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Your guess on Tuesday's starter


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7 minutes ago, LTO's said:

DL Hall is just not there yet. He was injured pretty much all of last year and hasn't gotten past 4 innings yet. Pretty sure Grod would not be on normal rest to start today and Kremer is rehabbing/getting stretched out and would be pitching on two days rest. I don't see the point in getting so worked up about something so inconsequential. A bullpen game is not some rare occurrence in baseball nowadays. 

First of all not getting worked up.  Just talking baseball.  Secondly, Hall is absolutely ready depending on what role you have him in this year going forward.  Is the idea to be another Akin type guy or a starter (not an opener but an actual starter).

If the role is Akin, he can be up now.  If the role is starter, he can wait.  As I said, the argument exists for him either way.

As for GRod, there are ways around that.  He can come up tomorrow and push everyone back.  It’s not really hard to find a way to get likely the best pitching prospect we have since Mussina into the rotation right now.

And it’s not the idea of a BP game that bothers me.  They are going to occur for various reasons.  Hell,  I think a 4 man rotation is what teams should be doing anyway.  I could even be talked into a 3 man in some instances.  

That being said, it’s not necessary for the Os to do that right now since they have arms they need to look at in various roles. Some of these guys, like Diplan, don’t need a look.  They are cannon fodder.  Keep the better pitchers up and when you need to, play the jerk around yo yo game.  The Os don’t need to do that. They have the innings covered.

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3 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

Yes you need more than 13 guys..but you don’t need to move guys like Vespi up and down.

Baseball Savant says the Vespi had an 89.2 mph fastball when he was up with the O's.  What make you think he is a long term answer?

Sounds like he has a lot to prove to the O's much less the rest of the league.  Especially with all the flame throwers the O's have in the pen.

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Just now, wildcard said:

Baseball Savant says the Vespi had an 89.2 mph fastball when he was up with the O's.  What make you think he is a long term answer?

Sounds like he has a lot to prove to the O's much less the rest of the league.  Especially with all the flame throwers the O's have in the pen.

First of all, his velocity means nothing.

Secondly, I have no idea if he’s a long term answer, which is the f’ing point.  I may want him DFA’ed in a month. What I do know is that he has been a successful reliever in his pro career and it would be nice to see him get an extended look on a bad team that has room.  I’m not calling for him to be up here over pitchers who are performing well.  I’m calling for him to just be here and be given a chance.

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2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

Yes you need more than 13 guys..but you don’t need to move guys like Vespi up and down.

Vespi is the Platonic ideal of a guy you move up and down. No pedigree, borderline prospect, mixed success at AAA... Don't get me wrong, he is doing great and he deserves more opportunities, I am just saying guys get moved around for a lot of reasons besides being the best available. 

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4 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

Vespi is the Platonic ideal of a guy you move up and down. No pedigree, borderline prospect, mixed success at AAA... Don't get me wrong, he is doing great and he deserves more opportunities, I am just saying guys get moved around for a lot of reasons besides being the best available. 

Yea and many of those reasons aren’t reasons that should apply to this team, in this current situation.  That’s the point.

He has 49 Ks in 37 IP.  Has walked 12 and let up 29 hits.  He got hurt by the homer last year although 3 were in one outing.

Im not saying he’s great..as I said, he may fall on his face.  But he should be getting a long look right now instead of coming up, pitching well in a tough spot and then being sent right back down and then as far worse guys with no future brought up instead. That is illogical.

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8 minutes ago, wildcard said:

Baseball Savant says the Vespi had an 89.2 mph fastball when he was up with the O's.  What make you think he is a long term answer?

Sounds like he has a lot to prove to the O's much less the rest of the league.  Especially with all the flame throwers the O's have in the pen.

The thing is, we want to find out this year who are guys and who are not. Vespi is old for a prospect but has dominated in AAA. Let's see him against big league hitters this year. There is a better chance he's a decent bullpen piece much more than Sedlock, Diplan or Lakins.

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5 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

The thing is, we want to find out this year who are guys and who are not. Vespi is old for a prospect but has dominated in AAA. Let's see him against big league hitters this year. There is a better chance he's a decent bullpen piece much more than Sedlock, Diplan or Lakins.

Sedlock pitched on the black for three innings vs the Red Sox.  I know he had to go down because the O's needed a fresh arm but he showed well.

Vespi big advantage is he is a lefty.   

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10 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

Im not saying he’s great..as I said, he may fall on his face.  But he should be getting a long look right now instead of coming up, pitching well in a tough spot and then being sent right back down and then as far worse guys with no future brought up instead. That is illogical.

Covering innings is a major concern for this team. I don't think any of the second tier relievers are so much worse than Vespi that they shouldn't get opportunities. I definitely want to see more of Vespi though.

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