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Tex signed?

Old Beta

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I am here following all the hype and setting myself up for massive heartache. I just think its common sense. Who are these guys sources? Why has nothing leaked out anywhere but here. I mean, are some of these guys woodward and bernstein or what? F. Mark Felt? G Gordon Liddy?

I see everyone say "my source" or whatever. Who are they? I mean for all I know, its the popcorn guy from section 72 upper reserve.

I'm not trying to upset you.

I guess I'm just frustrated.

To be fair, we have three insiders on the OH hearing that things look good. We have Karl Ravich on ESPN saying "not too fast on ruling out the Orioles." We had yesterday an ESPN baseball page report on Tex with the headling "Bird Watching." We have Roch starting to show some optimism, when just a few days ago he was saying we are out of it. We have Roy Firestone also starting to have some hope that he may come here, after saying for months that Tex would not come to play in Baltimore. And we have the Orioles critic of ALL Orioles critics Drew Forrester saying that HE has sources inside the warehouse who are giving out positive vibes. So, its not just "insiders on the Hangout" with this information. The Media is finally starting to consider us as a credible option for Tex. Oh, and Trembley and MacPhail themselves have said they are confident.

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I just told my friend about how everyone is frustrated with Gammons and this is what his reply was...

He’s old…what does he know…he probably still pays 15 cents for a loaf of bread at the market and his whole life is in black and white…

Not trying to rag on Pete, but thought it was funny

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Belkast is alittle nervous? Or is that guarded optimism?

Of course I am nervous. Th last 11 years makes me nervous. That doesn't mean I am any less optimistic!!!!!!!!! Some people on here have referred to me as being God! God???? I think people need to just relax and take what I say with a grain of salt. This doesn't mean that now I think Tex isn't signing here. I think I have been pretty clear on that.

My point was for everyone to relax don't take what I am saying as being the Bible and certainly don't refer to me as God. I'm just a fan!!!!!

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Really? Or wishful thinking?

Definitely wishful thinking.


You going to the Pat center Saturday for the show?

Sure am. I'm also going to the Madison Square Garden show tonight, which is why I hope this is official by 12. I'm taking a bus up to New York around then.

You going Saturday?

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Definitely wishful thinking.

Sure am. I'm also going to the Madison Square Garden show tonight, which is why I hope this is official by 12. I'm taking a bus up to New York around then.

You going Saturday?

Yeah, looking forward to it. 3rd row seats (at least I believe if I am reading the chart correctly)

It will be interesting to see what kind of mood Ryan Adams is in also...

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Don't think like that. The news won't change whether you hear it immediately or later. Getting keyed up about stuff like this is a great way to burst a blood vessel. :D

I think I'll be okay.;)

I actually have school from 9:00-2:00, but I have study hall until 10:30, so I'll have access to a computer.

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