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MLB suspended, Opening Day delayed indefinitely UPDATED


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18 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

Or your parents are alumni and rich donors. 

Yeah but they can only take so many of those in.  They have to report their top 75 percent on GPA and SAT.  So if you are in the bottom 25 percent in both hard to get in.  And then think some of those spots are saved for certain minority groups.When I was thinking about becoming an attorney I looked at all the test score(LSAT)/gpa combinations  by race datapoints that got into each of the top 14 Law schools.  There were very few outliers.  Certain schools had different criteria.  For example a lower GPA matched with 99 percentile LSAT could get you into Harvard. Pretty damn to get into Yale Law School with a 3.4 College GPA and a 99 percentile LSAT while Harvard Law school would take you no problem. 

Funny thing the better the law school the mu h more likely you were to graduate.  Goes back to that hard work thing.   



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18 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

I don't think it is very common for "lazy" folks to be great enough at sports to get a free ride to Duke or Stanford.

Sure you can.  All you need to do is be good enough at basketball to get into Duke. 

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Models seem to be underestimating the extent of the virus. Model from yesterday predicted there would be 40 deaths in Maryland today instead there were 90.  Yesterday was supposed to be peak death day in MD with 46.    Predicted 2000 for the country today instead there are over 2500.  IHME model seem seriously flawed. 

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2 hours ago, atomic said:

Models seem to be underestimating the extent of the virus. Model from yesterday predicted there would be 40 deaths in Maryland today instead there were 90.  Yesterday was supposed to be peak death day in MD with 46.    Predicted 2000 for the country today instead there are over 2500.  IHME model seem seriously flawed. 

There were 96 deaths yesterday... down to 70 today.


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7 hours ago, atomic said:

Yeah basketball is fun. I was lazy and played basketball 4 hours a day.  

Maybe pickup, but did play at a organized level with high stakes?  (By high stakes I mean something like HS Varsity)

As for Duke/Stanford, Coach K,  at least, takes alot into consideration when picking players.  He's passed on more than a few top prospects because of reasons other than basketball ability.   

For basketball, at least, if you are freak of nature with natural athleticism like say, Shaquille O'Neal, yeah maybe you can be somewhat "lazy" in a sense, and still get into a good school.  But our metric of "lazy" and what it means in the NBA to be "lazy" are vastly different.


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All of the Orioles’ full-time and year-round part-time employees will be paid through the end of May while the start of the Major League Baseball season is delayed by the coronavirus pandemic, though members of the Baltimore City Council renewed pleas to the organization Tuesday to help stadium concession workers laid off by an outside contractor because of the shutdown.

Not included, however, are the concession workers the team contracted through Delaware North that were laid off by the company when games were canceled.



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16 hours ago, atomic said:

Yeah but they can only take so many of those in.  They have to report their top 75 percent on GPA and SAT.  So if you are in the bottom 25 percent in both hard to get in.  And then think some of those spots are saved for certain minority groups.When I was thinking about becoming an attorney I looked at all the test score(LSAT)/gpa combinations  by race datapoints that got into each of the top 14 Law schools.  There were very few outliers.  Certain schools had different criteria.  For example a lower GPA matched with 99 percentile LSAT could get you into Harvard. Pretty damn to get into Yale Law School with a 3.4 College GPA and a 99 percentile LSAT while Harvard Law school would take you no problem. 

Funny thing the better the law school the mu h more likely you were to graduate.  Goes back to that hard work thing.  

You seem to be saying that test scores and grades are an excellent proxy for how hard you work.  In my case I didn't work particularly hard in high school, got good grades, got good SAT scores, and easily got into Virginia Tech.  Where I worked my backside off getting mediocre grades trying to make up for not having good study habits in high school.

You also completely ignore that things like test scores are highly dependent on your background and where you went to school.  There are certainly really smart kids from rural or inner city schools with more limited resources who get lower test scores than random kids who went to Thomas Jefferson High School in Alexandria and had eight SAT prep classes and top teachers all day every day.

You generalize far too much, and buy way too much into this elite school means elite person idea.  And many, if not most, jobs don't care at all where you got your degree about two months after you were hired and for the rest of your career. I know many guys who work for the DoD running large organizations with budgets in the $100s of millions who graduated from some college you never heard of, often taking online and night classes while they were active duty.

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17 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

You think you can be "lazy" and be good enough at basketball to get into Duke?

I have to agree with you. Other colleges like Florida State or UNLC, you can stake and just play sports.

Duke is ranked #10 in all academia, which put it above 3 of the IVY league schools.


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17 hours ago, atomic said:

Models seem to be underestimating the extent of the virus. Model from yesterday predicted there would be 40 deaths in Maryland today instead there were 90.  Yesterday was supposed to be peak death day in MD with 46.    Predicted 2000 for the country today instead there are over 2500.  IHME model seem seriously flawed. 

Aggregately, for the U.S, IHME has been spot on this month.  Their midpoint estimates for 4/2- 4/19 that they made on April 1 was 38217.  High end, 53755 and low end 22679.  Total deaths from 4/2 through 4/19 was 34275.

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