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Orioles working on Markakis extension as well


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Cruz is less replaceable than Markakis. JMO

I think they should take the pick Cruz brings and go after Butler. Market for Butler shouldn't be too significant, considering he's coming off a down year and can pretty much only DH. I doubt he costs a pick as well, since the Royals probably can't afford to pay him the 15+ million if he accepts, which he probably would. They can likely get Butler for relatively cheap, while Cruz, obviously, is going to cost the big bucks. Buy low, sell high. Butler in, Cruz out.

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I think they should take the pick Cruz brings and go after Butler. Market for Butler shouldn't be too significant, considering he's coming off a down year and can pretty much only DH. I doubt he costs a pick as well, since the Royals probably can't afford to pay him the 15+ million if he accepts, which he probably would. They can likely get Butler for relatively cheap, while Cruz, obviously, is going to cost the big bucks. Buy low, sell high. Butler in, Cruz out.

This has been my thinking too. Take the pick for Cruz, sign Butler for a one year deal and hope he bounces back. Plus he rakes in Camden Yards and Buck is a big "how do you hit in this park" guy.

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Nick would never work that cheap. That is not much more than McLouth money.

It's almost double what McLouth got (2/$10 mm plus a $750 k buyout of a $6.5 mm option year). I'm having trouble guessing what Nick would take to stay with the O's.

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Cruz is less replaceable than Markakis. JMO

Yes, but Cruz will command a lot more money and probably carries more risk at age 34 next season. I'm more worried about overpaying Cruz than Markakis because the cost will be a lot higher. I'm really not objective on this particular subject, because I am so attached to Nick. Cruz's age 33 season certainly was much more valuable than any season Nick has had in the last six years, and yes, that would be very hard to replace. The question is, can Cruz come close to that again for a few more years.

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In both cases the teams are apparently happy to extend current players on the wrong side of 30, locking them into contracts that the team can't get out of.

Both Nick and Hardy are going to be essentially untradable a year into these deals.

Well, yes but these guys are Orioles!:hearts:

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This has been my thinking too. Take the pick for Cruz' date=' sign Butler for a one year deal and hope he bounces back. Plus he rakes in Camden Yards and Buck is a big "how do you hit in this park" guy.[/quote']

Dan might be crazy or brilliant enough to do this deal, depending where you come down on the value of accumulating draft picks.

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I don't think Butler fits into the BS mold at all. Buck likes players with some versatility and Butler has none.

As far as Markakis goes, I think it is emotionally tough for a player to accept a significant pay decrease from the same employer. His performance may suffer. He probably sees himself as at least an equal to Hardy. I know he is a professional, but it is still hard to do. From another team, it might be easier.

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As far as Markakis goes, I think it is emotionally tough for a player to accept a significant pay decrease from the same employer. His performance may suffer. He probably sees himself as at least an equal to Hardy. I know he is a professional, but it is still hard to do. From another team, it might be easier.

I just don't think there can be any question that Nick knows he won't get the same money coming off a so-so season at age 30 that he got when he was coming off a spectacular season at age 24. He has an agent, whose job it is to make sure Nick knows the facts of life and what he'd command on the FA market.

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I think this is absolutely genius on PA's part. You are getting value for these players who are signing in the moment of high emotions and not letting them get to free agency. He knows they want to be here.

Continuity rules the day as we are seeing more and more examples of this every year. St Louis and San Fran make this crystal clear.

I keep telling folks that this team defies conventionality and we're seeing another example here in extending players DURING the playoffs!

IMO, Buck is influencing this team in so many ways. He's now got Angelos rejuvenated.

I'm going to keep an eye of these guys and the entire team as the results could be very positive. Possibly this could start a new trend. Very interesting.

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I just don't think there can be any question that Nick knows he won't get the same money coming off a so-so season at age 30 that he got when he was coming off a spectacular season at age 24. He has an agent, whose job it is to make sure Nick knows the facts of life and what he'd command on the FA market.

I don't disagree with your premise. It is an agents job to help him through the process. Intuitively Nick may realize the situation, but that doesn't mean he accepts it. In his mind being a loyal player, the drought period, etc may indeed create an "owe me" attitude in his reality.

I have no idea how this will play out. I genuinely think BS likes Markakis and PA too may have a role in the decision. From a personal side I like the idea of "Oriole for Life" for good players. From a business side I know it can lead to problems. DD seems to be the type of GM that can handle these situations, Buck maybe not as well.

It will surprise me if it is decided at this time. It seems to not quite the win, win that Hardy and the O's got. Hardy's salary went up, Nick's will be going down.

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I think this is absolutely genius on PA's part. You are getting value for these players who are signing in the moment of high emotions and not letting them get to free agency. He knows they want to be here.

Continuity rules the day as we are seeing more and more examples of this every year. St Louis and San Fran make this crystal clear.

I keep telling folks that this team defies conventionality and we're seeing another example here in extending players DURING the playoffs!

IMO, Buck is influencing this team in so many ways. He's now got Angelos rejuvenated.

I'm going to keep an eye of these guys and the entire team as the results could be very positive. Possibly this could start a new trend. Very interesting.

Of course from another perspective it's the perfect time for Hardy and Markakis and Cruz to look for extensions, while the fanbase and front office are still giddy over the season and the first round playoff success and everyone is looking to keep the band together. Because chemistry, and we love each other, man. No way some other guys could do this, we're the 2014 Orioles.

It's the Seinfeld episode I saw last night. Elaine starts dating the ponytailed British guy who works at the department store. Is he playing her by promising a discount on the little black dress, or is she playing him by implying some sweet loving so she gets the discount?

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I'm looking at this one more as a pure fan, rather than as a sabermetrician. My three favorite Orioles of their eras -- Frank Robinson, Eddie Murray, and Mike Mussina --all got traded or left as free agents, and I just hated to see them leave. It made Oriole baseball just a little less enjoyable for me, to have my favorite player playing somewhere else. I just don't want that with Nick, who is my favorite player of this era, even though he's not the player those other three were and far from the best player on this team. If we sign him for too much money, for me it will be like eating an overpriced desert that you really want.

Great post sir!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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