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Blue Jays claim Nolan Reimold


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How do we know this? And how do we know the Orioles don't? They have a hotel in CF, we have a warehouse in RC, a hotel in LC. If it's all about their hitting splits, well, a lot of teams play in hitter's parks. Blue Jays pitchers have almost the same H/R splits as their hitters, as in their pitchers do worse at home than on the road.




They’re a very potent offense and if you don’t make your pitches down they’re going to get them out. They were taking some pretty big hacks on my breaking stuff too, which leads me to believe it was something else. It is what it is. I need to keep the ball down.

When you’re locating your fastball, you’re going to give up some home runs there, but the swings they were taking on he breaking stuff, it was pretty amazing to me. I don’t think you can take swings like that not knowing they’re coming. I don’t know. That’s all I can say. There’s rumors and things like that. I don’t know. I can’t speak on that, but they were taking very, very big strong hacks on breaking stuff. It was something I’ve never seen before.

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I wish Reimold luck. I wont even care if he hits a HR off the O's, as long as the O's win, of course. But my feelings about Reimold leaving are the same as Brob and Arrieta.

Exactly. Time to move on and if they do great more power to them. I am fine with Cruz taking Reimold's spot at DH. I have a hard time believing he will beat Cruz's production this season but hey anythings possible.

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Didn't Reimold even get hurt a little again during his recent rehab stint? I seem to recall him sitting out a couple games with a sore hamstring or something to that effect.

Why anyone would think he would have any chance of staying healthy, no matter who he's playing for, is beyond me. I too would have rather have seen him get a shot w/ the O's, but there is no sense in getting rid of a player who is fitting well into his role (Young) for one who might be hurt after one game or something.

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Is Nolan Reimold better than Jack Cust?

Is Cust even in baseball anymore? The 2004 Cust was a decent player, IMO. Except the Orioles had a rotating cast of over-aged vets they wanted to DH instead. Took another few years for a AL team desperate enough to DH Cust.

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Is Cust even in baseball anymore? The 2004 Cust was a decent player, IMO. Except the Orioles had a rotating cast of over-aged vets they wanted to DH instead. Took another few years for a AL team desperate enough to DH Cust.

Cust got a ST invite from the O's. Didn't survive camp. Complained about the defensive drills.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Nolan Reimold in lineup batting eighth for <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlueJays?src=hash">#BlueJays</a> vs <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Angels?src=hash">#Angels</a> <a href="http://t.co/7XvwkUQYtC">pic.twitter.com/7XvwkUQYtC</a></p>— Shi Davidi (@ShiDavidi) <a href="

">July 7, 2014</a></blockquote>

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