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Reimold: Brrrrrrr.....


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If this was noted elsewhere I apologize, but isn't it odd that he is hitting .301 against right handers and just .213 against left handers (in 80 ABs). Does anyone have his splits for past years?

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Maybe I am in the minority here, but I just do not see him as a viable option for us in the future, and long term.

I know alot of people are huge advocates of him, but I just do not see it.

I have seen him play numerous times in person, and walked away non impressed.

If I am missing something, please fill me in....

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Maybe I am in the minority here, but I just do not see him as a viable option for us in the future, and long term.

I know alot of people are huge advocates of him, but I just do not see it.

I have seen him play numerous times in person, and walked away non impressed.

If I am missing something, please fill me in....

You may be in the minority around here, but you are not the only one.

Reimold does some things well and others he still struggles with. He does not have very good baseball instincts and is almost the anti-Markakis when it comes to that part of their games. That may be why some people go away unimpressed.

I still think he's going to end up with a decent major league career because he has enough skills that should help him carve out a career, but I'll be very surprised if he ever becomes and impact everyday bat in the majors.

Once he gets out of this funk, I'd like to see him challenged at Norfolk for at least 150-200 at bats...

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In the videos I've seen Reimold has reminded me of Millar at the plate, pull happy, relatively patient but somewhat easily fooled. He is obviously a much better athlete and probably has more power but may make contact a little less. That is probably good enough to carve out a career, as Tony says.

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I don't know what you guys were watching when you watch Reimold play. The guy does almost everything right. Watching him in the outfield is a joy as he always approaches the play correctly and often keeps runners from advancing not just because he has a gun for an arm but because he is always in the right position.

At the plate, he doesn't get fooled much and even during this recent slump (much of it at home), he has been hitting the ball hard. You can't keep a ball from being caught but you can hit the ball.

What you may be seeing is that his fundamentals are so sound that he doesn't look flashy but watch the kid day after day and he really come to appreciate how sound he is.

And, no he is not Nick Markakis. You can actually tell that Nolan is having fun playing baseball.....

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You may be in the minority around here, but you are not the only one.

Reimold does some things well and others he still struggles with. He does not have very good baseball instincts and is almost the anti-Markakis when it comes to that part of their games. That may be why some people go away unimpressed.

I still think he's going to end up with a decent major league career because he has enough skills that should help him carve out a career, but I'll be very surprised if he ever becomes and impact everyday bat in the majors.

Once he gets out of this funk, I'd like to see him challenged at Norfolk for at least 150-200 at bats...

Good analysis. I was trying to put a finger on what it was, and you nailed the lack of baseball instincts on the head. After looking back on the times I have seen him live, it makes sense now.

Thanks for helping me figure it out. You are 100% right IMO.

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I really find it interesting that we see two totally opposite views on Reimold from Tony and FrontRow107. For whatever reason, this enigma has followed Reimold since he was signed. Just seems curious that there is no general agreement.

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I really find it interesting that we see two totally opposite views on Reimold from Tony and FrontRow107. For whatever reason, this enigma has followed Reimold since he was signed. Just seems curious that there is no general agreement.

Just a case of him being advanced for the lower levels, but struggling with tougher pitching at the higher levels. AA and AAA don't differ too much in pitching talent, with the difference being the guys in AAA have either already been through AA or are AAAA players for depth. He is just being exposed for his weaknesses right now, same weaknesses he always had, but the less experienced guys couldn't exploit. What makes a good prospect a great prospect is the ability to correct those weaknesses as you are made aware of them. He's still decently young, let's see what he does between now and sept. before we go writing him off.

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What is a major league comp for Reimold. Im interested to see the answers because of the differing points of view. For some reason I have an image of a Marcus Thames type guy who is streaky with a lot of power but not a lot of average. Solid in the field. Somewhere between a regular and a backup.

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What is a major league comp for Reimold. Im interested to see the answers because of the differing points of view. For some reason I have an image of a Marcus Thames type guy who is streaky with a lot of power but not a lot of average. Solid in the field. Somewhere between a regular and a backup.

He is supposed to be able to hit for good average and power. At least that's what I think.

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I really find it interesting that we see two totally opposite views on Reimold from Tony and FrontRow107. For whatever reason, this enigma has followed Reimold since he was signed. Just seems curious that there is no general agreement.

Everyone is allowed their opinion, but I would hope there's a little bit of difference between a fan's opinion and my opinion.

Trust me when I say my opinion is not a lonely one from a scouting standpoint. It's shared by many folks who do this for a living.

Saying that, no one ever questioned whether or not Reimold is having fun out there or even that he shows a lack of effort. I've never seen him not give an effort. That's not an issue at all from my standpoint.

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Watched him twice this week in Akron. Made some solid contact, clearly knows how to hit. Looks like he has some good speed as well. A cople of plays in right he looked a little shaky.

Met a group of people who live in Nolan's town at the game. Their son played HS ball with him. They said he lives for the game, and gets so dissapointed when he has a bad game

Looks like he may be a solid major leaguer, not a star, but he seems to one of the top hitters in Bowie right now.

So far in the Akron series he's 5-16 with a double and 3 RBI's. Seems to be picking it up a bit.

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All he needed was a Frobby thread to get hot again. :clap3:

Even a cold Nolan Reimold doesn't strike out like the old Nolan Reimold. 5 K's in his last 37 AB's keeping with his new K rate this season. Keep an eye on this boy or you'll miss the boat. The big picture looks good. BTW, the one thing everyone, inlcuding scouts, seem to agree on with Reimold. Big power, great bat speed, and a rifle arm.

Key point here. That's the biggest development for Reimold this year and it makes me pretty optimistic about him being able to translate his minor league hitting success into being a solid major league hitter. Now the other stuff Tony has mentioned worries me, and having never seen the guy play, I have no reason to doubt what Tony says. I'm hoping to get to a Bowie game soon.

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