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Can't believe I'm saying this but so far, it looks like the Orioles made a mistake not re-signing Nick Markakis. OBP almost .400. Then again like the article says, he hasn't hit like this since 2008. Maybe he needed to get out of Camden Yards?

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Jimmy Johnson pitched one shutout inning in the Braves' 5-3 win over the Marlins on Saturday.

Johnson threw 18 pitches (13 Strikes, 5 Balls), struck out one batter, and ceded one single.

It was Johnson's 5th consecutive scoreless outing, and his 10th outing in his last 11 of not allowing any earned runs.

In that frame (his last 11 games), Johnson has decreased his ERA from 5.63 to 2.95, and decreased his WHIP from to 1.875 to 1.255.

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Can't believe I'm saying this but so far, it looks like the Orioles made a mistake not re-signing Nick Markakis. OBP almost .400. Then again like the article says, he hasn't hit like this since 2008. Maybe he needed to get out of Camden Yards?

I wouldn't much stock in it. I doubt he'll put up a .400 OBP this year. I do think we miss him to a degree, but I understand why the O's didn't resign him.

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Can't believe I'm saying this but so far, it looks like the Orioles made a mistake not re-signing Nick Markakis. OBP almost .400. Then again like the article says, he hasn't hit like this since 2008. Maybe he needed to get out of Camden Yards?

He is just barely better than replacement level due to his terrible defense and .043 ISO. His BABIP is 60+ points higher than it has been the last four years and he has 9 infield hits in 158 plate appearances after having 12 and 13 infield hits in his previous two seasons of 700 plate appearances.

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Can't believe I'm saying this but so far, it looks like the Orioles made a mistake not re-signing Nick Markakis. OBP almost .400. Then again like the article says, he hasn't hit like this since 2008. Maybe he needed to get out of Camden Yards?

There's probably a better way to do this, but on bbref I looked at the totals for our RFers and compared them to Nick. In the 13 less PAs, The Orioles group has 1 less hit, the same number of doubles, 2 more triples, and 1 more HR. As a group, they've walked 11 less times.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Cruz for me. I knew the Orioles were going to miss that guy. Arrieta... I don't think he was ever going to turn it around in a Baltimore uniform, so to me it's a moot point.

Exactly. And signing Cruz would have meant no Young or Snider and probably not picking up De Aza. Wow. Seems like a dumb move not signing Cruz, doesn't it? Some treat the Orioles payroll like their personal piggybank and are just cheap. I would have given Cruz the extra year even if the guy barely was able to walk at that point.

"Jake had more chances than my ex wife"-Earl Weaver (kidding of course)

Miller is a lot of money for a reliever but he is a REALLY good reliever as you can see.

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Cruz is the biggest lost for the season. I don't see how you can say otherwise considering the fact that he's hitting .340 with 15 homeruns.

I think Miller will hurt us the most long term. The guy is a top five reliever in MLB and in the prime of his career. Cruz's contract likely starts to look ugly in years three and four.

But maybe not. A player having career years at ages 34 and 35 is likely on some good juice, which can negate the age factor.

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Some treat the Orioles payroll like their personal piggybank and are just cheap.

And some treat the Orioles as an ATM that has no limit on what can be withdrawn and so pretend no choices need to be made as to how limited resources should be spent.

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And some treat the Orioles as an ATM that has no limit on what can be withdrawn and so pretend no choices need to be made as to how limited resources should be spent.

I hear people say that, but I haven't really like seen many posters actually say that.

I don't think the people you are referring to are calling for unlimited, unchecked resources. If so, it might be 1-2 lone na?ve individuals.

I think that is the straw man argument for folks. Outside of this message board, not many people really criticize the Orioles for wanting to spend too much:)

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We won the division by 15 games last season and the team had the option of putting it's foot on the division's throat by adding a little bit of salary.

If we had traded or non-tendered Norris and De Aza, we could have used that money to sign Cruz or Miller while adding minimal salary. There were several other players to be had via trade that would have been upgrades to what are getting out of Travis Snider. This all could have been done by adding no more than 10-15 mil in payroll from where we are at now.

I think as fans we have the right to be upset that the FO/Angelos didn't go for the throat. I think that's what organizations that really care about winning do when they are in our position.

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