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Vlad about to fall in the O's lap?


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Vladdy Daddy is the funnest hitter to watch I've ever seen. His golfing balls that bounce 4' in front of the plate over the fence are legendary but I've also seen him hit balls a foot over his head over the fence. I doubt we will ever see another like him and I'd love for you guys to be able to watch him on an everyday basis like I had the privilege of doing for so many years.

In a word Vlad is simply incredible. In his eyes you can see a 10 year old boy on a sandlot.

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Well, let's see. What if Reimold does have a bounceback season, to approximately his 2009 levels? And on the other hand, what if Vlad reverts to the steady decline he was in before 2010?


Reimold: .279/15/45, .365/.466/.831 in 411 PAs

Vlad: .295/15/50, .334/.460/.794 in 407 PAs

Will Reimold be better than Vlad in 2011? Maybe not, because the 2010 numbers will tell a very different story than the one above. But it's hardly laughable.

2009(while injured) was the only season in the last 14 years where Vlad hit below .300 or had an OPS below .833 (including 10 season of at least a .900OPS and 3 of over .1000)

In the 11 seasons out of the last 13 where he had over 500 ab's he had driven in at least 91 runs in each of those 11 years(10 of which he drove in over 100)

And in 12 of the last 13 seasons he has hit 27 or more homers, with 2009(when hurt), being the ONLY season that he didn't.

Has he had a steady decline....yes. Is that steady decline related to age. Yes. Is that steady decline related even more to the fact that he was performing at super human levels earlier in his career....I believe it is. It's true he has had a steady decline....from winning the MVP to finishing 11th.

I think the problem that people have with the Reimold / Vlad comparisons are this.... they are silly.

I get it. People want to see Reimold succeed. So do I. Is Reimold Vlad? NO! Could he possible put up a season at some point in his career that comes close to matching any one season that Vlad has had while healthy? Maybe. Is it likely. NO! Does Reimold have a future with the Orioles... probably. Is it fair for anyone to expect he come close to the numbers of one of the most dominant right handed hitters in MLB history. Absolutely not. Is it fair to either player to try to compare the two. NO! But that is just my opinion.

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Vladdy Daddy is the funnest hitter to watch I've ever seen. His golfing balls that bounce 4' in front of the plate over the fence are legendary but I've also seen him hit balls a foot over his head over the fence. I doubt we will ever see another like him and I'd love for you guys to be able to watch him on an everyday basis like I had the privilege of doing for so many years.

In a word Vlad is simply incredible. In his eyes you can see a 10 year old boy on a sandlot.

He actually grew up playing with his brother and friends, practicing hitting a tape ball with a broom stick. Certainly explains the unmatched hand-eye coordination and ability to square. I agree, he is truly one of a kind (which is sometimes hard to remember when you watch the last three or four years of anyone's career).

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I have to admit, you swayed me a little there. The comparison to Baines is a really good one (only on pure numbers and shot knees, NO comparison on their styles. :P )

Still I think there's no way he comes here.

Oh yeah - totally different styles. Baines was so smooth and patient. He really, really knew how to wait for his pitch. His facial expression at the plate looked like he could have been watching clouds pass overhead on the beach at Ocean City. :cool:

Vlad is a lot more intense all around. I love watching his ABs too, but for almost opposite reasons. If he comes to Baltimore, I'd be happy. Like Peter Angelos, I have nursed a mancrush on Vlad for some time now.

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And considering we have Lester, Sabathia and Price in this division, killing LHP is a valuable trait...

But we also acquired Reynolds, Hardy, and Lee. And we have Reimold on the bench. We're plenty prepared for left handers. If we sign Vlad, we'll be thin on left handed bats.

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But we also acquired Reynolds, Hardy, and Lee. And we have Reimold on the bench. We're plenty prepared for left handers. If we sign Vlad, we'll be thin on left handed bats.

Not sure how that works, since he'd likely take Reimold's spot on the roster. Or do you mean signing Vlad as opposed to Thome?

Edit: Just realized you're probably anticipating a Scott trade.

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Actually, out of our current starters, only Jones and Pie don't have good plate discipline, and if we sign Guerrero then Pie wouldn't be playing much anyway.

But if they do decide to sign a DH, I agree about Thome, because I think he'll be better this year than Guerrero.

Hardy doesn't walk much either. Wieters discipline hasn't really translated yet either but he could easily improve. Our bench players right now are hackers but that's not as much of a problem I guess. I will admit we are looking better in that department than I originally was thinking but I'd still prefer Thome.

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