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A bit slow to the party....


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Disagreement for the sake of disagreement produces nothing. If you are willing get to back the argument that Angelos is not risk averse then we can talk, but you would have to disprove a mountain of evidence (spending patterns, voided contracts due to physicals) that says otherwise.

The Orioles will always be late to the party as long as the strategies of the front office reflect a plodding and methodical owner. I'm not saying that's always a bad thing, it's just how things are.

I agree that the Orioles appear to be a stand alone entity not willing to risk it's own capital. Obviously the type of law that Angelos has practiced and which netted him the great fortune to be able to by and keep the Orioles was earned through an extreme high risk, high reward strategy. Maybe the minority partners have had something to say about this difference.

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The Orioles will always be late to the party as long as the strategies of the front office reflect a plodding and methodical owner. I'm not saying that's always a bad thing, it's just how things are.

I think you misunderstand the issue. It's not that Angelos is methodical, it is just that he was very controlling for a long time. Which meant everything had to be run by him. No matter where he was or what his priorities were. That really slowed things down. That is ancient history now. And the results have shown this. Dan Duquette is not someone hard to deal with. And he is empowered.

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