O's are fortunate enough to get there I won't really care if they are playing the Yomiuri Giants - but given my druthers I'd prefer to miss Kershaw and deal with the Brewers, Giants, Cardinals, or Braves.

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Might get killed for this but I don't hold disdain for the Nats. In my opinion, they are in 2 different leagues. I like the Nats and want them to do well WHEN THEY ARE NOT PLAYING the O's AND I am rooting hard for the Nats to get CRUSHED in the MASN dispute. I have Nats fans friends BUT GENERALLY I strongly dislike the Nats fans but I will root for their Team to do well as it is exciting for the DMV area!

GO O's

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