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Who's your sleeper pick to be in OH's Top 10 next year?


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C'mon guys. When discussing sleepers to climb into the top 10, is it really worth mentioning guys who already rank in the top 15?

I'll second the vote for Bascom and add Greg Miclat.

If Bascom can stay healthy next year, I think he could really take off and progress quickly.

Assuming Miclat continues to show solid arm strength and gap power, he'll address the two biggest questions we had about him, and I would expect him to get a lot more attention as a solid SS prospect for us.

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Sleeper pick... so not the guys that are close to the top 10 already, right? Hoes and Avery would almost be expected to be there if they play well.

Bascom is a sleeper certainly...

Hmmmm... Greg Miclat and Rick Zagone would be my best guesses.

Caleb Joseph could surprise next year as well, although I'd be shocked to see a top 10 for him. ;)

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Ok how about Justin Moore

My comment wasn't necessarily towards your first candidate - Ryan Adams. He may have had a good year and may already be on the map on the OH, but he hasn't been ranked yet on Tony's rankings, and we're through the first 16.

Justin Moore? I think it's safe to say that he's someone most everyone is sleeping on. :D

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Okay, so Top 10 is unrealistic because anything he does will be tempered by him being a 23 year-old in A+, but I'll still bring up his name.

Matt Angle hit .328/.426/.443/.868 after the SAL All-Star break. He stole 20 bases at an 80% clip over that time. And he has a whopping total of 3 errors in 192 professional games, I believe all in CF. He had 1 error this year in 126 games.

Reports from Tony say that he's just not strong enough (, specifically, he'll probably get beat consistently by a good inside fastball). But reports also say that he has a great work ethic. So maybe he'll be the guy who works his butt off in the off-season and reaches his still reasonably high ceiling.

EDIT: Oh, and I like the Tony Butler pick too. I'm not betting on him, but he sure has the potential to move WAY up. Where 'Top 10' might be out of the realm of possibility for Angle, it isn't for Butler.

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