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Being Gutsy in the Bronx – 5/20

O's are Legends

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You are proving our point. If he gets a fat pitch, he is more often than not going to make contact. Sending Roberts just keeps you out of the double play if he hits one on the ground at somebody.

Or with an unpredictable ump, you end up swinging at a ball out of the strike zone. You guys really want the team run this way? What is the benefit of this?

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It is not a straight steal when he gets thrown out by fifteen feet.

Its not really a straight steal or a hit and run on the 3-2 pitch that is. It's just simply putting a guy in motion on a 3-2 count. I guess technically that's a straight steal but consider with a runner on 3rd the pitcher could easily do the fake to 3rd throw to 1st move which means Roberts has to make sure the pitcher is going to the plate before he takes off.

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You are proving our point. If he gets a fat pitch, he is more often than not going to make contact. Sending Roberts just keeps you out of the double play if he hits one on the ground at somebody.

And what if he gets a good pitch that is a borderline strike. You're forcing your best hitter to swing at anything around the strike zone. Not a terrible call, but just my opinion that I prefer to let Nick make the choice on what to swing at there.

Also we do seem to hit and run on any 3-1 count with a guy on 1st. I guess that's not the case but it must be half the time.

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It's a 3-1 count. He's probably going to get a fat pitch. Why would you screw with that?

LOL. You just answered your own question.

Besides that- it's really starting to feel like torture watching this team right now. 1st and 3rd , no outs- and we don't score a single run. Failed hit and run or not- that's plain awful... against anyone.

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There is WAY too much bad stuff that can happen for the minimal benefit of BRob being in motion. It's not worth it. How many times this year has it backfired?

I dunno, how many times has it worked?

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LOL. You just answered your own question.

Besides that- it's really starting to feel like torture watching this team right now. 1st and 3rd , no outs- and we don't score a single run. Failed hit and run or not- that's plain awful... against anyone.

My point is their is minimal beneit in sending the runner there when there's already a good possibility good things are going to happen. Why risk a disaster?

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LOL. You just answered your own question.

Besides that- it's really starting to feel like torture watching this team right now. 1st and 3rd , no outs- and we don't score a single run. Failed hit and run or not- that's plain awful... against anyone.

Bingo. Truer words have never been spoken ...or typed.

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