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Hyde can’t manage this team


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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.   

We have gotten to the point where letting López stay in the game after he allows a couple of runners after the fourth inning meets this definition.   I’m fine letting him start the 5th/6th inning on a day when he’s pitching well, but he needs to be yanked at the first sign of trouble in a close game.   

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Another shining example, how do you swing at that pitch in a 3-1 count with 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth? How is it not obvious you take the pitch unless it’s right down the middle? You need baserunners, it could have been ball four and now you’ve got a chance to tie it and go to extras. Instead, the Orioles don’t seem to understand the fundamentals of situational baseball and he swings and hits a weak grounder. That’s on the manager. How do you not tell your guys what to do in that situation? How do they not know what to do already? This team continues to show how poorly managed it is. Lack of fundamentals, all things equal rests squarely on the managers. This is why we have spring training. This is why we have practices. This is why these old fogeys are in the clubhouse, so they can relate their wealth of baseball knowledge to remind players what to do in each given situation. Pathetic.

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11 minutes ago, Explosivo said:

Another shining example, how do you swing at that pitch in a 3-1 count with 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth? How is it not obvious you take the pitch unless it’s right down the middle? You need baserunners, it could have been ball four and now you’ve got a chance to tie it and go to extras. Instead, the Orioles don’t seem to understand the fundamentals of situational baseball and he swings and hits a weak grounder. That’s on the manager. How do you not tell your guys what to do in that situation? How do they not know what to do already? This team continues to show how poorly managed it is. Lack of fundamentals, all things equal rests squarely on the managers. This is why we have spring training. This is why we have practices. This is why these old fogeys are in the clubhouse, so they can relate their wealth of baseball knowledge to remind players what to do in each given situation. Pathetic.

I totally agree. 

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It is a fascinating question to consider The question of how much of a teams mental incompetence is due to the managers inability to inspire?

There is a very famous story about the great German conductor Wilhelm Fürtwangler:

The story is that a visiting musician was sitting in the auditorium listening to, I think, the Berlin Philharmonic, rehearsing a difficult symphony. The rehearsal is going well, the guest conductor was doing well, and all of a sudden, from one second to the next, the visiting musician heard a shocking change in the entire orchestra. From one second to the next every single aspect of musicianship in the orchestra went from outstanding to several rungs higher, it was exactly the same group of players and yet from one second to the next they increased what they were doing to an astonishing degree.

The narrator of the story turned around and saw that Fürtwangler had entered the auditorium.

Even though the orchestra was already playing at an extremely high level, the presence of their leader instantly made every single man in the orchestra take his personal playing up another level or two.

That is an absolutely true story, and I’m sure the narrator is someone himself famous, but I don’t remember who it was.

My point is that Brandon Hyde ISNT.

He DOESNT inspire his players to give their best.

The threat of penalties or fines or being sat on the bench or publicly called out are unnecessary when the manager can insist on your absolute best just by being present.

Hyde is no Fürtwangler.


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10 minutes ago, Explosivo said:

Another shining example, how do you swing at that pitch in a 3-1 count with 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth? How is it not obvious you take the pitch unless it’s right down the middle? You need baserunners, it could have been ball four and now you’ve got a chance to tie it and go to extras. Instead, the Orioles don’t seem to understand the fundamentals of situational baseball and he swings and hits a weak grounder. That’s on the manager. How do you not tell your guys what to do in that situation? How do they not know what to do already? This team continues to show how poorly managed it is. Lack of fundamentals, all things equal rests squarely on the managers. This is why we have spring training. This is why we have practices. This is why these old fogeys are in the clubhouse, so they can relate their wealth of baseball knowledge to remind players what to do in each given situation. Pathetic.

     I  would clean house  in addition to the major league Manager.  Whoever keeps promoting these wannabe ball players to the top of their profession, when many have no knowledge or instincts for the game of baseball.   Some of these basic things like you describe should have been learned years and years before.  Surely things like these came up at the levels that they played at.  Several somebodies overlooked them, or mentioned it to the players,  but the players did not listen.  Such players do not belong on a major league team or a good minor league team.  

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I got some pushback when I mentioned this the first time, but for me Hyde showed his failing when he backed down from Chris Davis in that dugout confrontation.

I’ve watch that video a dozen times and it doesn’t look as if he was backing off to avoid escalation, it looks like he’s running away. Even if he wanted to avoid escalation, leaving looked and looks bad and No one would say so, especially the members of the team, but I would wager my immortal soul that they all thought the same.

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22 minutes ago, half hop said:

Did you hear the quiet groan from Palmer when he swung and grounded out to end the game? Jim even said before the pitch that he should take it. Ugh!!!

I wonder if Wilkerson had the take sign or if he swung on his own.  Either way, it was likely ball four (low and away tailing fastball) and he should not have swung.  Like many people on this current team, he isn't good.  But that's what they have right now.

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2 minutes ago, Yardball85 said:

I wonder if Wilkerson had the take sign or if he swung on his own.  Either way, it was likely ball four (low and away tailing fastball) and he should not have swung.  Like many people on this current team, he isn't good.  But that's what they have right now.

Every time buck said, “this is who we have,” I wanted to slap him.


Now I understand that Mike is dealing with a different set of parameters, but still it is contingent upon him to find worthwhile players, they don’t have to be fabulous, but they have to be better than negative.

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