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Rosenthal reports that Bedard trade talks have slowed


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I think it's just as likely that, as others have said, Angelos doesn't want to trade him now because of the steroid thing. He probably thinks he's doing the right thing by standing by a guy who's been a great asset to his team right now.

Either way, I think we'll know soon enough. Unless he's getting a boatload of money, I just don't see Andy MacPhail ruining his well deserved reputation to be a puppet for Angelos.

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If PA torpedoes ANY deal that AM puts together, it will just show that more of the same is going on in Baltimore. At some point, I'm just going to give up.

But but but... we can build a winner around Roberts and Bedard. Haven't you been paying attention the last few years? :rolleyes:

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The funny thing is, he didn't want Marcus Giles because he was a steroid user.

Funny that the steroid stuff matters except for his little pet.

What a f'ing joke.

All this stuff about AM being able to do what he wants is just garbage I guess.

I suspect alleged alcoholic had at least as much to do with it as alleged steroid user. Plus, with Giles you have a case of a guy whose numbers tanked when testing began. Roberts tried the stuff before he was good and has been a much better player in more recent years. Angelos, like any other owner, cares about production and marketability. It's not about moral judgements. He knows deep down that his and his colleagues' looking the other way or worse contributed to guys trying steroids.

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I'm not taking sides here, but...

We have Peace saying Angelos is involved and talks are slowing down.

Last night Belkast was hearing that both, Bedard and Roberts, "should" be traded by the end of the week, and he has repeatedly said that Angelos is staying out of things.

Both are telling us what they are hearing...so, hard to tell what is really going on.

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The funny thing is, he didn't want Marcus Giles because he was a steroid user.

Funny that the steroid stuff matters except for his little pet.

What a f'ing joke.

All this stuff about AM being able to do what he wants is just garbage I guess.

That steroid stuff matters when your other information is limited - with Roberts, Angelos's opinon is based on first-hand knowledge/experience. You might disagree with it, but it's understandable.

The second part - well, we seem to be falling into the same pattern we did with the Wieters negotiations. A little, threadbare, bad news and suddenly the sky is falling, it's Andy McFail, and the Orioles don't deserve our attention.

I'll say now what I said then - if & when the Orioles fail to pull the trigger on a good trade for Roberts, then this kind of vitriol will be warranted. But you don't have enough - or any quality - information that should lead you to believe that Roberts won't get moved if the deal is right.

Now, perhaps the timing of the issue gets complicated - and no doubt, the PR whilrwind w/ Roberts is ill-timed. But that's not dispositive of anything.

And there's nothing, yet, other than rumor that suggests AM doesn't have autonomy to do what's necessary. Nothing.

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And now the Miggy deal just seems stupid. If you're not going to trade either Brob or Bedard, why not just keep Miggy and do what we've all done for the past 5 years and pray that everything magically comes together for a season. This is worse than the time I developed my own electric razor!

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I suspect alleged alcoholic had at least as much to do with it as alleged steroid user. Plus, with Giles you have a case of a guy whose numbers tanked when testing began. Roberts tried the stuff before he was good and has been a much better player in more recent years. Angelos, like any other owner, cares about production and marketability. It's not about moral judgements. He knows deep down that his and his colleagues' looking the other way or worse contributed to guys trying steroids.

Good lord....Bottom line is PA has been against the steroid stuff except for when his little pet is involved...It is a complete joke.

When it comes to BRob, you are becoming a broken record...He could microwave baby kittens and you would still bow at his presence.

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I suspect alleged alcoholic had at least as much to do with it as alleged steroid user. Plus, with Giles you have a case of a guy whose numbers tanked when testing began. Roberts tried the stuff before he was good and has been a much better player in more recent years. Angelos, like any other owner, cares about production and marketability. It's not about moral judgements. He knows deep down that his and his colleagues' looking the other way or worse contributed to guys trying steroids.

If you can get back three ML contributors for one, you make the deal.

Considering the reputation Angelos has, he is waaaaay to much of a sentimental old fart to own a baseball team.

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Just a thought, and I rarely have them so this is a big moment for me, but perhaps both AM and PA have resigned in their own way to trading Brian but are concerned with the timing at this point.

The Mitchell report came out and they defended Brian, his admission and the ensuing, eloquent statement from PA have all just taken place. Perhaps PA feels that the trade so shortly after these events may look as if he is abandoning Brian, clearly a player and a young man he thinks a great deal of. Again, I really have no idea, but I might find myself having those sentiments as well if it were me.

AM has done an excellent job to this point of playing off of PA, recall the Weiters signing where there was heated debate over how much involvement PA had. Maybe it is even more likely to say that AM is using PA's well known admiration of Brian as a further bargaining chip; in negotiations every little bit helps.

In the end, I believe AM is planning to use a piece garned from the EB trade to help us land Pie from the Cubs although Davearm has made it clear he does not believe this will happen, or perhaps more likely a piece from the Cubs deal to help us land a further piece or pieces from the Red's or M's. If I were AM and I were working the latter, I would first see if I could squeeze that last piece out of the M's or Red's by hinting that Brian may not be movable because the one person who can over-ride me is having second thoughts, and see where the chips fall. We already heard about a "mystery midwest team" this week and I have no doubt that was to put pressure on the Reds as well. I think he is handling this brilliantly to this point and although it may all fall out from under him like great poker hands we have all played, he is trying to get as many chips into the pot as he can and the bigger, the better.

P.S. I started with one train of thought and my stupidity took over and went a completely different direction! Do they make those Garmin things for our brains as well as our cars?

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