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Is the 2019 Season a Blatant Tank Job?


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On 6/20/2019 at 8:18 AM, maybenxtyr said:

I agree. I'm just a little frustrated at the moment.

I usually don't engage in the mob mentality of complaining but they are embarrassing right now.

Actually mob mentality is no matter what the team is doing or not doing we are on the right track.

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4 minutes ago, atomic said:

Someone said that bad teams should play more games against other bad teams and stop having so many games against division oppoments. Games against the Red Sox and Yankees are most profitable games for the Orioles no way onwership would want less in division games.

This is only true when we stink. I think if played the Yanks and Sox 6 times a year total instead of 19 and contended like say the Twins we would be much better off. 

No doubt during the 98-2011 debacle and now it is a help.  

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4 minutes ago, eddie83 said:

This is only true when we stink. I think if played the Yanks and Sox 6 times a year total instead of 19 and contended like say the Twins we would be much better off. 

No doubt during the 98-2011 debacle and now it is a help.  

Those games still helped when we were winning as they had the highest attendance and the highest prices.  

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23 hours ago, atomic said:


Actually, mob mentality is no matter what the team is doing or not doing we are on the right track.




That's not mob mentality, that's blind homerism.

And anybody who has spent any significant amount of time on these boards over the last 2 years knows that many, many posters haven't hesitated to (very harshly) criticize the players, and/or the manager's decisions, and/or the front office's moves.


Your obsession/fantasy that the entire board is a bunch of blind homers is just that ........ a fantasy created on your part, to paint yourself as a martyr and the only one here that is courageous enough to criticize the organization.



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Just now, atomic said:

Those games still helped when we were winning as they had the highest attendance and the highest prices.  

In 2016 I went back and looked that year as there was a big conversation about attendance issues. We averaged more fans vs Tampa than any other AL East team that yea. It was because every time we played them it was on a weekend. 

You are correct, they jack up prices vs those teams. They make more money off those teams fans while not attracting more Orioles fans to those games.  

All I am saying is imagine a world where we are the 2019 Twins. The key is the product you put on the field. 

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2 minutes ago, OFFNY said:



That's not mob mentality, that's blind homerism.

And anybody who has spent an times on these boards over the last 2 years knows that many, many posters won't hesitate to (very harshly) criticize the players, and/or the manager's decisions, and/or the front office's moves.


Your obsession/fantasy that the entire board are a bunch of blind homers is just that ........ a fantasy created on your part, to paint yourself as a martyr and the only one here that is courageous enough to criticize the organization.



Come on you have never criticized management.  

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28 minutes ago, atomic said:

Actually, mob mentality is no matter what the team is doing or not doing we are on the right track.



16 minutes ago, OFFNY said:



That's not mob mentality, that's blind homerism.

And anybody who has spent any significant amount of time on these boards over the last 2 years knows that many, many posters haven't hesitated to (very harshly) criticize the players, and/or the manager's decisions, and/or the front office's moves.


Your obsession/fantasy that the entire board are a bunch of blind homers is just that ........ a fantasy created on your part, to paint yourself as a martyr and the only one here that is courageous enough to criticize the organization.






13 minutes ago, atomic said:


Come on, you have never criticized management.  




I have, indeed. I was very much for the Chris Davis contract when it was signed, and have stated on numerous occasions that I (and the management who signed him to that long-term contract) were wrong, and that that contract has been (and continues to) hamstring the organization on multiple levels.


More significantly, I am ONE POSTER ........ Many posters raked Duquette over the coals over his last 2 seasons with the team, and some posters even hesitated to give him credit for returning the Orioles to contender status between 2012 and 2016 because he had a nucleus of position-players that were acquired and/or drafted during Andy MacPhail's reign as the team's GM.


Your continued insistence that the entire board blindly defends management while you boldly speak the truth is pure fantasy.



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1 minute ago, OFFNY said:








I have, indeed. I was very much for the Chris Davis contract when it was signed, and have stated on numerous occasions that I (and the management who signed him to that long-term contract) were wrong, and that that contract has been (and continues to) hamstring the organization on multiple levels.


More significantly, I am ONE POSTER ........ Many posters raked Duquette over the coals over his last 2 seasons with the team, and some posters even hesitated to give him credit for returning the Orioles to contender status between 2012 and 2016, because he had a nucleus of position players that were acquired and/or drafted during Andy MacPhail's reign as the team's GM.


Your continued insistence that the entire board blindly defends management while you boldly speak the truth is pure fantasy.



I defended DD.   I really dont want to get into another argument with you as you don’t even discuss things.   Why don’t you go back to posting players middle names with alternating colors. 

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14 minutes ago, atomic said:


I defended DD.  I really dont want to get into another argument with you as you don’t even discuss things.   Why don’t you go back to posting players middle names with alternating colors. 




That's not what you said.

You said ........



44 minutes ago, atomic said:


Actually, mob mentality is no matter what the team is doing or not doing we are on the right track.




That's an inference to what you have claimed on numerous occasions ........ that the board at-large blindly defends the management like sheep, while you are the lone maverick who speaks the truth ........ and nothing could be further from the truth in that regard.



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5 minutes ago, atomic said:

I defended DD.   I really dont want to get into another argument with you as you don’t even discuss things.   Why don’t you go back to posting players middle names with alternating colors. 

Low blow.

Most people here understood the approach Elias was taking when he took the job, and concurred that it was necessary given the position the team was in.     So, we are not criticizing him for taking the approach he said he was going to take and we expected he would take.   That doesn’t mean he’s above criticism for individual moves, and there’s been plenty of that already and I’m sure there will be more.     

There are several hundred posters who contribute semi-regularly here, and probably a core 20-25 who are posting pretty much daily. To characterize that group as all having the same opinions, or having some kind of herd mentality, is a joke.    You might as well be speculating on whether the moon landing was faked.   

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31 minutes ago, atomic said:

Those games still helped when we were winning as they had the highest attendance and the highest prices.  

I'd like to see the analysis that shows losing games to the Yanks and Sox is better for the long-term prospects and profitability of the Orioles than substituting many of those games for winnable games with teams that don't  have $200M payrolls and infinite resources.

After attending some Yanks and Sox and Phils games at OPACY in the 1998-2011 period I actively avoid all of those teams.  I'd much rather see the Twins or Padres.  I'd much rather see the A's or the Mariners from the upper deck than a Yanks game from seats behind the O's dugout.  The O's need to limit visiting fans to a few sections in the corner of the LF upper deck.

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On 6/19/2019 at 4:43 PM, SteveA said:

I do think it hurts the game to have 5, 6, or more teams all "tanking" at the same time.

That really just started in the last couple seasons.  

I think it is just one contributing factor out of a large number of factors that are making the game less attractive to fans.

This kind of aberration is due to the absence of relegation in American sports. Teams have no incentive not to stink egregiously except for losing money at the box office, but even that is smoothed out by revenue sharing. It's the most anti-free-market system imaginable, in the Land of the Free. And it's getting worse. You are going to see MLB teams lose 130 games soon.

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56 minutes ago, atomic said:

I defended DD.   I really dont want to get into another argument with you as you don’t even discuss things.   Why don’t you go back to posting players middle names with alternating colors. 

You know most have been for the rebuild.I see many criticisms of the Orioles on here. Some defend the Orioles at all cost and others criticize at all cost.I think it is a mix of different views.But Elias could fail and might not.So many teams rebuilding that some  are going to fail 

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