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Prince Fielder - Go get him


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Rosenthal says that Milwaukee may find a hard time finding a taker for Fielder before the deadline. He mentions that the teams that need a 1B/DH are out of contention.

The Orioles are in a desperate situation for offense. This team needs a run producer in a major way.

The Orioles have the pitching that Milwaukee would be looking for and now is certainly the time to trade it.

I think MacPhail really needs to make a statement here in the second half. He said he wants to move the needle beyond the W-L record of last season, and let's face it that simply isn't going to happen with just players returning from injury. He needs to add offense.

Acquiring Fielder would be an extremely bold and unprecidented move, but it would be one that would show the players and fans, that the Orioles have something to play for in the second half, that the Orioles are serious about winning games. And you'd also get a fiery competitor in the clubhouse, something the team also desperately needs.

It's time to do something bold.

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I agree, in principle, but who do we trade? You have to believe it would take at least Matusz and Tillman and likely DH (and perhaps more). That's a chunk of young pitching talent to give up for any player, let alone someone with the body type of Fielder. Prince could break down in a hurry, and when he does, it won't be pretty.

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I agree, in principle, but who do we trade? You have to believe it would take at least Matusz and Tillman and likely DH (and perhaps more). That's a chunk of young pitching talent to give up for any player, let alone someone with the body type of Fielder. Prince could break down in a hurry, and when he does, it won't be pretty.

I'd send Tillman and DH in a heartbeat. I think Matusz has been on the short end of too many bullpen failures to send him packing, though.

However...1) won't happen, and 2) wouldn't necessarily be comfortable with it happening unless Fielder was signed long term, which also won't happen.

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I agree, in principle, but who do we trade? You have to believe it would take at least Matusz and Tillman and likely DH (and perhaps more). That's a chunk of young pitching talent to give up for any player, let alone someone with the body type of Fielder. Prince could break down in a hurry, and when he does, it won't be pretty.

Every player carries some risk. It's time to take a risk.

I doubt it would take Matusz to get him and the O's have more than that to offer.

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I'd rather overpay for Werth (6/100) and Konerko (3/45) than give up the prospects it will take to get Fielder. If we could sign Fielder I may feel differently but I have no doubt that Boras is going to take that guy to the marketplace and go for the $200 million contract. I'm not committing 8+ years to Fielder and his body type.

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What good is Fielder going to do us for the rest of the year and next if we have no pitching. And as a Boras client he wont extend. So it's a waste of resources.

Boras clients will extend - if you don't lowball them.

I'd offer him a 6/150 extension to start. That's more money per season than Mark Teixeira for two fewer years, but it's something to build on.

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Why would anyone in their right mind play for this team. Or sign a contract extension upon being traded here.

Money only goes so far.

Well MacPhail wouldn't stop at Fielder. He'd have to do a lot more in the offseason, including extending Fielder after he was done.

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If you make an extension part of the trade, then by all means you definitely go try to get Prince Fielder. If there is no extension as part of the trade terms, you do not trade for him. Logic says that if you overpay, you SHOULD be able to get the deal done. The problem is that the Orioles are so bad right now, Fielder might not want to extend with us.

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If you make an extension part of the trade, then by all means you definitely go try to get Prince Fielder. If there is no extension as part of the trade terms, you do not trade for him. Logic says that if you overpay, you SHOULD be able to get the deal done. The problem is that the Orioles are so bad right now, Fielder might not want to extend with us.

Well let's not forget, Boras has Matt Wieters on this team, and you can bet he'd love to get Wieters some help in the lineup so Wieters can take off, and become extremely valuable and give him another healthy commission.

Perhaps he can convince Prince that he and Matt would make a dynamic duo in Baltimore?

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Boras clients will extend - if you don't lowball them.

I'd offer him a 6/150 extension to start. That's more money per season than Mark Teixeira for two fewer years, but it's something to build on.

Care to give some examples. This is crazy. There will be other teams that need a 1B when he is a FA, and all of them will be more desirable than the O's.
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Care to give some examples. This is crazy. There will be other teams that need a 1B when he is a FA, and all of them will be more desirable than the O's.

Boston wants Adrian Gonzalez. St Louis could sign him if Pujols were to go to the Cubs or Yankees. The Yankees have Teixeira.

But who else really has the money?

The Angels have Morales. The Phillies have locked up Howard.

The Mets might bite, but would Prince want to play in CitiField where his offense could decline?

I mentioned the Cubs and Washington could be a suitor I suppose, as could the Giants and Mariners.

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