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The second guessing Hyde thread.

Moose Milligan

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I like to second guess Hyde’s decisions when they work out, so nobody can accuse me of harping only when the result is bad.   

I thought Hyde left Zimmermann in two batters too long in the fifth inning, following a homer and a single.   By that point Zimmermann was leaving a lot of pitches up and getting behind hitters.   Hyde left him in, he allowed a single and then Hyde still left him in.   This time Zimmermann got a fly out, but in my view Hyde got lucky.    

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35 minutes ago, Frobby said:


I like to second guess Hyde’s decisions when they work out, so that nobody can accuse me of complaining only when the result is bad.  

I thought that Hyde left Zimmermann in 2 batters too long in the 5th inning, following a home run and a single. By that point, Zimmermann was leaving a lot of pitches up and getting behind hitters. Hyde left him in, he ceded a single, and then Hyde still left him in. This time, Zimmermann got a fly-out to get out of the jam, but I believe that Hyde got lucky in that particular instance.    




I love it when a team wins a game in sports, and then complains about the officiating in the post-game press conference ...... it takes the "sour grapes" notion out of the equation.



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4 minutes ago, Three Run Homer said:

Why give Franco the green light at 3-0 in the bottom of the 7th today?  You have a pitcher with control problems and he hasn't thrown a strike yet.  Franco winds up swinging at a pitcher's pitch and grounds out.  

I have no issue with Franco having the green light, these guys are ML hitters, they should always have the green light to swing at a pitch they think they can drive. 

I don't want guys taking a get me over middle-middle fastball.

That, to me, was all on Franco for swinging.

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27 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:


I have no issue with Franco having the green light ...... these guys are Major League hitters, they should always have the green light to swing at a pitch they think they can drive. 

I don't want guys taking a get me over middle-middle fastball.

That, to me, was all on Franco for swinging.




Yes ...... having the green light on a 3-0 pitch does not necessarily mean that it's a good idea to swing at said pitch if it is not ideally where you want it to be.



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1 hour ago, Pushmonkey said:

Reading Hyde’s quotes makes me wonder if he has control of the team. He shouldn’t have bunted. We were to aggressive. We should have not done this or that. Last time I looked Hyde you are the coach and sets the plan. 

I have thought Hyde didn’t control the team ever since the Davis confrontation in the dugout. There are no apparent penalties for sloppy play or lollygagging, and he doesn’t put the players in best position to succeed. And why is Sisco still here?

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3 hours ago, Three Run Homer said:

Why give Franco the green light at 3-0 in the bottom of the 7th today?  You have a pitcher with control problems and he hasn't thrown a strike yet.  Franco winds up swinging at a pitcher's pitch and grounds out.  

I don't really think ML hitters that have been around for awhile get "take" signs.  I can't remember the last time I saw a hitter step out of the box and look down at the third base coach to get a "swing" or "take" sign.  I don't believe thats a thing anymore...now you might have a manager or a hitting coach talk to a player after the game to explain why they shouldn't swing but I don't think there's swing and take signs anymore.  

I don't mind batters having the agency to swing on a, 2-0, 2-1, 3-0, 3-1 count.  Those are hitters counts for a reason, usually because the pitcher wants to bear down and throw a fastball for a strike and they're not going to try and dot a corner with it.  


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11 hours ago, Philip said:

I have thought Hyde didn’t control the team ever since the Davis confrontation in the dugout. There are no apparent penalties for sloppy play or lollygagging, and he doesn’t put the players in best position to succeed. And why is Sisco still here?

I will say this, I do have some concerns over this aspect. Maybe it's just today's players and I'm sure Hyde has a better grasp on them then I do, but he is certainly a player's manager and he's changed from being a good interview who would tell it straight to a guy who just throws out fluffy feel good quotes.

I also heard a story that Davis was always messing around and screwing up the focus of drills in the spring before he got hurt and nobody would say anything to him. Now perhaps that's why his "back injury" occurred, I don't know, but it's clear Hyde is a player's manager and rarely do you see him pull a player or not start them the game after they were not putting out a full effort.

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15 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

You think Hyde has anything to do with Sisco being on the team?

You do know the roles of the Manager and GM right?

The question still stands. And do you think Hyde or managers in general have little to no say in personnel decisions?

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3 minutes ago, Il BuonO said:

The question still stands. And do you think Hyde or managers in general have little to no say in personnel decisions?

I think it depends on the situation.

I think Buck had substantial input into his roster.

I do not think Hyde does.

One of Severino and Sisco is on the roster because Elias doesn't want to start AR's service clock.  Which one stays and which goes is pretty irrelevant long term.

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37 minutes ago, Il BuonO said:

The question still stands. And do you think Hyde or managers in general have little to no say in personnel decisions?

AR’s clock is irrelevant here. He’s clearly not ready for the Bigs anyway, So he has absolutely no effect on the catching tandem we currently have. Neither Severino nor Sisco is part of the future, and there’s no real reason for them to be part of the present. As has been often mentioned, each hits a bit better than league average for catcher, and Sisco has a good eye and can draw a walk. But I don’t think that’s going to continue because he strikes out so much that pitchers will challenge him more.regardless, neither offers enough defense. Much rather have Ciuffo and the other defense-first guy, his name slips my mind. The result would be less offense, but far better defense, plus meaningful improvement in those areas that can’t be easily quantified.

Even if it doesn’t work, it’s doubtful the result would be worse than what we currently have. And it would send a clear sign to the team to shape up.

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17 hours ago, Philip said:

I have thought Hyde didn’t control the team ever since the Davis confrontation in the dugout. There are no apparent penalties for sloppy play or lollygagging, and he doesn’t put the players in best position to succeed. And why is Sisco still here?

There's also a decided lack of punishment for tomfoolery, buffoonery, or skylarking.  Sack him forthwith!

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