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2019 Trade Deadline


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You know just once before I kick, I would like to see the Orioles be the team that just does a huge, big, dramatic, unexpected multi team trade deal that just make you go “Man, how is that going to work out?”  We have perhaps had maybe the most conservative (i.e. boring) GMs and ownership in all of sports.   Keeping my fingers crossed for down the road. 

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2 minutes ago, Lucky_13 said:

Somewhat surprised they didn't trade Villar, especially if they non tender him in the offseason. Rather get something then nothing. 

Givens can be traded in the offseason or next year and could rebuild his value. 

I think that means for sure they will tender him unless an injury comes up before.  They won't let him walk for nothing.  

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    • Are you directing that at me?    
    • I think probably what’s bothering people the most is that Holliday was hitting unbelievably well as of his call-up (.333/.462/.595), and he hasn’t been at that level of domination since being sent down (.259/.437/.445).  Plus, his K rate was 14.3% before the call-up, 24.2% since.   Bottom line, his meteoric ascent last year and his fast start this year set crazy-high expectations that he’s not quite meeting.   Personally, I’m not worried at all, but I’d like to see his post-return BA back in the .300ish range before I’d be clamoring for another call-up.   
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    • Yeah. Not your fault. Poor way they handle it. Don’t get it. 
    • Your link does say inherited runners allowed to score but that’s not accurate. I don’t get why they have it incorrectly listed that way. 
    • Do they? Is it? I'm pretty sure we've gone over the whole strikeouts don't increase pitch counts thing a hundred times. I think if managers wanted starters to go deep in games you would see more starters go deep into games. Is there one team in the majors in which the starters are going appreciably deeper into games? Baltimore is fifth in innings by starters.
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