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Tejada deal up to Angelos


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Speed and defense probably used to be overvalued, maybe in the 80's. What's valued and undervalued changes. OBP used to be very undervalued, it's not anymore.

While defense is cheaper than offense, it is still much less important. Everett's been worth 1.8 WARP this year - Millar, 1.7.

Defense is undervalued, but it's not enough to carry a player on it's own. Beane noticed teams aren't placing enough of a premium on solid to good hitters with excellent defense. When a player "hits" like Everett does, though, it's just not worth it.

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Can someone give me a quick synopsis of what is going on? I don't feel like reading all 400 posts. Thx

Santana and Aybar have been offered for Tejada. O's apparently want Wood instead of Aybar and another prospect. Not sure if the Angels have upped their offer.

Astros have made a very strong offer according to sources. However, it's unclear what the offer is. We're pretty sure it involves Ensberg and Everett. Otherwise, maybe Nieve, maybe Lane, maybe one of their top prospects(Hirsh, Pence, Patton), not really sure. But it has been said to be the best offer by many in the media.

Dodgers were apparently the co-leaders as of yesterday, but probably dropped out of it after aquiring Betemit.

Rangers are also involved with an offer of Blalock, their top SS prospect who isn't that great imo, and one of their top pitching prospects.

We're also unsure of whether or not PA will approve any deals, he apparently nixed the Astros deal.

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While defense is cheaper than offense, it is still much less important. Everett's been worth 1.8 WARP this year - Millar, 1.7.

Defense is undervalued, but it's not enough to carry a player on it's own. Beane noticed teams aren't placing enough of a premium on solid to good hitters with excellent defense. When a player "hits" like Everett does, though, it's just not worth it.

His WARP3 is 3.8. I'm not trying to say Everett is that good, just that he's not as bad as someone described him as being.

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Santana and Aybar have been offered for Tejada. O's apparently want Wood instead of Aybar and another prospect. Not sure if the Angels have upped their offer.

Astros have made a very strong offer according to sources. However, it's unclear what the offer is. We're pretty sure it involves Ensberg and Everett. Otherwise, maybe Nieve, maybe Lane, maybe one of their top prospects(Hirsh, Pence, Patton), not really sure. But it has been said to be the best offer by many in the media.

Dodgers were apparently the co-leaders as of yesterday, but probably dropped out of it after aquiring Betemit.

Rangers are also involved with an offer of Blalock, their top SS prospect who isn't that great imo, and one of their top pitching prospects.

We're also unsure of whether or not PA will approve any deals, he apparently nixed the Astros deal.

Thx a lot, you saved me a lot of time.

I personally like the Angels deal the best if we can get Wood. I'd settle for Aybar if they sweetened the pot a little. He seems like a very good player.

As for the Astros, I'd take something that involved Ensberg and Hirsch plus another legitimate piece or two. No Everett, he sucks. I don't know why they are down on Ensberg, but last I looked he had an OPS just under .900. This deal wouldn't be nearly as good as the Angels deal though b/c of Ensberg's salary.

Tell the Rangers to keep Blalock. Texiera at least. Which is probably a pipe dream.

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I hope that they don't spend so much time on this thing (only to have it die on PA's desk) that they don't get anything else done either.

Just take the best package of talent. I don't care where they play or if it's a position of need for us. Get the best guys available.

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As much as Teixeira has underachieved this year against everyone but the O's (trust me, I took him with pick #2 in my fantasy league), I doubt they'd trade him face up for Tejada.

I think you're right, which is why you tell the Rangers, "stop bothering us ... we're working out a deal w/ the Angels or Astros. Come back when your ready to quit wasting our time."

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His WARP3 is 3.8. I'm not trying to say Everett is that good, just that he's not as bad as someone described him as being.

WARP1 is a better measure than WARP3, assuming you compare within seasons, not across them. Fahey's WARP3 is 2.0, in just about half the ABs.

Everett is Brandon Fahey, who we already have. He's just not very good.

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If we trade Tejada for santana,wood,abyar and some other player,hopefully figgins,i would be very excited. we could then send Rlo to the mets for Nady,and shop Benson around either at the deadline or in the offseason,we could have a very young and exciting team next year.Sign a big bat in the offseason.

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I hope that they don't spend so much time on this thing (only to have it die on PA's desk) that they don't get anything else done either.

Just take the best package of talent. I don't care where they play or if it's a position of need for us. Get the best guys available.

Well they can always trade Corey Patterson for Eric Byrnes... :rolleyes:

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