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Os changing start times for some home games

Sports Guy

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Just now, Moose Milligan said:

SuperBowl viewership hit a 15 year low this year.  In a time where people were apparently starving for sports.

The NFL has to be alarmed by this and even moreso the television networks paying billions for the broadcast rights. With less parties and most bars closed, the ratings should have gone up for the Super Bowl and not a sharp decline. 



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6 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

Not old enough yet to be schooled in the ways of aggressive message board GM moves, eh?  

Was hoping for last year to be the year they started to get into it.  Didnt work out with tee ball and going to the games because our country sucks but hoping this year changes that.

Still, it’s an uphill battle for sure these days to get them interested in a game that moves slow.

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  • Posts

    • I agree, except for the 'gotta find a taker for Urias'.  We should NOT refuse to improve the team just because we can't unload Urias on someone.  Sure, I'd MUCH rather trade him and get some value for him.  But if no one wants him or isn't willing to give us anything for him, I'm not keeping Mayo in the minors just because I'm not willing to cut Urias.  Trade him IF we can, cut him if we must.  But let's get Mayo's bat in the lineup.  
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    • We know the real answer.  Let’s see if we get it.  Lol
    • Those guys would cost who else, whos the headliner
    • Right.  SG wants to get a bargain.  Even if Luzardo’s arm falls off after the trade, he didn’t give up one player it hurts to part with.      No reason for the Marlins to sell low unless they think Luzardo never bounces back close to the 2023 level.
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