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Bobby Valentine about the Red Sox


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"I thought I did a hell of a job in Boston. I thought what had to be done there was done, except for winning a pennant- but Connie Mack wasn't gonna win with that team. It's six months of a 62-year life. It's six months of a 42-year career in baseball. It's a blip, a little spot on the radar, as far as I'm concerned."

Bobby Valentine said he did 'hell of a job' with Red Sox, no one winning 'with that team' http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/backpage/valentine_said_with_that_hell_winning_QCRuTpyEJxsX1KsoyYcsjO#ixzz2M24akSIY

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Bobby Valentine: "but Connie Mack wasn't gonna win with that team."

Actually, there were A LOT of teams that Connie Mack wasn't going to win with (and didn't win with.) His teams lost 100 or more games 10 times in 36 years while the schedule still only had 154 games. Plus, he lost 98 or 99 games an additional 4 times in that span, which would compute to 100 or more losses in a 162-game schedule.


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Anytime I read about Bobby Valentine I thank baby jesus that he "pulled his name from consideration" of the O's job. Imagine if he would've been given the manager job here instead of Buck.

Yes. That was a shiver that just ran down your spine.

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Didn't Francona win with that team the year before? I mean he didn't go to the playoffs, but he didn't lose 90 times either.

I don't know that Francona would have won with this team, either. I think he would have won more games than Valentine did, but with the injuries the Red Sox experienced, they simply weren't very good.

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Anytime I read about Bobby Valentine I thank baby jesus that he "pulled his name from consideration" of the O's job. Imagine if he would've been given the manager job here instead of Buck.

Yes. That was a shiver that just ran down your spine.

The same goes for Joe Girardi. I know Yankee fans that would give their left arm to switch managers so that they could have Bucky back, and rid themselves of Girardi, who turned us down in 2007.


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