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Brady (44th round -not signed) outstanding last night: Drake (43rd) also pitched


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Kevin Brady the Orioles 44th round pick this year tossed four shutout innings allowing just one hit and one walk while striking out nine last night for the Youse's Maryland Orioles in college summer league action.

In attendance for the game was scouting director Joe Jordan so you have to imagine he's helped himself out.

Brady was consistently 90-92 MPH last night. He has struck out 18 in nine innings of work and is yet to allow an earned run in a college league despite being a recent high school graduate.

Also, Naval Academy pitcher and O's 43rd round pick Oliver Drake also threw last night allowing two runs on five hits and a walk over four innings. Drake also was 90-92 last night.

The team is managed by Orioles area scout Dean Albany and according to him, the Orioles are interested in signing both pitchers.

Drake has a major decision to make since this is the only time he can leave the academy without having to pay back anything or without a commitment. Drake has to decide if his future is in professional baseball or the Navy.

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Didn't you mention in another thread that our 14th pick, Jesse Beal, is also on that team? Albany has a pretty nice staff, loaded with potential Os if that is true. Hopefully they do well and we can get them signed before the deadline.

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Didn't you mention in another thread that our 14th pick, Jesse Beal, is also on that team? Albany has a pretty nice staff, loaded with potential Os if that is true. Hopefully they do well and we can get them signed before the deadline.

I don't think I said that, but if I did, I meant Brady. Beal is not on Dean's team this year.

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Do you get the impression Jordan could sign both Brady AND Bundy?

That the $ is there from the FO if JJ reaches sufficient agreements with both?

It may take in excess of $500k to sign each of these guys. From various comments, I get the feeling the odds are better than 50/50 for each of these guys. I know we are more familiar with Brady being a local guy, but Bundy is a better talent from what I've read.

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The latest I've heard, it will take late 2nd round money to get Brady signed.

So my question is: does anyone know if a 44th rounder has ever been given late 2nd round money (or anything similar that compares)? I know guys have been paid above slot, because they dropped due to signability, but I can't think of anyone with Kevin's talent who was picked this late that actually signed. When I saw the pick, I figured it was just to establish a line of communication for 3 years from now, and that he is definitely going to Clemson. But I know Jordan is well aware that the Red Sox were willing to give him 3rd round money so maybe it's possible?

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I hate to be so flip, but why not throw the 250k number out there as a signing bonus, or take 500k and split it over x years with a tie into incentives?

I really don't understand why these deals cannot get done - incentive deals protect everyone while allowing all parties to move forward.

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I hate to be so flip, but why not throw the 250k number out there as a signing bonus, or take 500k and split it over x years with a tie into incentives?

I really don't understand why these deals cannot get done - incentive deals protect everyone while allowing all parties to move forward.

$250k is not going to get it done with these two. Brady told the BoSox twice during the draft what he wanted. Bundy would likely scoff at that $ as well.

Frobby, I think your point is understood by everyone here, but I think JJ has to continue to be prudent even if there is $ to waste. Remember, JJ made a strong run at Tony Watson a few years ago and that likely would have been wasted $. You can only waste $ on these guys who slip so many times before it is taken away. So far, the guys who JJ has signed for significantly above slot (DHernandez, Wieters and Arrieta) have looked very good so far.

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The latest I've heard, it will take late 2nd round money to get Brady signed.

So my question is: does anyone know if a 44th rounder has ever been given late 2nd round money (or anything similar that compares)? I know guys have been paid above slot, because they dropped due to signability, but I can't think of anyone with Kevin's talent who was picked this late that actually signed. When I saw the pick, I figured it was just to establish a line of communication for 3 years from now, and that he is definitely going to Clemson. But I know Jordan is well aware that the Red Sox were willing to give him 3rd round money so maybe it's possible?

I would much rather gamble a 2nd round signing bonus, and shave 500k per year off of an offer for some aging middle of the pack free agent that we are without a doubt going to sign this year.

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I would much rather gamble a 2nd round signing bonus, and shave 500k per year off of an offer for some aging middle of the pack free agent that we are without a doubt going to sign this year.

Totally agree!! Why not throw $400/500K at 4 or 5 of these young kids instead of overpaying for guys like Payton. If we are truly rebuilding, these are the ones we need to sign.

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It would be a freaking miracle and a dream if we were able to sign all of Bundy, Landers, Brady, Martin, Beal, and Thomas (who has already signed.) These six guys probably all could have gone much higher and yet we have control and hopefully we put out. Why not try to put even more talent in the system when its right in front of your face?

If the O's aren't going to make any splashes in the international signing period, which the aren't expected to do, then why not use that money towards your own draftees?

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I don't know the popular opinion but my top priority of the hard-sign high schoolers would be Bundy. I don't know where Jordan projects him, but I'd love to have his bat in the system and developing.

Bundy would most likely be a pitching prospect as he has a very good fastball in the mid 90's. I'd look at him as a prospect in the Erbe mold as far as high school draftee with high ceiling/potential.

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$250k is not going to get it done with these two. Brady told the BoSox twice during the draft what he wanted. Bundy would likely scoff at that $ as well.

Frobby, I think your point is understood by everyone here, but I think JJ has to continue to be prudent even if there is $ to waste. Remember, JJ made a strong run at Tony Watson a few years ago and that likely would have been wasted $. You can only waste $ on these guys who slip so many times before it is taken away. So far, the guys who JJ has signed for significantly above slot (DHernandez, Wieters and Arrieta) have looked very good so far.

Ok - number may be wrong, but what about an incentive based deal? Fill in the blank on the number, but if he's confident he'll be as good as the money he demands, tie it to something that will measure his progress and provides him some method to control it (wins, starts, K:BB ratios, ...) - I'm sure the Orioles would be happy to have, in effect, a 1/2/3 round pick in the later rounds if they felt he's was going to be something special.

Just a thought worth considering...

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Ok - number may be wrong, but what about an incentive based deal? Fill in the blank on the number, but if he's confident he'll be as good as the money he demands, tie it to something that will measure his progress and provides him some method to control it (wins, starts, K:BB ratios, ...) - I'm sure the Orioles would be happy to have, in effect, a 1/2/3 round pick in the later rounds if they felt he's was going to be something special.

Just a thought worth considering...

I don't know what will happen, but I have a feeling that if $100k extra would get the job done then none of the top players would ever go to college. There must be a draw to developing under a good college program over taking a little more money out of HS.

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