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Chris Davis Suspension Timing Awful Suspicious


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Yeah, that makes a lot more sense than the fact that the league, the Yankees, and the Red Sox felt that the best revenge on the Orioles was to keep their .700 OPSing 1B out of the playoffs. Maybe they also strategically placed a pebble in the batters box so Manny Machado would spin and tear his knee up. How bout that one? Could have happened. Maybe someone got into Matt Wieters room one night and twisted his arm in his sleep. I mean, how many catchers have TJ surgery, right?

Hey, I didn't post the thread, I just was glad someone else out there thinks this whole situation stinks and has the distinct odor of conspiracy.

Again, I maintain that just because it might sound crazy doesn't make it untrue.


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Having him miss the first 8 playoff games? I would like to know what major league baseball knew and when they knew it. For instance, did they know about the failed test and did he appeal it? If he didn't appeal it, when did they know? Why couldn't they have done this with 25 games to go?

If he was a Yankee, I suspect he would have got suspended the first 25 games of next year or gotten suspended with 25 games to go. Am I paranoid or do others find this really fishy?


Here's a idea Davis failed 1 test so Davis knew he would get tested 8 times in 2014 STOP TAKING Adderall.

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So you believe this was just a coincidence? The timing and all?

This just came out of the blue?



Again, second violation. So, mandated increased testing (six extra random tests in a twelve month period on top of whatever random tests he would've had already.). Required prompt notification for positive test. no appeal from Davis.

I'll add, a drug that moves through the system quickly, so he must've been real worried when he went to pee.

So, no, it's not out of the blue for Davis.

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Nope anything is possible. Just like I could make up some conspiracy that Machado's knee isn't really injured and he really doesn't need surgery and he never really had the first surgery. The Yankees blackmailed him into faking both injuries. Prove me wrong!

That's why Manny has his own doctor/surgeon. Dr. Neal A'trache or whatever his name is, is actually on the Yankees payroll.

A clearly insane conspiracy theory doesn't take anything away from what's posited here.

We can all have fun with this, but there's folks out there with justifiable suspicions about the suspension. You may not agree with their theories, but they aren't being wackos for suggesting that there's something weird about the timing.


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A clearly insane conspiracy theory doesn't take anything away from what's posited here.

We can all have fun with this, but there's folks out there with justifiable suspicions about the suspension. You may not agree with their theories, but they aren't being wackos for suggesting that there's something weird about the timing.



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Adderall isn't a sin. They were stretching with that one.

I wonder how many guys in the league are on masked PEDs and they go after Crush for friggin Adderall.

We can be disappointed in him for taking it without authorization, but 25 games is ridiculous. Players talk to each other. Someone mentioned something around the wrong person on an opposing team (most likely an AL East squad) and they reported it to management and they reported it to the drug testers.

If you don't believe stuff like that happens in the sports industry, I don't know what else to tell ya.


No, I don't believe that without a little more evidence. You know, something other than baseless speculation put forth in a condescending tone of voice. What I do believe is that baseball conspiracy theories are an offseason time suck for losers.

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No, I don't believe that without a little more evidence. You know, something other than baseless speculation put forth in a condescending tone of voice. What I do believe is that baseball conspiracy theories are an offseason time suck for losers.

1) No condescension here. That's your imagination. (FYI, there's no "tone" established by me. If you must know, it was in an inquisitive tone of voice, not a condescending one).

2) Name-calling? Why? No reason to get nasty. None whatsoever.


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I have no doubt that someone in the Yankees or Red Sox organization could have tipped off the MLB drug enforcement testers to look closely at Davis as the playoffs approached. I don't put it above any of them considering how often they've looked the other way with players in their organization over the last 15 years.

I know some folks scoff at the concept of conspiracy theories, but I know enough about the dirt behind the scenes to know that Davis' suspension seemed to come at the most inopportune time for the Orioles.


Why would the Red Sox care? And even the Yankees are out of the division race now and the wild card looks awfully remote.

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