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Adam Dunn on the Block?


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And you're being unrealistic. The reality is that if CIN allows us to talk to him and he goes, "Y'know guys, I really want to play in Texas. Nothing personal. The only way I sign with you is if HOU, TEX, both NY teams and BOS turn me down." then no way. But if he says, "I'd consider it, but you really have to make a commitment to winning, or else I'm out after one year." then that changes things considerably. That conversation is not impossible to have.
BTW, although the report is questionable, and there is an NTC involved, this very situation supposedly happened with Burrell. He doesn't want to be here, we don't trade anything more than Gibbons and Benson for him.
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Haha! It's you guys who are in fantasy land. You can't make a decision unless everything is in black and white. When I lay out a simple hypothetical that you are getting Dunn and you don't know if you have him for one year or more, that you guys can't handle that hypothetical. You have to qualify every opinion. You trying out for the baseball team or the girl's softball team this spring? :D

Dude, what the hell are you trying to prove, anyway? As near as I can tell, everyone answered your question in a reasonable fashion, and you keep on coming back and calling people sissies and telling us we live in fantasy land. Whats your problem today?

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Okay. The guys who like Dunn the most are the guys who tend to believe in the statistical analysis. No problem there. Now show us how much value you place in him for the O's. Which of the following trades would you accept to get Dunn for the one guaranteed year that you'd have him.

1. Penn & Hoey for Dunn

2. Cabrera or Loewen straight up for Dunn

3. Jay Gibbons & Kris Benson for Dunn

Anyone can comment but I particulary want the stat guys (Drungo, Baltimoron, Stallion, Bryan, etc.) to tell how far they'd go to acquire him. Which of these deals is easy for you to do? Which are difficult? Remember, you get Dunn for one year, and you can assume the O's will try to make other deals but you don't know what they are. The assumption is that the O's are trying to compete next year.

Number 3. That might be doable if Benson had another year on his contract. Gibbons is actually a defensive upgrade over Dunn.:D

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Does Dunn have a NTC? If he doesn't then I don't see the comparison.
Not to my knowledge, but it's still reasonable to ask Dunn beforehand if he would sign an extension. It's also reasonable for the team to deny that request.

I'm just saying that you're claiming that "in the real world" people take huge risks without knowing the outcome, all the time. Really? Do they? Do you?

Imagine you were dating a really nice, more-or-less average girl, but you got word that you could sleep with this amazingly hot girl, but somehow you didn't know if she was into you. You could either:

1.) Dump the nice girl and sleep with the hot girl, knowing that girl 1 is gone forever and that maybe the hot girl is just in it to steal your wallet


2.) Keep the nice girl, tell the hot girl to bugger off and be satisfied that you didn't give up what you had.

Wouldn't you need to know a little bit more about the situation? Like if the hot girl was worth anything as a person? Whether she liked you or not?

I know it's not a perfect analogy, but would you sleep with the hot girl and piss off your current girlfriend, on the outside shot that the hot girl really liked you?

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I cannot see this guy, at least not making him a central part of your batting order.

He strikes out way too much, his BA w/MOB is terrible, he can't hit lefties for the most part.I keep hearing this OPS and OBA stuff, but most of it's walks and not good hitting.

3-year stats 2003-2005 2006 in parenthesis


against LH pitching .241 (.270-but only .215 vs, righties now:D )

RISP -.236 (.221)

runners on .243 (.217 !!!!)

runner on third, less than 2 out .195 (.150)

He's a poor hitter in the power spots in the order (and even worse this year)

He's fanned a third of the time over his career, This year it was almost 40% (and people knock Cory Patterson?)

Bases loaded .231 (.273 this year-whoopee)

In .2005, I compared his to the abysmal situational numbers Sosa put up. For the most part, Sosa's were better. Maybe I'd give them Benson for him; that's about it. Bat him 6th or 7th. This guy isn't the answer.

Great post! Well researched and well written.

Adam Dunn is a perfect example of be careful what you wish for. Doesn't anyone wonder why Cincinnati is so anxious to dump him?

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Great post! Well researched and well written.

Adam Dunn is a perfect example of be careful what you wish for. Doesn't anyone wonder why Cincinnati is so anxious to dump him?

Because they're stupid?

Again, you want Placido Polanco?

He picked out a few minor flaws that are widely insignificant in scoring runs in baseball. No one's claiming Dunn is perfect, but he's darn close.

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He picked out a few minor flaws that are widely insignificant in scoring runs in baseball. No one's claiming Dunn is perfect, but he's darn close.
Great post! Well researched and well written.

Adam Dunn is a perfect example of be careful what you wish for. Doesn't anyone wonder why Cincinnati is so anxious to dump him?

Methinks the truth lies somewhere between the abject loathing and puppy love.

Dunn is a flawed, yet still valuable player.

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Methinks the truth lies somewhere between the abject loathing and puppy love.

Dunn is a flawed, yet still valuable player.

Drungo! The voice of moderation, as always.

Dunn is very good at what he does, which is get on base and hit for power. I think he'd be a tremendous 2-hole hitter, like Abreu with less speed and more power.

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Methinks the truth lies somewhere between the abject loathing and puppy love.

Dunn is a flawed, yet still valuable player.

Potential to be a top 10 'offenseman' (since SG permanently objects to my use of the word "hitter") in baseball, 26...in terms of playing baseball, he's one of the best.

And yeah, if they're going to represent the "Dunn stinks horribly" extreme, someone has to represent the "man-crush" extreme.

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