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Heyman: Yankees will pursue Teixeira hard...as we all expected, I suppose


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I see the Orioles going to 8/160 quite easily. The Orioles win a bidding war with the Yankees for Tex if that's what it comes down to.

Tex will have to take less money to play for the Yankees IMO...

I see it quite differently... My best guess as of this point in time... I don't see the Orioles going higher than a 120m package. The Orioles lose a bidding war with the Yankees or anyone else if the bidding exceeds that. They come out and said they made a valiant effort to try to bring him home but Tex was all about the money.

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I see it quite differently... My best guess as of this point in time... I don't see the Orioles going higher than a 120m package. The Orioles lose a bidding war with the Yankees or anyone else if the bidding exceeds that.

Obviously you underestimate how badly Angelos wants Tex...

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Maybe, but I think you are vastly overestimating how much Angelos is willing to spend even for a player he likes.

Personally, i think you are closer to being right than JTrea is.

However, I think if there was one player in all of baseball that PA would grossly overpay for, it would be Teixeira.

Put it this way...I think PA would give Tex more money than Pujols.

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Personally, i think you are closer to being right than JTrea is.

However, I think if there was one player in all of baseball that PA would grossly overpay for, it would be Teixeira.

Put it this way...I think PA would give Tex more money than Pujols.

He's shown that he doesn't really know what he's doing when he meddles in baseball decisions but I don't think he's completely ignorant. Not dumb enough that if in some magical world both were available that he'd choose to pay more for a player of Teix's ability over a player of Pujols.

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He's shown that he doesn't really know what he's doing when he meddles in baseball decisions but I don't think he's completely ignorant. Not dumb enough that if in some magical world both were available that he'd choose to pay more for a player of Teix's ability over a player of Pujols.

Its not the ability level...its the Baltimore draw.

It is bigger to him than you realize.

I still don't think he would go 8/160 for him though.

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No they aren't...The have been in the upper portion of MLB in payroll for most of the last 11 years and they can easily afford 85-100 million.

Actually in the grand scheme of things they are a middle market team. The only reason they've been in the upper echelon of spenders is Camden Yards. It allowed them a revenue source that other teams did not have. Over the past decade more and more teams are getting their own new revenue and markets that are larger than Baltimore or no longer leaving huge revenues on the table like they might have been doing pre-stadium.

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Only 8 teams have a lower payroll than us...Bmore has ZERO fortune 500 business anymore. Baltimore is most definatley a small market team.

You are looking at one season, one which we just traded guys off to get more talent.

Go look at the previous 10 years...We have been in the top 16 I believe 7 or 8 times and this was done without MASN.

I agree with Gesch...we are a mid market team.

Small market teams can't afford a consistent payroll in that 70-80 million range and that is where we have been most of the last 11 years.

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Its not the ability level...its the Baltimore draw.

It is bigger to him than you realize.

I still don't think he would go 8/160 for him though.

It's one thing I look forward to seeing if he signs here. I just don't buy it as some huge draw. Win with him or without him and the fans will come. Lose with him or without him and attendance numbers will struggle. Being a big FA signing will generate some excitement and extra ticket sales but that would be true if we signed another premier FA as well. The draw is smaller than you are making it out to be.

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It's one thing I look forward to seeing if he signs here. I just don't buy it as some huge draw. Win with him or without him and the fans will come. Lose with him or without him and attendance numbers will struggle. Being a big FA signing will generate some excitement and extra ticket sales but that would be true if we signed another premier FA as well. The draw is smaller than you are making it out to be.

Again, this is how Peter Angelos thinks.

I will say this...there probably isn't a city in the country that gets behind "one of their own" more than Baltimore does.

I agree attendance will still come down to winning but PA sees Tex in a much different light than you do and that is the aspect I don't think you get.(and btw, I am not saying he is right about Tex's impact)

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I'll give you Mid-market...but towards the bottom. Regardless, no chance we pay any player upwards of 20mm per season....especially when we are rebuilding. This type of move might be justified if we need one player to put us over the top, but why waste the money when you don't have a core yet. Doesn't make sense...I would be stoked at first, but I believe that deal would come back to haunt us...Rebuilding is not fun and it takes a long time - splurging on one guy 12 months into the rebuliding process is not part of plan.

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