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Would Wieters actually Accept a QO?


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Just wondering. He isn't terribly impressive so far this season. Decent enough hitting but he's still only playing every other day. I'm not sure he gets offered a deal if he turns down a QO. Know he's a Boras client and all, but Boras and he will want to avoid the humiliation of having to wait until June 2016 before they finally sign.

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I think there's no way he accepts one. Boras might not do it out of spite alone.

And Michael Cuddyer...

Yes but does Boras want another client of his to have to wait until the middle of next spring training or next regular season to sign a deal for less than the QO? Would be a pretty bad look for Boras.

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I do not expect him to accept a QO. I don't think the fact that he's playing every other day will impact his value much, because he really could play more if they needed him to and he should be fully back to strength by the time next season starts in any event. If anything, he has saved some wear and tear.

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I would take one if I was him. Make a bunch of money for one year and a chance to rebuild your own value. He could "bet on himself"

If I am Wieters, I would take a major step down from Russell Martin money (5/$80M), let's say 4 years/$48M, over a QO. That would be $33M more guaranteed money to play baseball for a living and retire in complete financial security. I would take that in a heartbeat given his career numbers and medical history.

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How high is the QO? If it's over $16 million and he continues to play the way that he has been and he thinks another year will substantially increase his value to Russell Martin territory then I think there's a good chance that he would. All of these things are possible IMO. That being said, if I were DD I wouldn't take the chance that he would accept in the first place. I would absorb the loss of the comp pick in exchange for the security of knowing I had that money spend on longer term upgrades elsewhere on the team.

I suspect some team will overpay this offseason and make the question moot. It would be a poor use of limited resources if that team were the O's.

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I think there is a real chance he accepts a qualifying offer. I wouldn't say it is likely, but the Orioles would be wrong-headed to assume he'll turn it down. There are a ton of reasons that accepting the offer would make sense if Boras doesn't have a suitor or two already lined-up and ready to give Wieters a deal he wants.

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If I am Wieters, I would take a major step down from Russell Martin money (5/$80M), let's say 4 years/$48M, over a QO. That would be $33M more guaranteed money to play baseball for a living and retire in complete financial security. I would take that in a heartbeat given his career numbers and medical history.

Who is going to make that him kind of offer?

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If Nelson Cruz had trouble finding a suitor and had to settle for much less than his QO, I don't see how Wieters has an easier time finding a suitor. I would take the QO if I were him. In a heartbeat. Get paid now and hope to play well in 2016 so you can make serious bucks in 2017 and beyond. Odds are he'll be his usual "just ok on offense, good on defense" self in 2016 which will be enough for someone to overpay in the 2016/2017 offseason. And he might even get a shot at 1B which would show versatility.

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