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John Angelos: Manny Extension, Succession Plan (With Part 2 Update on Orioles)


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Me too. Quite refreshing. We need more of this.

John Angelos..........another great reason to love the O's!

I've even been getting more fond of Peter Angelos of late. The Davis acquisition was excellent, if slightly overpaying and probably making us regret the last year or two of the contract -- but hey, to get top talent, you're going to need to sign guys for a few bum years. That's the reality of baseball today. Didn't someone recently get a 10 or 11 year contract? Chances of them being effective in year 11 = about 1 in 20 million.

Peter is good at recognizing that the O's are within striking distance of the playoffs again, and giving DD the leeway to go get who we need to get there.

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I don't often post here but check in quite a bit to see what people are posting and thinking regarding the O's. I have posted one thread and that was about a year ago after hearing John Angelos respond to the Freddie Gray incident. Sports aside for a moment, I think John is a genuinely good man and like the fact that he is telling it like it is. So thanks again to John Angelos for making it real.

Well said Bel air bird. Thank you.

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I listened to Part 2. John talked a lot but like a good lawyer he said little of note. He harped on the lack of financial parity between teams. Talked about the original deal that was cut with MLB on MASN. Dodged the question on a Manny extension. I really can't recommend that anyone spend the time to listen to the interview.

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“There’s been a blip in that; that’s being worked out as to how that’s going to be resolved. I have every reason to believe that it will be resolved. The two clubs receive the same rights fees and as soon as that’s over with, whenever that happens in all due course, I guess we’ll be back to the same-old situation we’ve been in for the past 10 years.”

Here, you can read more about it if you are inclined to follow wildcard's advice. I must say, I enjoyed hearing all of it.

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I have seen this guy ripped as an idiot many times. He sure doesn't come across as one in this interview. I would be fine with him owning the team

I think that he has a voice that we can hear. I think anyone who looks to suppress that voice is missing out on what all is there. I don't have to support all his politics to be happy that he is in the succession plans.

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