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A potential storm brewing?


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I don't blame Joseph at all. He showed how he felt. You never see that from Joseph. I'm sure he's heartbroken. Give him a day. Put yourself in his shoes and you might really know how crappy are pitching really is. You think he's happy with the amount of huge 0-2 hits this staff has given up.

Matusz doesn't care. This whole season has been about his numbers. He'll walk a RH batter to face a LH. Not worrying about the consequences. This team needs more guys like Joseph that had to grind in the minors for years than high draft pick pitchers that "partied" too hard and was questioned for his work ethic. Remember those reports? I do. Matusz and his driinking buddy Patton. Patton got ran out of town and Matusz needs to be next.

As one of the catchers on the team isn't the 0-2 count issue partially his responsibility? Maybe it is the pitch calling, maybe they are worried if they bury one the catcher won't block it.

As for not talking to the media, of course I blame him, it is part of his job.

It's easy to talk to the media when you get the game winning hit.

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I don't blame Joseph at all. He showed how he felt. You never see that from Joseph. I'm sure he's heartbroken. Give him a day. Put yourself in his shoes and you might really know how crappy are pitching really is. You think he's happy with the amount of huge 0-2 hits this staff has given up.

Matusz doesn't care. This whole season has been about his numbers. He'll walk a RH batter to face a LH. Not worrying about the consequences. This team needs more guys like Joseph that had to grind in the minors for years than high draft pick pitchers that "partied" too hard and was questioned for his work ethic. Remember those reports? I do. Matusz and his driinking buddy Patton. Patton got ran out of town and Matusz needs to be next.

i think you are a little harsh on Matusz. He does a lot for charities. Casey Cares ,expecially. I hope when he gets run out of town that he goes to another team and we will see how good he is. Also have no problem with Joseph not talking to the media. But I was told and it seems true that you show your true character when times are tough.

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i think you are a little harsh on Matusz. He does a lot for charities. Casey Cares ,expecially. I hope when he gets run out of town that he goes to another team and we will see how good he is. Also have no problem with Joseph not talking to the media. But I was told and it seems true that you show your true character when times are tough.

We won't have to worry about Matusz proving anyone wrong. He literally had the worst statistical season of any Starting Pitcher in baseball history. I'm confident a "fresh start" won't change that.

You do realize the team sets players up with Charities. I really don't need to point out players that have done charity work before. But they all aren't saints. I don't know if Matusz is or isn't. I just don't want him on the team next year.

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We won't have to worry about Matusz proving anyone wrong. He literally had the worst statistical season of any Starting Pitcher in baseball history. I'm confident a "fresh start" won't change that.

You do realize the team sets players up with Charities. I really don't need to point out players that have done charity work before. But they all aren't saints. I don't know if Matusz is or isn't. I just don't want him on the team next year.

Maybe I am biased because I escorted him around at one of the Fanfests and he seemed nice. Not wanting him on the team is fine. Most people don't like Matusz.I know when you sign a contract the team makes you pick a charity to work with. Some guys do more then they have to and others not much.

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But things don't always go as planned. The Nats were supposed to have one of the best pitching staffs in the history of baseball. It has not worked out that way. Scherzer has struggled down the stretch. The Nats may still make the playoffs and win the World Series but that does not look like it is going to happen. Also Scherzer might take them to four World Series. I really don't know and no one really does. I do think he is a stand up guy and talks to the media unlike when the Orioles start losing and players run away.

Post article:

Instead, the Nats lost for the 10th time in Scherzer’s last 13 starts. Three times in those losses he faced little-known rookies. Niese is the Mets’ fifth starter, which should have given the Nats a matchup edge. Now Washington faces the Mets’ best duo: Matt Harvey and Jacob deGrom .

In the middle of June, Scherzer was the talk of baseball. He came as close to pitching back-to-back perfect games as anybody probably ever will. Almost every pitch was where he wanted, within a baseball’s width. His pitching lines still seem ridiculous: 9-1-0-0-1-16 and 9-0-0-0-0-10. I’ve marked those games “Do Not Erase” on my DVR in case I ever need to see what a pitcher looks like with command of five “plus” pitches. That pitcher still exists, but nobody can find him.

Instead, Scherzer, who claims to be in ideal health and still throws 98 mph, is a complete mystery, to himself, his team and all of baseball. In his last seven starts, his ERA is 6.08 with 11 home runs allowed. They say hitting a baseball is the hardest job in sports. Throwing one isn’t such a soft gig either.

Asked about Scherzer’s bludgeoning, Manager Matt Williams said, “The ball was really carrying today.” Stop laughing. In June, the ball was “carrying” all the way into the catcher’s mitt for strike three or bouncing for a groundout. Now the grounds crew has to drag the warning track between innings.

Sun article:

I actually had more of a problem with Joseph not talking to reporters after the game -- not making any eye contact at all and having a message passed on that he didn’t want to talk.

As a catcher, Joseph talks a bunch to the press after games. I’m sure he gets sick of it, especially when the team is losing and his pitcher isn’t doing particularly well. And so he certainly deserves a pass every now and then if he wants to skip out on the daily interview.

But when you are in a crucial situation -- and you make such a public display of emotion that brings even more attention to your actions -- you’d think you’d feel obligated to answer questions about it afterward. It’s just part of the gig.

Case in point: Lefty Brian Matusz, who gave up the game-deciding home run Monday after having a rookie down 0-2 in the count. Matusz rarely gets interviewed after games unless he doesn’t do his job. That’s the unfortunate reality of being a reliever.

Matusz was by his locker Monday, and gave some perspective on the at-bat and accepted responsibility for hanging a slider. Asking questions of players after a tough loss is certainly not one of our favorite things to do, but it’s all part of the job. We do what we have to and move on. And Matusz handled it perfectly and professionally.

One of the things Orioles manager Buck Showalter has instilled in many of his players is the need for accountability -- to Showalter and his coaching staff, to their teammates and ultimately to the fans.

I’ve written plenty of times before that I understand fans really don’t care how players treat the media. But we are a conduit to a team’s fan base and that extension should be important.

This isn’t to pick on Joseph; it’s just a growing trend with these Orioles as they lose this year. Fewer and fewer players -- especially key players in a particular game -- are available after losses, a surprising development on a Showalter-led team.



Good Post. I appreciate the perspective.

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I think Dan has gotten arrogant. Too many turds have turned up roses, so he thinks he can let people like Markakis and Cruz walk, and replace them with Travis Snider or one of the 3 outfield stooges we have DFAed. When it works you look like a genius. When it stops working you just look like you were lucky.

That said, all the talk of not wanting to do a 4th year on Cruz and Markakis does kind strike me as Peter Angelos having his hands in things. If you remember, besides being a lawyer, and Baseball GM, he also thinks he is a doctor.

On another note, I hope Hardy gets healthy. The last two year, he has hobbled around like a 40 year old. I never understood his batting stance..it looks like he can't cover half the plate because his front foot is in the visiting team on deck circle.

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I've been writing about J. J's batting stance for a few years now and always wondered why the hitting coach and Buck could never get him to move up closer to the plate when it's obvious to everyone he can't reach the middle to outer side of the plate. Why a pitcher ever throws inside to him is dumber than dumb. So what really goes on in the batting cage and when watching film? Is JJ just stubborn or is he afraid of getting hit by a pitch?

Tillman and Wieters are friends and I believe it's been shown he pitches better when they are matched. Tilly as Buck calls him never seems to be in the game when Joseph or Clevenger the other day is behind the plate. Yes he interviews after the games and tries to say the right things but he continues to throw lollypops up to the plate for long HR'S.

Who stays and who goes? Buck stays and DD goes. When? I've been wondering since the end of August what happened at the deadline? DD said he expected to add a bat and a pitcher before the deadline and nothing happened. Why? Did ownership say no to his trades? Did Buck? Maybe both? Whoever gets the next interview should put him on the spot and get him to open up about the lack of player movement this year at both trade deadlines. Did he have deals in place ad get turned down by the warehouse.

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It was a Rosenthal article again that started the conversation. But who knows. Maybe Ken is right. For once.

It's all speculation to me. Does Ken hAve an ear in the club house? For me I just

for that something is started about friction when there may not be any. Sorry

Weams. This is not directed at you. But it seems that someone could be trying

so they can create some division so Angelos would fire DD. IMO

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I've been writing about J. J's batting stance for a few years now and always wondered why the hitting coach and Buck could never get him to move up closer to the plate when it's obvious to everyone he can't reach the middle to outer side of the plate. Why a pitcher ever throws inside to him is dumber than dumb. So what really goes on in the batting cage and when watching film? Is JJ just stubborn or is he afraid of getting hit by a pitch?

Tillman and Wieters are friends and I believe it's been shown he pitches better when they are matched. Tilly as Buck calls him never seems to be in the game when Joseph or Clevenger the other day is behind the plate. Yes he interviews after the games and tries to say the right things but he continues to throw lollypops up to the plate for long HR'S.

Who stays and who goes? Buck stays and DD goes. When? I've been wondering since the end of August what happened at the deadline? DD said he expected to add a bat and a pitcher before the deadline and nothing happened. Why? Did ownership say no to his trades? Did Buck? Maybe both? Whoever gets the next interview should put him on the spot and get him to open up about the lack of player movement this year at both trade deadlines. Did he have deals in place ad get turned down by the warehouse.

I always thought that when players stood so far off the plate it was because they couldn't turn on the inside pitch. Junior Lake does the same thing. Hitters tip off their weaknesses. The bad back has definitely sapped JJ's bat of bat speed.

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I've been writing about J. J's batting stance for a few years now and always wondered why the hitting coach and Buck could never get him to move up closer to the plate when it's obvious to everyone he can't reach the middle to outer side of the plate. Why a pitcher ever throws inside to him is dumber than dumb. So what really goes on in the batting cage and when watching film? Is JJ just stubborn or is he afraid of getting hit by a pitch?

Tillman and Wieters are friends and I believe it's been shown he pitches better when they are matched. Tilly as Buck calls him never seems to be in the game when Joseph or Clevenger the other day is behind the plate. Yes he interviews after the games and tries to say the right things but he continues to throw lollypops up to the plate for long HR'S.

Who stays and who goes? Buck stays and DD goes. When? I've been wondering since the end of August what happened at the deadline? DD said he expected to add a bat and a pitcher before the deadline and nothing happened. Why? Did ownership say no to his trades? Did Buck? Maybe both? Whoever gets the next interview should put him on the spot and get him to open up about the lack of player movement this year at both trade deadlines. Did he have deals in place ad get turned down by the warehouse.

It would be a lot of fun if a team just picked a random dude from a messageboard to run the team for a few years. Well, fun if you're an outside observer with no real stake in the success of the franchise.

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But things don't always go as planned. The Nats were supposed to have one of the best pitching staffs in the history of baseball. It has not worked out that way. Scherzer has struggled down the stretch. The Nats may still make the playoffs and win the World Series but that does not look like it is going to happen. Also Scherzer might take them to four World Series. I really don't know and no one really does. I do think he is a stand up guy and talks to the media unlike when the Orioles start losing and players run away.

Post article:

Instead, the Nats lost for the 10th time in Scherzer’s last 13 starts. Three times in those losses he faced little-known rookies. Niese is the Mets’ fifth starter, which should have given the Nats a matchup edge. Now Washington faces the Mets’ best duo: Matt Harvey and Jacob deGrom .

In the middle of June, Scherzer was the talk of baseball. He came as close to pitching back-to-back perfect games as anybody probably ever will. Almost every pitch was where he wanted, within a baseball’s width. His pitching lines still seem ridiculous: 9-1-0-0-1-16 and 9-0-0-0-0-10. I’ve marked those games “Do Not Erase” on my DVR in case I ever need to see what a pitcher looks like with command of five “plus” pitches. That pitcher still exists, but nobody can find him.

Instead, Scherzer, who claims to be in ideal health and still throws 98 mph, is a complete mystery, to himself, his team and all of baseball. In his last seven starts, his ERA is 6.08 with 11 home runs allowed. They say hitting a baseball is the hardest job in sports. Throwing one isn’t such a soft gig either.

Asked about Scherzer’s bludgeoning, Manager Matt Williams said, “The ball was really carrying today.” Stop laughing. In June, the ball was “carrying” all the way into the catcher’s mitt for strike three or bouncing for a groundout. Now the grounds crew has to drag the warning track between innings.

Sun article:

I actually had more of a problem with Joseph not talking to reporters after the game -- not making any eye contact at all and having a message passed on that he didn’t want to talk.

As a catcher, Joseph talks a bunch to the press after games. I’m sure he gets sick of it, especially when the team is losing and his pitcher isn’t doing particularly well. And so he certainly deserves a pass every now and then if he wants to skip out on the daily interview.

But when you are in a crucial situation -- and you make such a public display of emotion that brings even more attention to your actions -- you’d think you’d feel obligated to answer questions about it afterward. It’s just part of the gig.

Case in point: Lefty Brian Matusz, who gave up the game-deciding home run Monday after having a rookie down 0-2 in the count. Matusz rarely gets interviewed after games unless he doesn’t do his job. That’s the unfortunate reality of being a reliever.

Matusz was by his locker Monday, and gave some perspective on the at-bat and accepted responsibility for hanging a slider. Asking questions of players after a tough loss is certainly not one of our favorite things to do, but it’s all part of the job. We do what we have to and move on. And Matusz handled it perfectly and professionally.

One of the things Orioles manager Buck Showalter has instilled in many of his players is the need for accountability -- to Showalter and his coaching staff, to their teammates and ultimately to the fans.

I’ve written plenty of times before that I understand fans really don’t care how players treat the media. But we are a conduit to a team’s fan base and that extension should be important.

This isn’t to pick on Joseph; it’s just a growing trend with these Orioles as they lose this year. Fewer and fewer players -- especially key players in a particular game -- are available after losses, a surprising development on a Showalter-led team.



I think players are human. They have emotions. I'd rather Joseph decline to talk after a game then to be mad and say something he regrets later. Joseph has shown he is a good guy and I think he will talk to the press when he is ready.

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I think players are human. They have emotions. I'd rather Joseph decline to talk after a game then to be mad and say something he regrets later. Joseph has shown he is a good guy and I think he will talk to the press when he is ready.

Yeah, I have no problem with any of that. Cooler heads prevail....and maybe he needed a little time to cool down.

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The players understand and this is what happens when ownership doesn't commit to winning. There was a core group of players that grew with the success of the franchise - Jones, Hardy, Markakis, Davis, Tillman, Machado, O'Day, Britton, Chen, Gonzalez, and others. There was a clear message sent when the team did not add to the quality of the team this past offseason. Not keeping Markakis, Cruz, or Miller became a watershed event....we either had to keep them or make other legitimate moves that would improve the team. Angelos did neither. When the guy with the purse strings doesn't care about winning that gets infused into the culture of the organization. This past offseason will set this franchise back to the dumpster fire it was for 14 years. We will lose key free agents and return to the days of Will Clark, Delino Deshields, Vlad, and so on. That is how this ownership works.

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This past offseason will set this franchise back to the dumpster fire it was for 14 years.

On the bright side, after six or eight consecutive 100-loss seasons the push will be strong to move to Portland or Austin or something, and the O's would be potential market for a clean-slate expansion team owned by some mythical rich Baltimorean who will show his commitment to winning with payrolls that vastly exceed the revenues the market is capable of. I just wonder, will the relocated franchise get to keep their share of MASN?

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You do realize the team sets players up with Charities. I really don't need to point out players that have done charity work before. But they all aren't saints. I don't know if Matusz is or isn't. I just don't want him on the team next year.

Then perhaps stick to analyzing Matusz's actual on-field performance instead of making a post suggesting that he's a drunk. That kind of thing is not appropriate here.

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