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Yankee Brian Roberts. (Update: Signs for $2M+)


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I don't think that statement could ever be funny or in good taste. I'd neg-rep you if I didn't think people, myself included, should get at least one pass for saying extremely stupid and insensitive things.

Honestly, I was just following up on CoC's statement, and figured PA would like to hang his uniform in effigy. Didn't really think about the lynching implications, but I do see your point and stand corrected. It's too easy for something like that to be carried to an extreme or taken the wrong way.

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What a great country this is

You can pocket 40 million dollars and do absolutely nothing to earn it....

and than find a sucker to give you another 2 million.

I have real doubts about the morals and integrity of Brian Roberts.

I know he is just playing the system... but certainly he doesn't answer to any higher calling.

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What a great country this is

You can pocket 40 million dollars and do absolutely nothing to earn it....

and than find a sucker to give you another 2 million.

I have real doubts about the morals and integrity of Brian Roberts.

I know he is just playing the system... but certainly he doesn't answer to any higher calling.

It is.

It's called a guaranteed contract. That's the risk a team takes when they sign a player to a long term contract.

I'm sure that BRob's next job will be as a "barker" on the traveling carnival circuit.

I don't. However, I'm not going to judge his morality on the fct that he signed a guaranteed contract, was legitimately injured, and was paid for the length of the said contract.

He's "playing" a game that pays him handsomely. Although I'm not a person of faith, it's ridiculous for you to state that he does not answer to a "higher calling".

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Between you and Roch, me thinks that the "behind the scenes" BRob isn't the fan favorite that we all have seen over the past 12 years. :scratchchinhmm:

A lot of guys... aren't. I know nothing about Roberts, short of what he did on the field and what was occasionally reported on him. But I've met enough professional athletes (and people that have known them) over the years to know that there are sometimes fan favorites that are, well... not so nice off-the-field... and guys that have been booed by home crowds, despite being absolutely fantastic human beings.

At the end of the day, we know very little about these guys, short of the numbers they post and the choreographed answers they throw around to the press. It's just how it goes.

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A lot of guys... aren't. I know nothing about Roberts, short of what he did on the field and what was occasionally reported on him. But I've met enough professional athletes (and people that have known them) over the years to know that there are sometimes fan favorites that are, well... not so nice off-the-field... and guys that have been booed by home crowds, despite being absolutely fantastic human beings.

At the end of the day, we know very little about these guys, short of the numbers they post and the choreographed answers they throw around to the press. It's just how it goes.

Buck seemed to love the little rascal, FWIW. Robby....:thumbsup1:

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I try to be a logical unemotional guy when it comes to this stuff. But there appears to be plenty of anecdotal evidence that Roberts clearly didn't want to come back here. The fact that he made $40mm over the last 4 years while playing as many games as the 4th man on the bench and didn't have the common courtesy or have enough respect for the organization to at least talk to them about coming back before signing with the YANKEES really ticks me off. I know it's business and all but how you conduct your business says a lot about you as a person. I have lost all respect for the guy. I don't want him to be in the Orioles HOF. Don't get me wrong, I didn't want him back but to it appears he went radio silent and snuck to the Yankees. I can get past him being injured during the 4 years, that stuff happens. I can accept him moving on (even to the Yankees) but the way it has apparently gone down to me it's Shadesville.

I am sure I am being overly sensitive and am wrong about all of this but its how I feel right this minute.

Personally, I think there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that Duquette did not want Roberts back. He went out and acquired multiple younger second base options and other than generic statements to the press, he never made any offers to get him to come back. Clearly this is a case where the organization wanted to go in a different direction. Roberts just signed with the first organization that probably offered him a major league contract. My biggest issue I now can't say Mu$$ina is the only drafted and developed Oriole to sign with the Yankees as a free agent.

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